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Spriting Introduction


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'Sup, everyone? You can call me Miracle or MG. I make pokemon-styled sprites and splices for my YouTube channel and for my pal, APT. He's using some of them (as well as his own) for a ROM hack of Pokemon Fire Red version. Recently, we have completed the "fakedex", but we've still got a ways to go for the trainer sprites. Anyway, I think I've given you enough ado. I'm going to showcase a few of my sprites now. I hope you enjoy them!


As an introduction post, I think it's best I clarify that the most common sprites I make are pokemon fusions. The following is a splice of Seviper and Ariados. 




The second most common sprites I make are trainer splices. Take, for example, this cute toddler in a bird suit. I even have the overworlds pixelated.




The third most common are pixel-overs. Basically, I make a pokemon-styled sprite out of a larger image. Check out this guy.




Lastly, I make sprites from scratch. I suck at scratch spriting, so I rarely do these. xD



 You might be thinking "Miracle, that scratch sprite isn't half bad! Why do you think you suck at it?"

Yes, I technically CAN make high-quality scratch sprites, but they take me a very long time. Even that simple blue fish took me hours to perfect. I'm not a good scratch spriter because I don't generally know what I'm doing, especially with the outlines. I don't have much true skill. Rather, I resort to critique and "trial and error". The morale of the story is that I will gladly accept help if it will improve my work. 


Well, that's all for now. I'll catch you later.
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We can call you MG?

[spoiler=If you insist~]b0bb696dcdf86e183936d15cf8f7ebbeef033a7e


Silly half-awake jokes aside, welcome to YCM, MG. Make sure you read the rules and stuff if you haven't, since that stuff is kinda important. If you find yourself with any questions, you could easily ask a mod or a more experienced member (like myself) for some help. So welcome again, don't forget to read those rules, and most importantly, enjoy your time here.

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Make sure you read the rules and stuff if you haven't, since that stuff is kinda important. If you find yourself with any questions, you could easily ask a mod or a more experienced member (like myself) for some help. So welcome again, don't forget to read those rules, and most importantly, enjoy your time here.

Lol. Poor pikachu. xD 


The rules are indeed important. I read them already, but thanks for your concern. 

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Could you make me a Phantump/Spinda splice?

That seviper one looks really nice btw.

I told myself I wouldn't take any requests yet, but I couldn't resist that cute look on spinda's face. That's why I covered it. 




I'm happy you like my work. <3


The original sprites used in this splice are not owned by me, but I'm sure you already knew that.

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