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C&D Filed Against DN


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I wonder, has Yugioh Card Maker faced any legal dilemmas from Konami? I think I heard it has happened before but some loophole kept them from taking any legal action. Reminds me of the YCM wikia that barley had any card art.


Konami has never taken any legal action against this site, iirc. There was a time where some artists complained that their art was used for card making, but that's as far as anything has gone.

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I wonder, has Yugioh Card Maker faced any legal dilemmas from Konami? I think I heard it has happened before but some loophole kept them from taking any legal action. Reminds me of the YCM wikia that barley had any card art.


If memory serves me correctly, then I don't believe we have gotten any legal issues with Konami or NAS. I know we had a disclaimer that said we are not affiliated with Konami or any of its associates (or in a nutshell; we have nothing to do with Konami, NAS or whoever else is in charge of the anime/manga, card game and so forth).


With that in mind, we're just making custom cards/showing them off, discussing certain aspects of the game and notes about the anime/manga; certainly, all of those are permissible.


Only legal obligation stuff we probably have is likely stuff related to image copyright from deviantArt (or other places if they arise) for card art; again, if you at least credit where you found the artwork, then you should generally be fine. There's a really old sticky about image usage, but I don't think people even look at it now (compounded with the fact that YCMaker/Falling Pizza aren't around to even deal with the reports).


There was only about one image copyright thing within the past year (although said artist necrobumped the thread in question to mention that fact; that was resolved).



EDIT: Zanda beat me to the punch on the Konami copyright, but point stands.

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I'm not really sure what the legalities are with regards to what DN can/cannot do either, so apologies if I'm not much help here. I would assume that as long as they don't make money off of the use of the cards or images, they should be fine using them. They didn't have any issues doing it up until now; if NAS/Konami or whoever didn't like it back then, they would've filed this much earlier.


(There was a note about them using the card sleeves at an earlier time, but that's about it.)


They used the official card backs early on in DN. That didn't fly. Also, DN does not fall into fair use, so they literally have no case.

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On some aspects, I kinda agree with Winter.

Independently from whatever issues DN has as a site overall, it is true that it has a special place as THE Yugioh online playing site for excellence, which allows it to cut itself some slack when it comes to certain matters, because people aren't exactly prone to leaving it in a way that is dangerous to the site's life. I've seen complains about bad users, bad admins, about updates, and random bans, so even if those are either unavoidable or just aren't enough of a deal breaker, rather than the "ain't broken don't fix it" mentality, any potential improvement even if irrelevant, isn't a bad thing, and is worth trying.


The argument reminded me on YouTube's, where they can afford to funk with the users's rights because they know they are THE video watching site for excellence, and won't be bested overnight despite all that. It also reminded me of the banlist arguments, where me and other users want certain cards that are not irrelevant to come off the list, while I've seen other people flatly shut down that idea because "who cares? they are irrelevant, so they might as well stay", which IMO is ignoring part of the audience just because the other part doesn't care about it.


Same thing... I don't think adding in an OCG list to the site to play with would actually take them all that much work. They already pretty much update with the cardpool anyways, so they just need to notice what's different, which can probably be counted with my fingers and toes combined. Much more if done by more than one person and over the course of more than just one sitting. There's no audience for it but there's also no place for it to have an audience for it to begin with. It IS a free site so I'm not actively complaining if they don't add such a thing. I'm just saying it cannot really go bad so, why not? I'd like to personally be able to test out both formats because that's an advantage of it being digital. IRL we are bound to be localized and thus TCG is our only real option, and OCG we can often just look and/or theory-oh, or test out things on a very VERY limited spectrum such as "we 5 or 10 people decided to make a tournament based on X list".

To be fair though, the part where it'll for sure promote more diversity is more of a risk move. If the main site ended up being taken down, there's no guarantee anybody would wanna risk getting the same hit for trying to rise a new version(s) up and make the potential improvements be worth the trouble, because who is to say the ones behind the C&D would stop at this lone move? and there's no guarantee that even if it was, that we'd actually see an improvement, or that it'd get enough audience due to potential fragmentation of the audience across different sites. The whole idea brings up new problems on its own. I don't really wanna exchange my place at DN for accounts in 3+ other different sites that could come off from it. 

Err.... I'm getting overboard here.... My post's point wasn't meant to get involved into the complex idea of diversification of sites and/or improvement through it, it was just to say "implementations would not really hurt". I don't think it'd end up with no audience. It could have no audience in a seasonal sense because people would gravitate towards the most enjoyable of the formats at the given moment.

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I might not like DN or it's policies, but that's no reason to sheet on the rest of you guys who do. That really hypocritical of me, when I'm criticizing y'all for keeping OCG down, but then subsequently withholding this and keeping y'all down


So enjoy this version I guess.




Has Images & all

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I've not gone on DN in a good while, basically since getting YGOpro I've used that primarily. DN going a bit broken for me didn't exactly help, but regardless of the kind of cold feeling of pro, it's largely easier and less annoying to deal with from simply a gameplay standpoint. Automated simulation will obviously be easier in general then manual anyway though so that's more or less a given.


However, I've had an account on DN since September 2011 and despite my varying activity still have done over 1000 singles and matches (that are recorded anyway, feel there was more possibly), and honestly I preferred it to pro just because nostalgia more than anything. In terms of features it lacks tags, 2v1s, different formats (in a way that doesn't require pre-coordination to be executed), and allowing cards like Convulsion of Nature or Exchange to work at all well. There are others but those are the main gripes I'd have, and while yes it may be a minority that have any interest in any of those, when there's an alternative that offers them all for free and on a platform where you don't have to spend 20 minutes arguing with retards over what should be simple rulings, there's no real reason to stay with the one that seems perfectly happy to never change.


Like literally since 2011 I can't think of a feature implemented to DN apart from fundamentally necessary things that had to be done for new game mechanics, like pendulum zones and... well that's basically it. That being said I'll miss it, should it just die or fade into obscurity. There may well have been no incentive for them to improve with having no competitors in terms of flash-based dueling simulators but ygo and dev are miles ahead now and egh. It had problems sure, but it served a function that previously wasn't really available and so people were willing to forgive the flaws in exchange for the mere ability to use what it did have.


I realise I'm talking now as if the site's dead so I'll end.


Still though, this image makes me sad:



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I've not gone on DN in a good while, basically since getting YGOpro I've used that primarily. DN going a bit broken for me didn't exactly help, but regardless of the kind of cold feeling of pro, it's largely easier and less annoying to deal with from simply a gameplay standpoint. Automated simulation will obviously be easier in general then manual anyway though so that's more or less a given.


However, I've had an account on DN since September 2011 and despite my varying activity still have done over 1000 singles and matches (that are recorded anyway, feel there was more possibly), and honestly I preferred it to pro just because nostalgia more than anything. In terms of features it lacks tags, 2v1s, different formats (in a way that doesn't require pre-coordination to be executed), and allowing cards like Convulsion of Nature or Exchange to work at all well. There are others but those are the main gripes I'd have, and while yes it may be a minority that have any interest in any of those, when there's an alternative that offers them all for free and on a platform where you don't have to spend 20 minutes arguing with retards over what should be simple rulings, there's no real reason to stay with the one that seems perfectly happy to never change.


Like literally since 2011 I can't think of a feature implemented to DN apart from fundamentally necessary things that had to be done for new game mechanics, like pendulum zones and... well that's basically it. That being said I'll miss it, should it just die or fade into obscurity. There may well have been no incentive for them to improve with having no competitors in terms of flash-based dueling simulators but ygo and dev are miles ahead now and egh. It had problems sure, but it served a function that previously wasn't really available and so people were willing to forgive the flaws in exchange for the mere ability to use what it did have.


I realise I'm talking now as if the site's dead so I'll end.


Still though, this image makes me sad:





Just checked, older version still works. We're gonna be up sheet's creek when TDIL hits, but that won't REALLY affect TCG. The only things that seem odd is profile pics which work sometime, but not always. Other than that, it's DN as usual - some of the salty trolls who lost interest 

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Feel similarly about DN like Enguin does.


I hope that DN image blackout ends soon so I can use DN again because I actually enjoyed it for a while.


Doubt it's actually going to end, because BLS was blatantly stealing images that it did not own.

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Well, I read on DNF that BLS has made some kind of agreement with Konami, and that the images should be back within a couple weeks. Whether or not that's actually true remains to be seen. In fact, I'm actually expecting this to be false

Idk if I'm looking at the same agreement you are but the one I saw mentioned he would be going to duel Konami using his best Skull Servant deck and attempt to send them to the shadow realm.


So I wouldn't get too antsy over it.

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