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Thousand-Eyes Restrict

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"Relinquished" + "Thousand-Eyes Idol"


Other monsters cannot change their battle position or attack. Once per turn, you can equip 1 monster your opponent controls to this card (max 1). This card's ATK and DEF become the same as the equipped monster's. If this card would be destroyed by battle, the equipped monster is destroyed instead.


So this card was recently unbanned in OCG. Instant fusion when to 3 last list (with Noden's ban) wonder if this will make the card good again



I can see it being used in Shaddolls a lot tbh. It removes the attack ceiling since you can eat then fusion/sync/tribute away TER

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This would make my level 1 deck VERY happy, so many plays can be done.

Steal + Xyz

Steal + Creature swap for massive lolz as relinquished bites the dust at the end of the turn


Metalphosis be like, steal -> destroy the equip to search the fuse spell -> fuse.

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It's free removal for Dolls since Dolls can't get over 2300+ with no DMoC or toolbox Synchro, and is great fodder for Fusion, Synchro, and DMoC summons.

It's free removal for Dolls since Dolls can't get over 2300+ with no DMoC or toolbox Synchro, and is great fodder for Fusion, Synchro, and DMoC summons.

Instant fusion allows us to make Shark, Nuke Roach, and other stuff too. The ratios post list are so hard to do though cause we need to fit in 3-5 more cards in the mian and 2 more in the extra

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