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1 Winged Dragon of Ra/Assault Mode

1 Ra

1 Sphere Mode

3 Quickdraw

2 Hattricker

2 Junk

2 Doppel

2 Level Eater

2 Jet


3 Scapeghost

1 Raigeki

1 RotA

1 Soul Charge

3 Upstart

2 Terraforming

1 Foolish

3 Tuning

2 TwiTwi

1 Junktion

3 Chicken Race

2 Pseudo Space


1 Divine Super Sifer Stardust Mega Ultra Dragon

1 Quasar

1 Shooting Star

1 Stardust Warrior

1 Crystal Wing

1 Black Rose

1 Drill Warrior

1 Librarian

1 Junk Warrior

1 Naturia Beast

1 Jet Warrior

2 Lewis Hammilton

1 Cydranova

1 Cydrafinity


Scapeghost made me want to do something and this is what I did. You can tribute the tokens for Ra or use them for synchros and that's where the idea came from. It works way better than you'd think.

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How well has Scapeghost been working for you?


Really well. Better than you'd expect. Setting it and passing if you can't do anything is solid enough because people generally won't Raigeki a single set and activating in the damage step greatly helps in that aspect. If it survives a turn and you can flip it yourself then it's a great starting point for Quasar or summoning Sphere Mode/Ra. Also being another level 1 tuner for the Junk>>revive>>Doppel play that is 90% of the time Quasar with all the draw power and searching the deck has.


So basically it's doing exactly what I hoped it would.

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Have you considered things like, for example, The Shallow Grave so that you can use scapeghost copies as discard outlets or just send them to the grave? I feel like Ghost might be a just a smidge too slow considering how reliant Synchrons are to the normal summon.

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Have you considered things like, for example, The Shallow Grave so that you can use scapeghost copies as discard outlets or just send them to the grave? I feel like Ghost might be a just a smidge too slow considering how reliant Synchrons are to the normal summon.


The thing about it is if I can't make a play just setting Scapeghost and passing is solid enough as mentioned before because the tokens are a set-up in themselves. It is a bit cloggy at 3 though, I've got most things at 2 and I'm going to drop it to 2 as well because that seems to work best. Shallow Grave nah, it's just as slow but gives my opponent a thing. Burst Rebirth I might do at 1 but probably not even that.



There a lv1 light that changes battle positions you might want to look into


A/D somethingorother ja, think I'll put that in for one of the Scapeghosts.

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