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Galaxy Mirror Sage

Galaxy Worm x3

Maxx "C" x3


Speed Borg x2

Speed Top x3



Dark Hole x2


Twin Twister x2



Aegis of the Sea x3

Canadia x3

Dinomischus x3

Hallucigenia x3

Olenoides x3

Pikaia x3

Strike x3




Anomalocaris x2

Opabinia x3

Cat Shark

Dante x3


Gachi Gachi




Totem Bird



Honestly, I've grown really tired of Burgesstomas being a purely Rank 2.dek, and being overly dependent on Iron Wall; Iron Wall is such a dead-as-funk card half the time, it's not even funny. It kills Kozmo, sure, I still find it a dead draw.

Fuckboi Dante is the same threat he always is; fuels things, acts as a beater, and makes people paranoid about it. So it's a combination engine/bluff/bait.

Galaxy Worm is the same as Top; It's a funking Tour Guide. Also Radiator is an amusing card, but whatever, so is Totem Bird; Options are options, as long as they actually do things.

Using Cat Shark on something like Dante/Centaurea/etc is really funking dumb because your beaters now have 4K ATK.

The only good Burgesstoma Main Deck cards, honestly, are Olen, Dinomisc, and Canadia; The others are either gimmicky or funking useless; Pikaia, for example, is dead until you play Opab, but given how easy it is to play Opab, you honestly wont care.

Rest of the Deck is whatever.

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>tfw burgs don't actually need iiw


Anyways, looks pretty darn neat. Have you considered breakthrough skill? Since you have dante, some grave-activating cards besides your burgs might be nice. Also, if you do want BTS, you could always run 1 burg marr, since it dumps traps, burgs or otherwise. 


Also, why have radiator when you could have Break sword or something?

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Have you considered breakthrough skill?

Pikaia honestly doesn't pull it's weight half the time, so I'll gladly swap all of them for Breakthroughs.


you could always run 1 burg marr, since it dumps traps, burgs or otherwise.

Marr would be the RotA of the set if Opab didn't exist. Even as a 1-of, it's still pretty dead. Reason for it is that it doesn't doesn't do anything you'd really want. Ideally you don't want to make your Breakthrough plays so obvious, and milling one with Marr, who is already competing with itself and milling Burgesstomas, just leads to weird situations.


Also, why have radiator when you could have Break sword or something?

Radiator is a goofy version of Giant Hand; Honestly I could run either or, but effect negation just stood out for me more.
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