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Magical King Moonster

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Cannot be used as a Synchro Material, except for the Synchro Summon of a DARK Synchro Monster. If you control a Tuner monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can target 1 other monster you control or in your Graveyard; until the end of this turn, this card's Level becomes the same as that monster's, also you cannot Special Summon, except by Synchro Summon.


Got a couple of these from PGL3 packs, and one of my first thoughts was that it could be a nice card for "Beelze deck", if that is still a thing, as you can use its effect to target a Destiny HERO Malicious in your Grave if you don't have any left in Deck to summon.


Really though, what would the ideal deck for this card be? It certainly seems powerful, with the level manipulation, easy summon and being a TGU/Scarm target if the means anything, but the restriction DARK Synchros makes it seem difficult to use outside of the example I described.



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Honestly, if it was a tuner it would have been more practical, being able to become a lvl 4 dark tuner would be a real help to dark synchros, and since it resricts to synchro summon there will be no issue since it wont be used as an xyz material.


Problem is, still not that easy to search it, as you said only with scarm or TGU and the latter negate its effects.

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Pretty sure the Ultimya's summon don't count as synchros


.. they were dark synchros in the manga, that is what he is referring to. They are pretty much, in essence, dark synchros without being dark synchros.


Although, that still doesn't work. Because they aren't treated as a Synchro Summon in their rl counterpart.

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.. they were dark synchros in the manga, that is what he is referring to. They are pretty much, in essence, dark synchros without being dark synchros.


Although, that still doesn't work. Because they aren't treated as a Synchro Summon in their rl counterpart.

That is what Winter was saying. All he was saying, actually.

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