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Disney is taking none of your shit, Georgia.


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Anyone else getting sick of the double standards Winter is expressing just to not admit that he's a homophobe?

No, just me? ok then. Not to mention this entire argument is entirely off topic


I'm allways glad to see companies standing up for values beyond "More money = Good", and to have Disney stand up against LGBT+ values is a welcome sight indeed given how the US as a whole seems to still stuggle on accepting them


I can only hope this makes georgian lawmakers reconsider their actions, though knowing how hardline some of the anti-LGBT crowd can be, I'm not expecting much

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Finn didn't have to be black to show the diversity of Stormtroopers. Jango Fett's not white, Finn just as easily could've been white, or maybe Asian. Maybe they just cast a black actor and that's that. Yeah, Stormtroopers aren't just abunch of Jango Fett clones, so what? The movie had female Stormtroopers as well, are we gonna say they were only put in the movie to further show off it's not Fett clones?


Why can't people just be black or just be gay or whatever it is they are without there having to be a stupid reason for it? The argument and assumption that one character trait would be in place only because of plot or lore while another would be there solely for shoehorning or pandering is ridiculous without any sort of official comment or other explicit statement.

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Tokenism is a legitimate concern. It is a very bad practice and would just set back actual equality that people have been working for years.


But on the other hand, representing something with a good intent is not a problem. Never is. No one need a plot reason why they need to be Black, White, Latino, gay, trans, disabled, or whatever when it comes to fiction. It's only a problem if a character is defined entirely by what they're representing, but it's not necessarily a problem depending on context. 


Shoehorning will be an issue if what you shoehorn is a walking stereotype that's just around so you can achieve the allusion of diversity. Like if you include character A whose entire point of existing is being gay, so you can say that you have a gay character in the story.


On the other hand, there's people like Finn. He's a stormtrooper, a crack shooter, gets into bad situation often, and a traitor...and he's just happen to be black. There's also Dumbledore, a great and wise headmaster, a great teacher and even better wizard...who just happen to be gay.


There's a big difference in what's a problem and what's not.

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I might be being naive here, but I really don't get it. Gay people exist. A lead character in a film is gay. Others aren't. Black people exist. A lead character is black. Others aren't. Again this just sounds naive but I don't see any quotas being filled here, a character happens to be gay just as other characters happen to be tall or have certain personalities or whatever. I feel like too much thought is being put into this.

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I don't know about homosexuals in the SW universe, but I do recall a transgender character from the expanded universe (which was canned, thanks to Disney). Although it was pre-Disney so it was possible then and now. As for race. BEFORE Disney acquisition, Lando Calrisian existed, Mace Windu Existed ECT. Personally I'd prefer that Lando showed up than Fin in SW7. As for stormtroopers: THEY ARE NOT ALL CLONES. Most stormtroopers at this point are human recruits, the few clones where in Vader's Fist, which where the legion on Endor. This is canon even by Disney standards so Fin being black is of no relevance. Jango Fett is white: the actor that portrays him is just a tanned Caucasian from New Zealand.


As for racial/LGBT quotas: I personally don't know Disney's stance on their "activism". But one thing Disney is known for is maintaining an image of political correctness. I doubt that having a Black actor portray the main character is Disney's attempts at forcing diversity. I suppose if each character was of different races/orientations ECT to the point of no two characters being the same in each "diversified" category, then that would most likely indicate a quota.

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Finn being straight, black or a f**king Hutt would add just as much if he were gay, asexual or had a thing for a gangbang of Wookies. Nothing at all to the story. Except something personal to sink our teeth into. 

That being said... 


Disney, you make me proud.

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Jango Fett is white: the actor that portrays him is just a tanned Caucasian from New Zealand.


He's of Maori (indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand) descent, so I disagree with this, given Temuera Morrison's complexion and facial features.

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Exactly, so just having a character being gay without making it relevant to the plot is the best way to do this.

I see companies trying to strong arm states as a short term fix and a long term problem. All you're doing is building hostility by subjugating people against their views. Good luck if you think this will make Georgians, bless their heart, and less homo"phobic"


I moved to the south, I'm not straight, and I'm certainly not white. From that perspective, I'll be honest. This has done nothing but set back relations 10 years.


People. Don't. Like. Being. Blackmailed.

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People. Don't. Like. Being. Blackmailed.

The sad fact is that, no matter which side you take, people always tend to try to resolve conflicts with threats and blackmailing, which only makes things worse.


I won't condone or oppose what Disney is doing, but I don't like the monopoly Disney has placed on the Movie industry and the fact they can strongarm Movie Theaters to play their movies over others, killing the Indie market indefinitely. F*ck Disney in that regard.

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Well, taking their business elsewhere is one of those things that comes with the free market. it's not so much blackmailing as it is speaking with their wallet. it's not really anything all that significant, unless of course disney turns out to be a large source of cash in Georgia.

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Does anyone know what the bill actually says?  There are a lot of bills that just promote discrimination but there are certain things (like religious institutions not being forced to perform ceremonies for gay marriages or what have you) that I would absolutely support. 

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The bill is eight pages, so if you want to read the full thing, you can check it here.


The summary is as follows:


A BILL to be entitled an Act to protect religious freedoms; to amend Chapter 3 of Title 19 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to marriage generally, so as to provide that religious officials shall not be required to perform marriage ceremonies in violation of their legal right to free exercise of religion; to amend Chapter 1 of Title 10 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to selling and other trade practices, so as to change certain provisions relating to days of rest for employees of business and industry; to protect property owners which are religious institutions against infringement of religious freedom; to define a term; to provide an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

There would a lot to sift through, so if you really feel like it, you can look up the Code that would be amended here. But generally, if you're familiar with Kim Davis, then this act would be legalizing what she did.

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 There would a lot to sift through, so if you really feel like it, you can look up the Code that would be amended here. But generally, if you're familiar with Kim Davis, then this act would be legalizing what she did.

Wasn't she the one who refused to hand out a certificate because of her religious beliefs?

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