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Beanie Babies Ain't Got Sh*t On This - Fluffals


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Edge Imp Chain x3 - Enables searching Frightfur Fusion as well as being great discard fodder for Vendor if you don't have Wings.


Edge Imp Scissors x2 - Your main fusion material that enables all your wipes and OTKs.


Edge Imp Saw - Not that great an effect, but it lets you go into Leo and pop monsters for large damage.


Edge Imp Tomahawk x2 - Allows you to get your Edge Imps in the graveyard where they're more accessible, acting as an Edge Imp sort of Prisma.


Fluffal Bear x2 - Allows you to search out Vendors. This plus Wings in opening hand means you plus like mad. Considering bumping it to 3 in exchange for maybe removing Saw or Tomahawks.


Fluffal Cat - Recycles Poly, lets you go into multiple Fusions with one Poly after you pop Wings and Vendor and have an abundance of materials in hand.


Fluffal Dog x3 - Decent body and a searcher is instant x3


Fluffal Owl x3 - Searches your Poly and can even act as a Poly in itself in a pinch.


Fluffal Sheep x2 - Gives your Edge Imps a lot more mileage while also letting you recycle Dog and Owl's searches. Amazing.


Fluffal Wings x2 - PLUS PLUS PLUS PLUS PLUS PLUS. Seriously, draw 2 and search is bonkers.



Frightfur Factory - Great late game card or allows you to go into multiple Fusions if you don't have Cat in hand.


Frightfur Fusion x3 - Absolutely insane with Wolf or Tiger when you have a wealth of materials.


Galaxy Cyclone - Pops threats and can be banished to pop Vendor in a pinch, can also act as a Pendulum scale hitter.


MST x2 - Used as removal as Twin Twisters are risky given the already large tax on our hand running a Fusion deck represents.


Polymerization x3 - Poly is Poly.


Toy Vendor x3 - Enables the most advantage-gaining play in the deck. It is REALLY hard to not win immediately after popping this with Wings.



Bottomless Trap Hole - Basic removal.


Frightfur Customization - If you need a spare material, or need to use Sheep's effect. Most likely card to be switched out.


Fusion Reserve x2 - Recycles Poly and lets you grab your Edge Imps, as well as Bear.


Solemn Strike x2 - Basic removal.



Frightfur Bear - Literally never summon this. Only there so Fusion Reserve can grab Bear if needed.


Frightfur Mad Chimera - Never summoned this... but it'd be cool if I ever did.


Frightfur Leo x2 - Removal and massive damage. 2 are here despite 1 Saw since Frightfur Fusion and Sheep can let you reuse Saw.


Frightfur Sabre Tiger x2 - This plus Tiger can build up a really threatening presence, especially if 3 materials are used for it.


Frightfur Sheep x2 - The black sheep of the archetype (hehehe), this acts as a very safe turn 1 play that can close games and stop annoying Quaking Mirror Forces from ruining your day, while also functioning as a 2800 beater if you ram it.


Frightfur Tiger x3 - Destroys EVERYTHING. Main enabler for OTK.


Frightfur Wolf x2 - Endgame.


Castel - Spot removal.


Dark Rebellion - Threat neutralizer.



Looking for potential cards to switch out, and what to replace with. Frightfur Customization is easily the first choice for removal, but others are being considered as well to make the deck run more smoothly.

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I definitely support running a third Bear. I thought 2 was enough originally, but after adding a third, it helps a lot.


Skeptical about the Tomahawks. They're really not very valuable and don't really support the Deck as a whole. Sending Edge Imps (Sabres and Chain at least) is decent, but that means you probably used your NS on Tomahawk, and in all seriousness, you don't really want to do that when you could instead NS Dog or Owl (and you'll almost always have Dog or Owl, because Searchsearchsearchsearchdrawsearch).


I run 2 King of the Swamps in Tomahawk's slot(s) because it searches Poly, is flexible as Material, and Des-Toy Fusion loves it. May not be a Fluffal or Edge Imp, but it works very nicely.


I also run 3 Sheep, but that's personal preference, and I love the recycling shenanigans it enables with Dog.


Customization is meh. I tried it, it worked okay, but ultimately didn't do enough and was too slow.


I'd consider teching a Fusion Recovery. I love Reserve (a lot, enough to run 2), but Recovery is actually even better thanks to the flexibility of Materials and it's a Spell, making it faster and even fodder for Factory. Speaking of Factory, I actually run 2 of those, but space is tough.


Weirdly, I don't run ANY S/T removal because Tiger does it better, and I'd be more inclined to run a single copy of Twin Twister if anything.

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I'd forgotten Factory worked with Recovery, that's a good idea. I like the idea of these cuts. I'll try them out (sans the second Factory, since I can't really work that in without going over 40), but I'd like to know your opinion on Edge Imp Saw. Seeing as I'd be using King of the Swamp, which can sub in for Saw, would removing it be a good idea to you?

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Personally, I run 1 Edge Imp Saw. There is the (very) rare cases when you'll actually Summon it for its effect, but it's searchable with Reserve, and there's nothing wrong with having it on-hand to fuse for Leo. Leo is a very solid Fusion that definitely justifies the single copy, even with King of the Swamp.


I'd consider dropping the Galaxy Cyclone. I feel that while it's a good card, it's not as much a good card HERE, because it's inconsistent in what it does. It pops a Set S/T (and only a Set one) without MST's luxury of being a Quick-Play, and the Grave effect pops a faceup S/T (and only a faceup). Very solid, but superfluous in this Deck. Fluffals have enough removal as it is, and while people do like to include cards in Fluffals to hit their own S/Ts, I rarely have actually found myself wanting to do this. Wings is better for hitting Vendor without being wasteful, and Tiger can usually blast it or Factory if need-be.

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Tomahawk is just terrible. I know it looks alright but seriously, take it out and you'll be happier for it. King of the Swamp is a fantastic card for the deck. It's an Owl that isn't OPT, doesn't eat a normal summon, and can be used in conjunction with Poly/FF Fusion for bringing out the likes of Leo who have good effects but require shit monsters.


On that note, Saw is another card you don't need at all. It's a +0 and not even a good +0 because it's just hoping to topdeck or getting back something you stacked with Scissors for whatever reason, in which case it's still not doing a lot for you. I mean I initially ran 1 and then just dropped it very quickly because I realised that, in the same vein as Tomahawk, it's a card that looks theoretically useful and even necessary, but in practice it's utter dead weight that is occasionally useful but only in scenarios where you're willing to NS it and those'll be either desperate or dominant situations.


I run 3 Wings because the possibility of resolving it thrice outweighs anything else but that's personal preference. There's no reason not to run 3 Bear though, especially when Bear-Wings is one the best plays in the deck and you've put both components to 2. And just being able to grab Vendor at any point, or should the situation occur, the ability to recycle a Poly, is really good.


Apart from that, I really do not like Owl. I'd never consider it above 1 and even then I don't currently run it. It has the benefit of getting around Naturia Beast, which is certainly a thing, but that's 1 problem card and that's it. In all other scenarios, King of the Swamp does it better. Infinitely better. OH, and Sheep, I forgot Sheep. There is no practical reason to run more than 1. It does the job perfectly well at 1, unless you're going to start teching in rank 2s or something there's no point in having multiples because it's so easily searchable, like the entire deck.


Basically overall on the monsters:


-2 Tomahawk

-1 Saw

-2/3 Owl

+1 Bear

+2/3 Swamp King

+1 Rabbit if you want, I like it at 1 but it's another one where it's up to you


I'd run another Wings but your choice. A last general thing is running Maxx C because it's almost a hand floodgate at this point, I've not gone back to my Floof build for a bit but was running it at 2 just because basically everything special summons now and it puts your opponent in an awkward spot.


The S/T lineup is more subjective. I run 2 Factory because it's really good. Like it's so much better than you'd think, especially being searchable off Chain. It is such a huge play-extender, and the ability to recycle FF Fusions is massive when you can so easily pop it yourself with Tiger/MST/discarding one for Vendor to trigger that one.


I don't get the 2 MST 1 Cyclone choice particularly. With such an OTK-centric deck Twin Twisters is more or less essential I feel. Discarding a Vendor/Chain offsets the cost and even if you don't have that popping 2 that clears your path to kill is hugely beneficial, and it's not like you can't FF Fusion with whatever you're made to drop. Also, Fusion Recovery. It's absolutely amazing at 1, I've not and probably will not tried it higher but it's seriously just perfect. Grabbing a Poly and absolutely anything is exactly the kind of thing you want, it can extend plays or enable comebacks or just generally restock your resources even just for Vendor dumping. Very versatile for what it is.


Customisation is shite, cut it altogether. Another thing I was running when I first played the deck but really you come to realise that there's just no need for it at all. You may as well run CotH and change the other numbers around if that's something you want to do, because reviving one random Floof doesn't help you much ever, even moreso because it doesn't even trigger the effects of anything.


Reserve I feel is too slow. Again it's a personal thing but this is a deck that OTKs so easily and for that purpose Recovery is infinite worlds and leagues ahead of this. Furthermore all it can search is Bear or Scissors, and that only makes me more confused as to why exactly you're running this at 2 with 7 targets, 4 of which are searchable by both Dog and Vendor, all recyclable by Recovery, and one of which can revive itself. I just look at this being included and can only think it indicates a slightly slower build of a deck that is so focused on fast kills it's almost detrimental, and it makes no sense to me.


But anyway this is already a fucking essay, so S/T summary. Oh and as I type this I realise I didn't particularly address the broader topic of backrow, which I feel you're running too much of, but that's a separate issue. Basically you don't need 7 traps, I was running 3 Notice and nothing else trap-wise and was winning the vast majority of games because I'd just kill my opponent before I had any need to counter them.


+1 Factory

-2 MST

-1 Cyclone

+2/3 Twin Twister

-1 BTH, I mean you can leave it if you really want but I'd not bother

-1 Customisation

-2 Reserve

+1 Raigeki because what the fuck are you not running it for Tiger can't do everything

+1 Recovery


And lastly, for the extra. It looks fine to me. The only thing I have different is Cowboy for DRXD but that's not for practical reasons, I just like making Cowboy for game when it's not practical or needed. Wait no you're not running 3 Sabres, why? There's absolutely no need for more than 1 Leo, add in another Sabres. It's so hard for decks to deal with multiples of it if you don't manage to kill them on the spot, and reviving its own materials when summoned by Poly/Factory makes it such a huge play-extender (said that a lot at this point) and enabler and fuck, you can Sabres into Sabres reviving Sabres if you just need a bit more damage to push through.


And that concludes the wall of text nobody will read but I wrote because I'm a sad, sad man.

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I do agree with most of the above.


For me, I still like running 1 Saw, but I also only own 2 King of the Swamp. I didn't notice the 3 Owl. I personally only run 2, but there is merit to only running 1. I run 3 Sheep, so I actually disagree with his advice to cut it. The recycling is just too good with Dog and it sets up more Fusions by reviving Chain or Sabres.


I also agree with what was said about Reserve. Especially after testing Recovery, I found Reserve a bit too slow at times.


Amusingly, I would agree with running a Raigeki (or Dark Hole if Raigeki was banned, but it's not), but I personally don't run it for one reason: It made the Deck less fun. It made winning and OTKing TOO easy.


In terms of Extra Deck, I also felt your choices were fine. I disagree about cutting Leo to 1, though. It's very solid, but I can agree with bumping Sabre Tiger to 3 if possible. I don't because its price skyrocketed after I bought my 2 copies. I'm sure it had "nothing" to do with Scissor Tiger's reprint, which made Sabre Tiger abruptly the most difficult Fusion to get ahold of.

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I mentioned this way back in enguin's thread, but now that I've actually had a chance to test it, running NO MORE than 1-2 Fusion Conscription can seriously help you if you open complete and utter shite (aka no bear/vendor), which I personally have a nasty habit of. While you won't be able to actually use the card you search, it allows you to effective search Bear for next turn, and combined with Dog you have wings-bear-vendor completely set up. Additionally, while it's not nearly as useful after that, it still searches chain and sabres, and while you might not get their effects, you can still fuse and potentially get out of tight spots. It's very good if you open with it, and so long as you keep it near 1 it never really bricks (at least for me).


Just something to fiddle with as you please

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  • 2 weeks later...

After some extensive testing-


I love the Swamp Kings, they've especially given me a lot of choice when using Frightfur Fusion.


I will not be running Rabbit, I don't find it helpful.


Recovery is nice, as is the Twisters I added. I will say if something like Skill Drain is up and I don't draw this I am HOSED.


Decks this is not good against: Blue-Eyes, unless I plus like crazy off a Vendor or have Strike set. I might up the Strike count.


Factory has been very fun to use.


Thanks for the help, guys, the deck is so much more explosive now; It's so fun to go from nothing to a field full of massive Frightfurs.


updated build:


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