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why are these a thing again


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Chill with the one sentence posts, critique or add comments on the work itself. 


This is pretty cool, color scheme is clean, I like the light blue, gives it a nice "phantom" effect. The head fits a bit weird but it still works so no big deal.

Keep it up m8. 

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Chill with the one sentence posts, critique or add comments on the work itself. 


This is pretty cool, color scheme is clean, I like the light blue, gives it a nice "phantom" effect. The head fits a bit weird but it still works so no big deal.

Keep it up m8.

pokemon usage:


Gallade, Dusknoir, Bisharp, Darkrai.

Spiritomb Colour Scheme.


Look em up.

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I do love the Spiritomb coloring and overall the parts seem to fit well with each-other. Nice work, bruh.

soz i have no idea what that is #sorrynotsorry


TY Tharbb. So many different things were planned for this and none of them worked, Bisharp was actually put in towards the end haha.

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I'm not sure how you formatted this, but whenever I try to paste this sprite into MS Paint, it has a black background. I would suggest fixing that, if you know how. Anyway, onto the sprite itself. the way you colored the border for the tail looks extremely random. If you were going for a transparent type of tail, I would change all the black to dark blue instead. 

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I'm not sure how you formatted this, but whenever I try to paste this sprite into MS Paint, it has a black background. I would suggest fixing that, if you know how. Anyway, onto the sprite itself. the way you colored the border for the tail looks extremely random. If you were going for a transparent type of tail, I would change all the black to dark blue instead.

It's because it has a transparent BG so if I went onto another board with a dark or coloured BG it would be posted with a without a white BG. I did this intentionally on Photoshop because transparency > white BG. If copy-pasted on to paint it has a black BG. You have to save the image to get it on paint with a white BG. Also I was going to do this, can't remember why I didn't tbh.

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