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Merge Showcase & Graphic Resources/Tuts


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Don't really think we need two sections for this and considering even Night made a Resource thread in Showcase I feel that backs up this suggestion pretty well. It's a dead section anyway and Resource + Tutorial threads would get a lot more feedback in the actual Showcase section either way. Most people don't even realise that the Resource/Tutorial section exists.

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I remember when Graphic Tutorials used to be its own section beneath Showcase (and had stuff from a lot of the old generation GFX legends), but yeah that would be an idea, considering how dead it is. Though, it's up to Night whether/not he wants to do it; Showcase is his section.


Only good part is that certain templates (like the Pendulum ones) are on the first page, so we don't have to look back a few pages for stuff (even if Showcase isn't very active as of late).

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I know stickies exist, Giga.


Although, I don't know what Night's policies are regarding the amount of stickies in his section at a time (and how neat he'd like things to be in there in that regard). Tutorials right now has 5 stickies (regular Showcase has 3-4; discounting that reminder that Yin wrote in 2011 about reporting ripped works and other things).


If the sections do get merged, the necessary templates could be stickied (or just make a source thread of sorts that links to anything that people may find useful, including said resources).

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