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Comparing Pete's Dragon (1977) and Pete's Dragon (2016) Trailers included!

Face McShooty

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With the debut of the first trailer of the 2016 remake of Pete's Dragon coming out just a few weeks ago, and I just now watched it, I thought I'd post my thoughts about it as well as comparisons between it and the 1977 version, so here it goes, first the trailers!


1977 Version Trailer


2016 Version Trailer


I said I will post comparisons between the two trailers, however... there ARE none! What the heck Disney?! You took a timeless classic and RUINED it! The only thing I'm intrigued about in the 2016 version trailer are the 2 glimpses of the dragon, presumably Elliot, are of him flying. If I remember right, Elliot in the '77 version didn't fly at all. I will say this, I do like the logo and poster for the '16 version, let's compare THOSE if we can!


1977 Version Poster



2016 Version Poster



Yet again, no comparisons, I like how Disney is trying to save the reveal of, presumably, Elliot by only showing his tail and some of his body in the 2016 poster though. Elliot should be a surprise for older fans of the '77 version like myself. I most likely will not go out of my way to see the 2016 version or even buy it, but I hope it does well. I will be reading the reviews of it when it hits theaters August 12.



Now I'd like to get you guys' thoughts on this

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i don't know about anybody else, but this film should never have had the name pete's dragon placed on it. it's a completely different premise using a nostalgic title to get views. the movie might be decent on it's own, in fact, it it hadn't been called pete's dragon, i might actually have *more* interest in it than i do right now. but they've probably shot themselves in the foot by giving it the title of a completely different movie. the original had a completely different feel to it than this new one, and while i'm willing to give it a shot, they've already lost 2 points for trying to use the old title.




If this film doesn't have apples and a musical of some sort, then i'm dropping the score 5 more points.

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