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My thoughts on YGO and YCM

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Ok, so I feel like I should say this. I've been playing YGO for a long time now; both on DN and weekly at locals. But I've just found using DN become stale for me; it's not fun anymore. Locals is a bit more enjoyable since I actually get to engage with people I know; but the game itself isn't the enjoyable hobby it once was for me. I guess it's because I've done it so much.


In fact, the site itself really isn't for me either; it's been that way for a while. The only real reason I've stayed on here is that I don't have anything else I can engage with on a daily basis as much as YCM. The people here are nice, but I don't really have any way to get in touch with them. I once had a online friend here; but I haven't interacted in a while; I rarely see him/her on the site anymore. I want to know another but don't know how to engage with any of the other members themselves; just the topics and threads.


I know this subforum is supposed to mainly be about the YGO card game, but I couldn't help but write my feelings about the site in general.

What should I do? I don't know what else to do but ask. Please help me out, YCMers.

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Ok, so I feel like I should say this. I've been playing YGO for a long time now; both on DN and weekly at locals. But I've just found using DN become stale for me; it's not fun anymore. Locals is a bit more enjoyable since I actually get to engage with people I know; but the game itself isn't the enjoyable hobby it once was for me. I guess it's because I've done it so much.


In fact, the site itself really isn't for me either; it's been that way for a while. The only real reason I've stayed on here is that I don't have anything else I can engage with on a daily basis as much as YCM. The people here are nice, but I don't really have any way to get in touch with them. I once had a online friend here; but I haven't interacted in a while; I rarely see him/her on the site anymore. I want to know another but don't know how to engage with any of the other members themselves; just the topics and threads.


I know this subforum is supposed to mainly be about the YGO card game, but I couldn't help but write my feelings about the site in general.

What should I do? I don't know what else to do but ask. Please help me out, YCMers.


just leave it alone for a bit. i know a bit of what you mean, and from my experience, sometimes you need to step away for a bit before you can come back and enjoy things, in yugioh, YCM, and pretty much life in general and in general   just take some time off, find a secondary hobby or focus on some thing that you might have been interested in previously, and you should get along fine. there's no need to force yourself to stay here if you feel you need to get a different view on things.

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I felt that way once! ;D


I got off YCM. Did other things. Worked to improve myself. Got an education. Got a well paying job. Started a family. Lost weight. Seems to have worked out well enough for me.


Would highly recommend the same.


Call me Lord Varys...Interested to know what you come back to YCM then? I'm afraid to leave cause IK I won't come back if I do

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Interested to know what you come back to YCM then?


To troll of course.


Mostly just bored. I have Fridays off. The other sites I frequent (It's a YuGiOh RP. PM if you REALLY want to know. Or Google the words YuGiOh RP. Apparently it's like 2nd or 3rd on the list) aren't as active during the daylight hours.




I'm afraid to leave cause IK I won't come back if I do

... Why would you be afraid of that? I mean, if it happens it happens, and you won't come back because you're happier elsewhere. If someone offered you something saying it would make you happier (and it wasn't drugs or something) would you really say: "Nah I'm fine!" and continue living a rut?


I mean, I'm not trying to recruit people or anything. I'm saying to go out and explore the world. Live your life. sheet like that.

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To troll of course.


Mostly just bored. I have Fridays off. The other sites I frequent (It's a YuGiOh RP. PM if you REALLY want to know. Or Google the words YuGiOh RP. Apparently it's like 2nd or 3rd on the list) aren't as active during the daylight hours.




... Why would you be afraid of that? I mean, if it happens it happens, and you won't come back because you're happier elsewhere. If someone offered you something saying it would make you happier (and it wasn't drugs or something) would you really say: "Nah I'm fine!" and continue living a rut?


I mean, I'm not trying to recruit people or anything. I'm saying to go out and explore the world. Live your life. sheet like that.

See I think we did it in reverse. I had a family, and now I really don't. I've grown to enjoy solitude...and that solitude gives me confidence to make poor choices. I've kinda grown fond of certain users here (even if it's not entirely reciprocated), and they're like the second family for me. This game too has been a release for me during the worse and best times of my life (yeah IK how stupid that sounds) so leaving it all behind is hard to do. But if I do, I'd have no reason to return, because as I mentioned, I enjoy the solitude.


Think of it like a ball balancing on the top of the hill, it's the best place to be (go with me here, or if you must from a vantage point perspective), but it's easier and more logical for it to roll down the hill. If it rolls down, it won't go back.


Sorry if that's too abstract

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