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I Have No Friends [Amorphage April 2016]


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Vector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord x2


Amorphage Cavum x3


Amorphage Irritium x3


Amorphage Orge x3


Amorphage Yperifaneia x3


Archfiend Eccentrick x2


Guiding Ariadne x3


Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer


Samurai Cavalry of Retier x3



Amorphage Infection x3


Pot of Riches x2


Twin Twisters x2


Wavering Eyes



Amorphage Lysis x2


Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell x3


Solemn Strike x3


Solemn Warning



Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer


Dinoster Power, the Mighty Dracoslayer


Abyss Dweller


Cairngorgon, the Antiluminescent Knight


Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer


Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon


Gagaga Cowboy


Majester Paladin, the Ascending Dracoslayer x2








Utopia Prime


Utopia the Lightning


Rhapsody in Berserk



Basically floodgate central. Try to lock the opponent down with Amorphage effects while further crippling them with counter traps enabled by Ariadne, Cursed Seal and Solemn Strike being extremely effective at hitting key spells and monsters. A little slow to start as well as a little difficult to pilot at the moment, it's very different from what I've played before, especially since I've been playing Frightfur and Trains for the last few months.

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