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Pot of Cupidity (909)

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Makes me wonder with cards like this and Toon kingdom if Konami is going to develop further interaction with face-down banish cards with card effects.

That's my point exactly, if Omega could out cards like Kingdom and Overload, why hasn't anyone put back their face down banish'd cards? Black might be right, but there's really no precedent last I checked for it

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That's my point exactly, if Omega could out cards like Kingdom and Overload, why hasn't anyone put back their face down banish'd cards?

Because the number of card effects that banish cards face down is relatively small, and it becomes even smaller when you consider the cards that banish your stuff face down WHILE your deck has the ability to readily make Omega.  Before, the only card that could interact with face-down banished cards was Necroface, but that card's very existence proves that face-down banished cards can be interacted with.



Black might be right, but there's really no precedent last I checked for it

It's actually the converse.  There is a precedent; if a ruling must be made, it must be a claim that says that this precedent does not apply to banished cards.  This precedent is the destruction of face down monsters.  If a Set monster is hit by Dark Hole, that monster is not flipped up first before being sent.  At the same time however, that card does not stay face down in the graveyard.  Instead it is flipped up and becomes public knowledge at the same time as it hits the grave.  This exact train of logic applies to everything.  When you discard a card, that card is technically face down from your opponent's perspective.  Yet when it goes in the grave it's placed face up.  In fact, Mega Zaborg's effect sends cards from the Extra deck to the grave, and even those are changed from face-down to face up.


So sending a card from literally every spot in the game state where it can be face down to the grave flips it up.  Why then, would the banished zone be any different?  Answer:  It isn't.

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Regarding Banished Face-down-


We only have like, what, 3-5 cards that actually interact with them? I mean, Banished Face-down is literally the strongest form of removal because you move a card to an uncommon area, and then proceed to make it a pure unknown card by having it be Face-down. Why is likely why that sort of thing is very rarely used.

Would be nice if they continue to expirement with it.

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