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Ideas a most definitely present. Refinement necessary but will come with time.

Typically any features on a "leg" will be duplicated in some fashion along where the "arms" are, if not it looks awkward. Such is the case here.


Needs more Emboar though. As is it looks like an Axew who thinks its an Emboar.


Love it though. (Psssssssttttt, I like the one with the swirl better).

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Fraxure and Emboar, eh? Neat. I think I like the one with the swirly better, but it just seems ever so slightly off kilter that it bugs me a lil.

Yeah, I see what you mean kinda. Bothers me a little too now. :P Gonna fix it when I go back and work on it.


Ideas a most definitely present. Refinement necessary but will come with time.

Typically any features on a "leg" will be duplicated in some fashion along where the "arms" are, if not it looks awkward. Such is the case here.


Needs more Emboar though. As is it looks like an Axew who thinks its an Emboar.


Love it though. (Psssssssttttt, I like the one with the swirl better).

You've given me a couple ideas of what I might be able to add. I'll see what I can do. :) Thanks for that.


I thought of this as a very neat and oddly believable gender difference, for some reason.

The one on the right was initially going to be the final thing, but I felt something was missing so I did the swirl. :L

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*thumbs up*


But I just noticed, both Emboar and Axew have their tusks as a prominent feature. So the mouth as full as it is, feels empty at the same time.


Great work though LC. Keep it up.

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