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El-Shaddoll Construct

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1 "Shaddoll" monster + 1 LIGHT monster


Must first be Fusion Summoned. If this card is Special Summoned: You can send 1 "Shaddoll" card from your Deck to the Graveyard. At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles a Special Summoned monster: Destroy that monster. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 "Shaddoll" Spell/Trap Card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand.



So I've been really back and forth on this card and I'm still not sure where it should lie on the Limited/Banned lists. Banned April 1st 2015 from limited in OCG. If the year+format turn over ratios set by Trishula and Zenmaity still hold for OCG, Construct should ripe for an unban in the July list. However this really isn't such a clear cut case as it may seem. Construct does have it's pros and cons for the game.


Construct (shot)


1) Hand Traps - Construct being legal helps ease the disconnect of running two of the strongest hand traps currently out there. Effect Veiler and Ghost Oger & Snow Rabbit. The problems with these two card in current doll decks is they kinda stick out. You draw them and have no real other use for them except maybe a discard for super-poly. Ghost Oger in particular brings us to a different problem.


2) LV 8 Synchros - Shaddolls can pretty easily make every other level 5 onward, 4 onward if you synchro with the burgs. What lv 8's offer Shaddolls can vary from Backrow protection in Stardust (OG) or Winda protection (Spark), but likely most influential would by Psyframe Lord Omega. Winda/Beast+ Ghost Oger into Omega has a couple of different uses in the deck . For one, Omega offsets the "cost" of Allure of Darkness by returning the banished monster to the graveyard. Secondly, Omega has senergy with both the Burgs, Pero Pero and Jack Back by also returning them to the grave. And finally, most impacting, Omega can return DMoC to the grave after DMoC banishes itself allowing for the old set CotH, resolve Bandit to become effective again.


3) Clowns - This is the other exploitable part of allowing Shaddoll fusion to send rando lights from the deck to the graveyard. The problem has been lessened by the banning of Juggler. And the additional banning of Plushfire has in effect made the Grysta engine also null. So clowns being the an engine in Dolls is largely gone. However, Trick Clown remains a very good card in being able to form r4nk, something that Shaddolls have had difficulty doing ever since Norden's ban. But the show doesn't stop there. Trick Clown can also facilitate the extra tribute summon needed for something like DMoC or perhaps the synchro for something like Trishula. The banning of Ptolo, Chain, and Shock Bastard does weaking this argument however.


4) DMoC - Since we've mentioned DMoC, let's get to the skintight leather wearing funk. Construct and DMoC have technically never been legal in the same format as construct got banned the format that DMoC was errat'd. What did happen was a 2ch leak of DMoC's errata a few days early and zealous OCG players utilizing that without realizing that construct's death warrant had been signed already (ie. the rest of the list). What Construct offers DMoC is a method to bypass the field effect of banishing itself. Overlaying Construct into Felgrand would have been the optimal play in the pseudo-April format, but now we also have the added cluster funk know as Harbinger to turn DMoC and Construct into a Spell Blocking jabroni. So not only is Construct's attribute a +, it's level also causes complications


5) Envoys - Speaking of LV's and Chaos, yet another complication arises in the form of the Envoys. As it stands, BLS and CED currently have no real room in Shaddolls. It's hard to reliably get light in the grave etc. BUT back in January 2015, both the Envoys were a force to be reckon'd with. BLS+Construct could often be game vs a poorly constructed field, and Chaos Emperor ended up being a searchable trigger warning for hitting the 2K lp Danger Zone. Speaking of searchable, the addition of Construct also allows the teching of Eclipse Wyvern and the Chibi Chaos Dragons, which 1) further R4nk 2) Search both Chaos Emperor and Dark Armed Dragon. Mild tangent here, Shaddolls have a hard time making R6nk as well. Throwing in a light engine would allow for Chaos Sorcerer to play a Dual role of being removal as well as R6nk fodder. Beatrice is a jabroni who exists. Dead draws? Allure @3


6) Prediction Princess - The fun with lights doesn't end there either. Prediction Princess much like DMoC or the Clowns never had the honor of existing at the same time as Waifu. Prediction princess - taboo Dolls have topped periodically, but they are slow'd down by the lack of senergy between the Ju's and the rest of the deck. What Construct would allow players to do is potentially protect the Ju's with an El play, or perhaps send a Magician of Faith to the grave with Shaddoll fusion. This might seem like a joke. Magician of Faith? Sure the card is slow in a vacuum or even with the P-Princess, but being able to mill it off Shaddoll Fusion, then return something like pot of Avarice every turn without the potential clog associated with Pot of Taboo isn't a joke at all


7) OTK - El got mentioned, so I'll get on that point. Dolls have lost much of their OTK potential. El is @1 and will stay there if they ever consider a Construct unban. Between 1-0 Super Poly and 1 El, the OTK potential of Construct might not seem that drastic, and granted it really isn't. But the fact remains, between any Envoy and Construct, you have 3/4 of game right there on board.


8) Removal -  Shaddoll have a problem of removal. The attack ceiling is currently set at 2800 and/or targetable. DMoC and TER are basically the best removal the deck has. TER targets, but can remove big monsters, DMoC can remove monster, but needs them to be under the 2800 ceiling. Construct, and in extension BLS/CED add a whole host of removal to the arsenal. Unhealthy? Maybe not, but is sure as hell suck for you to invest in a synchro or fusion, just for your opponent to play shaddoll fusion, make a +3 and remove your work 


9) Foolish - On top of the Cata. effect, Construct's Foolish burial effect is not to be underestimate. For example lets look at some of the other foolish burial relatives in the game.


Armageddon Knight - Limited

Mathmatician - Limited

Foolish Burial - Limited

Lavaval Chain- Banned


with the exception of Chain, all those do is mill, Construct does worlds more.


Pros of Shaddolls


1) They suck. More than any other DEAU deck, they have the least showing in the meta-game currently with Nekroz, Heros, Qlis, and even Tellars having a strong t2 showing, and BA being the top deck (OCG)


2) Fan Fav. Shaddoll have a Hero/BW level fan following in Japan, and remained Meta from their creation April 2014 to the massacre in April 2015. If KoJ has shown anything, it's that they listen to the player's wishes


3) Nothing else remains - KoJ typically likes to unban 1-3 cards a list. OCG really doesn't have too many options left. Goyo, Magician of Faith, maybe TIV and Metamorphosis? Yata is pushing it. That's really all. Ain't nobody giving 2 fucks about Time Seal, the lack of competition is in Construct's favor here.


4) China - Construct will be unbanned by the time China gets DEAU for $ purposes. China is currently on LTGY, so a few sets off, but there is a timer on construct



All in all, I would love Construct to return to 1, but she opens a LOT of doors for the game. Something that might make sense is to revert to the old OCG status of 1 Winda 1 Construct or hit Shaddoll Fusion to return Construct. But based on their reluctance to even unlimit Sinister Shadow games, KoJ doesn't seem too friendly towards Shaddolls atm. KoA even more so. They have only unbanned one card that they banned since the split, and that's Dragon's Ravine. Also they banned construct a lot more recently relative to Japan...that being said...discuss waifu





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This card is basically the shadoll version of ignister


Both have high attack

Both summons use floaters

Both have non targeting removal effects

Both also have an additional advantage effect, one summons a draco and the other floats a fusion.

Both are far too splashable. (any light vs any pendulum for the secondary material)


So I suppose they can both be at the same spot on the list.

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This card is basically the shadoll version of ignister


Both have high attack

Both summons use floaters

Both have non targeting removal effects

Both also have an additional advantage effect, one summons a draco and the other floats a fusion.

Both are far too splashable. (any light vs any pendulum for the secondary material)


So I suppose they can both be at the same spot on the list.

Ignister doesn't open up nearly as many doors for Pals/Dracos as Con does for Dolls, but testing it at 1 wouldn't be the worse thing to ever happen

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This card is one of the many that I honestly want back, but it's probably best if it doesn't.

It's a godsend in any doll deck or even doll hybrid though if you're running lights. Which.. if you're running this anyways you'd probably be running trickclown or something.

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I think I'm biased against her ban because the entire list update she was banned in was basically a mass genocide of the meta that didn't seem fair. That said, she is potentially the most fair card that ended up getting rekt that fateful day.

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I think I'm biased against her ban because the entire list update she was banned in was basically a mass genocide of the meta that didn't seem fair. That said, she is potentially the most fair card that ended up getting rekt that fateful day.


lol fair.

Shurit got banned :c

.... like why

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I want her back. I thought she could come back.


Honestly, probably best she doesn't.


Foolish effects are, at present, some of the strongest effects in the game. The only things comparable are Scout/Monkeyboard/etc. and Sorcerer. And there are definitely other dumb cards, but...


Foolishing is way too open ended, in general. Even here, you get a lot of choices, not to mention if you successfully managed to resolve Shaddoll Fusion. You thin the deck of cards you didn't want to draw AND you got value off of it.


It's honestly better than searching a lot of the time, and that's why there's so little of it... And why Construct is too good for a POTENTIAL mill 3, but at least mill 1.

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I want her back. I thought she could come back.


Honestly, probably best she doesn't.


Foolish effects are, at present, some of the strongest effects in the game. The only things comparable are Scout/Monkeyboard/etc. and Sorcerer. And there are definitely other dumb cards, but...


Foolishing is way too open ended, in general. Even here, you get a lot of choices, not to mention if you successfully managed to resolve Shaddoll Fusion. You thin the deck of cards you didn't want to draw AND you got value off of it.


It's honestly better than searching a lot of the time, and that's why there's so little of it... And why Construct is too good for a POTENTIAL mill 3, but at least mill 1.

Reversion to the old OCG ratio of 1 Winda 1 Construct maybe? Sure you get a foolish play, but you're really constrained on what more you can do. That would certainly weaken the DMoC play and make players move away from chaos?


I want her back. I thought she shouldn't come back.


But then I'm seeing how shaddolls are doing terribly without her. Something has to give, be it el and opening more OTK's or Construct and opening lights

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You were only 9 years old when it happened

you loved Shaddolls so much you had all the cards/playmats/sleeves/etc

"Shaddolls are love", you say. "Shaddolls are life"

Koanmi hears you and calls you a casual for not playing Dracopals

You knew Konami was just jelous of your devotion to the Shaddolls

You tell them Dracopals are worse

Konami bans Construct and-


Ok, I'll stop.

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You were only 9 years old when it happened

you loved Shaddolls so much you had all the cards/playmats/sleeves/etc

"Shaddolls are love", you say. "Shaddolls are life"

Koanmi hears you and calls you a casual for not playing Dracopals

You knew Konami was just jelous of your devotion to the Shaddolls

You tell them Dracopals are worse

Konami bans Construct and-


Ok, I'll stop.


inb4 reps.




Construct is also significant for Rank 8 as well, since Harbinger is a really good card.

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Just realized another reason that this card might not be able to come back.


It can send Arkbrave to the grave to fetch Felgrand and even more r8nk'ing


Shaddoll Fusion, send Brave, get Grand, Grand get Brave, overlay for Harbinger, detach Felgrand and let the fun start all over.


Slower than the Chaos aspect sure, but it's just another thing to consider


In the same token, I suppose it COULD help with sales? Maybe?

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idgi u need to grave a felgrand to begin with

Yeah, they'll just revert to the Bandit focused builds. It won't be hard to do. 


If you want to help dolls you could put Arma at 2..but that would help Heros and Infernity, two decks you DON'T want to help


Or Math to 2 (smartest move tbh), but Blue Eyes and Phantom Knights love math...so nope


El to 2? Possible but OTK's aren't something they want to push (most likely)


Super Poly to 2? ..Metaphys


Powerspells to 2...No


Basically there's no "good" way to help Dolls, Construct does WAY too much for the deck, the only way she can come back it to hit Winda back to 1 and hope that those two at 1 will stop Chaos Dolls from forming

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ok at this point you gotta stop making up bs reasons "why x is banned" you can literally associate Construct with any light engine, in the long run it doesn't matter


"construct being banned prevents eturtle abuse"

"cant make rank 8s with JD in Ls dolls"

"banned because Sky scourge norleras"

"banned because otk with sephylon + rank 10 abuse"

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ok at this point you gotta stop making up bs reasons "why x is banned" you can literally associate Construct with any light engine, in the long run it doesn't matter


"construct being banned prevents eturtle abuse"

"cant make rank 8s with JD in Ls dolls"

"banned because Sky scourge norleras"

"banned because otk with sephylon + rank 10 abuse"

Except half those aren't relevant meta-wise. Omega to offset Allure and DMoC and reuse Pero Pero is. Dragons being able to create Rank 8's + non-extra deck removal is. Chaos is.


Ain't nobody going to play funking JD in Dolls just like Turtle Abuse is a nonsense term

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That's the point, trying to find logic in Konami's bans is basically spewing nonsense since you can make up any reason why.


I doubt your examples are "meta-relevant" to begin with.


Besides, it's uninteresting to talk about card interactions that may or may have not existed.

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That's the point, trying to find logic in Konami's bans is basically spewing nonsense since you can make up any reason why.


I doubt your examples are "meta-relevant" to begin with.


Besides, it's uninteresting to talk about card interactions that may or may have not existed.

What about Snatch Steal? =/


Brought it back for a format, found out that it was stupid, and banned it again. 


Honestly, Construct getting banned was pretty unfair, just like Apoqliphort Towers. Limiting it to 1 was more than enough for the TCG, especially with the amount of new cards they were releasing.


Can't say anything about the OCG because I'm not as familiar with Construct's impact in it. 

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Yeah, well Construcf was limited for 2 formats before getting banned in OCG....and the light engines have only gotten better from that point.


You're right that I cannot clearly say X will be meta or Y will be mega, but from a theory standpoint Con opens so many doors that dolls become highly viable again.


Sure Omega didn't get con banned, but it sure as hell is just another reason to keep it so


Guess what I'm saying is that construct will only get better as time goes on

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