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Tormented Designs Things for Free


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Dimensions: I dont know

Render: http://puu.sh/pXK8E/c73f7078d8.jpg


Colors: Whichever works

Others: That bird could work as a background I guess. Also matching avi pls





If you would  be so kind as to complete my absurd request



Dimensions: 600x260 or whatever works best/looks neat





Text: The Darkest 

Colors: Purple, Black

Others: If the dragons could be put in a triforce-esque position, that'd be neat



I'm unsure about this one, those renders are really tiny. I can take a look but I can't guarantee that I'll complete it.


If you alter the order with a single good render or three good render's that'd be perfect.

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Dimension: preferably somewhat large-ish, maybe around as big as my current one.

Render: http://i.imgur.com/iR32IhA.png

Text: Ambitious Explorer

Color: Nature-themed or sky-themed, either works

Others: imma trust you, mainly i want both the person and dragon around if possible.


Hopefully this one works.


Unsure about this but lemme know what you think.



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Dimensions: 150x150
Render/Stock: This background would be nice:

Text: None
Colors: Orange, Red, Yellow--uh, sunset-y
Other: I may need to crop it afterward, so a version that's more focused on his face would be nice.



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i don't know what you can really do with this, but...


Dimensions: 625 x 275  for both

Render/Stock: (i can grab the original image for the second one, but not the first)

[spoiler Number 1]Qf2d3oU.jpg


Text: Forest Fire

Colors: fire-y colors for the text


[spoiler Number 2]ARj8O3y.jpg


Text: Scourge of the Aeons

Colors: blues and reds, kinda like the picture.


also an Ava out of the second one, 100 x 100; only without the text would be awesome.

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So a bit of a weird project for you if you're up to it, Tormy.


I've had this personal gaming/anime blog for the past few years but am trying to be more active on it and expand it for stuff like news and stuff where I had normally just stuck with editorials, listicles, and critical commentary.


Site: https://eliterev.wordpress.com/


I'm looking for a little simplistic logo that I can use for social media avatars/icons and possible a full banner to use on the main site.


I'm not sure if the current site format is the one I want to use since the formatting and font don't allow for much variation. If you have any suggestions for good wordpress themes that work well for a gaming news site, let me know.

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Hey Tormy, all at your own pace and whatnot, i'm not fussed at all just looking for a new avatar and a nice sig to match, will give you like 300-400 points for it if you want, dunno what else ill spend em on XD

If you can only do 1 i'd much rather the sig haha


Dimensions - 150x150

[spoiler=Render]So i did the render myself...dystopia1_zps317bfnax.pngOr we have one without the messy cords dystopia2_zpsmcrv5fxf.png

If the renders aren't good enough let me know

No Text.

Was thinking a Black & Red sort of colour scheme

Other- I'm only wanting his head for the avatar haha



Dimensions - I want it to be something like 500x200, but if it needs to change for Feng Shui reasons, i'm not worried. Id just prefer sigs to be long over tall

Render - Same as the above, whichever works better for you. And again, if it isn't rendered well enough let me know :P

Text - "The Threat Is Real" or "The Threat Is REAL!" Not sure which will look better

Colour - Black and red schemed also (+With fire particles! :D)

Other - for 200 height i was thinking from the tip of his head to his waist but you're the expert. If doable, some crumbling buildings in the background would be cool

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