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Favorite Characters You've Encountered.

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One thing I've noticed while rping here is that it's hard to make a good character. Usually, you only have a few weeks or so before your rp dies and you barely have a chance to develop your character. 

So without the time to develop, you have to put your best foot forward and hope for the best. However, people don't usually tell you if you're doing a good job or if they like your character. So you never learn what works and what doesn't. That's what this is for.

Basically, try to think of a character you liked in an rp, say who used them, and why you liked them.



For example, I like Hyde's character Taiga from Pokemon Gijinka: The Fallen God. I like her hot-blooded-ness, and how it can get her in trouble. She's also tsundere in a way, and while I usually don't like those characters, Hyde plays her in such a way that she's likeable.

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Oz from the first HxH RP Aix did. Character made by Raine. They were so strange but basically every post was really fun to read, loved it a lot.


Also Andx's talking dog security guard from Hotel Atlantica. Just for the fact of what they were....I mean come on talking dog security guard.


There's plenty more and I'll try and think about which ones. It's not all just "fun" ones either.

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Roxie Blackstone ("Havoc"), played by Lvl 19 Hollow, as well as Kiara Foster ("Arcana"), played by ~Renegade~, from Teen Titans: Twilight of the Gods. Both are really strong, independent and well-developed leading ladies in their own way, and each of them grapples with her own demons throughout the course of the story. They both provide a unique dynamic (a good mix between friendliness, lighthearted comedy, and pure badass attitude) and help keep the rest of the team members on-task and in good spirits, despite all of the hardships that they go through. They're pretty much the heart and soul of the team.

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Some of my favorite characters that I've had the pleasure of interacting with go pretty far back in my RP career. In the first iteration of Pokemon: Tournament of Legends, Merciful Sans played a villain by the name of N.N. that I adored. The theme of the character was great but what I really liked about him was that despite being one of the RPs main villains he was always very understated in his abilities. I think it was the minimalistic approach to the character that I appreciated. 

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