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Resonating Dinomist


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1 Red Wolf

2 Dinomist Spinos

2 Dinomist Rex

2 Dinomist Ceratops

2 Dinomist Pteran

3 Dinomist Plesios

1 Dinomist Stegosaurer

1 Dinomist Ankylos

3 Red Resonator

1 Chain Resonator


2 Synkron Resonator

1 Instant Fusion

1 Raigeki

3 Resonator Call

2 Upstart

1 Terraforming

2 Wavering

2 TwiTwi

3 Dinomist Charge

1 Powerload

3 Chicken Race


1 Noden

2 Nirvana that's a Paddlin'

1 Scarlight

1 Ancient Fairy Dragon

1 Wyvern

1 Metaphys Horus

1 Dewloren

1 Stardust Charge

1 Catastor

1 Chanbara

1 Cydrafinity

1 Cydranova

1 Castel

1 Dweller


I netdecked Alikaey fight me. 2 Nirvana isn't really necessary but it's so good and so easy bring out may as well. Dewloren is a card I'd never used before because I didn't realise how ridiculous it was but I now do. That's it.

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That S/T line-up is questionable, and I would also throw Red Wolf out due to it being a little situational. I would put in another Terraforming to compensate for that. I will always advocate that Chicken Game is never a card you want to leave on the field, and I would strongly suggest you make it easier to get it off your side once you've used it up. Plus, extra deck thinning; how could that hurt.


I mean, what I don't like about this deck is that Red Resonator isn't going to like working with the Level 5 Dinomists, and I feel like this is going to hold the deck back a bit.

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Be a scrub and Maindeck a Level 3 Resonator, so you can play something like Ignister.


Took out GUB and Chanbara for Creation and Ignister just to see, it'll be terrible most likely but you never know.


That S/T line-up is questionable, and I would also throw Red Wolf out due to it being a little situational. I would put in another Terraforming to compensate for that. I will always advocate that Chicken Game is never a card you want to leave on the field, and I would strongly suggest you make it easier to get it off your side once you've used it up. Plus, extra deck thinning; how could that hurt.


I mean, what I don't like about this deck is that Red Resonator isn't going to like working with the Level 5 Dinomists, and I feel like this is going to hold the deck back a bit.


Wolf is alright with there being essentially 9 Resonators and the 1 of him, plus allowing for a play if I don't have a level 4 Dinomist.


That issue hasn't really cropped up this far. With having 8 4s 6 5s and 3 Charge in addition to the other searching and draw power it requires some awful luck to end up with no kind of a play. It is something that I imagined may cause problems but with it being a pendulum deck to fall back on I can generally just set scales and shokan, with Charge recycling and the scales protecting it/the monsters/each other.

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There's already arguably too many 5s as is, not sure what I'd sub it in for.

I'd probably ditch a spinos. It's not that good, tbqh, though throwing one out would throw the scales off, but now that I look at it, your scales could use a lil balancing anyways. 

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I'd probably ditch a spinos. It's not that good, tbqh, though throwing one out would throw the scales off, but now that I look at it, your scales could use a lil balancing anyways. 


Scales are as balanced as possible with odd numbers. 6 6s and 7 3s. Paladin is technically 2 8s as well. Swapped out a Ceratops for 1 Brachion to try that. I like Spinos for being 2500 and potential double attacker, especially with this being more synchro than Xyz-centric, I tend to just leave the Dinomists out and 2500 with the scales protection is better than just a material for a Cydrafinity.

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