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Ghost Beef & Mild Turkey

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[spoiler=Ghost Beef]

DARK, Beast/Pendulum, Level 7, Scale 4, ATK 2000, DEF 1000

Pendulum Effect  Once per turn: You can roll a six-sided die and increase this card's Pendulum Scale by the result (max. 10), until the end of this turn.
Monster Effect  The ghost of a gourmet cow. Particularly, it’s very fond of roast beef, and wanders the world even today, in search of a new taste that will make its heart jump.

[spoiler=Mild Turkey]
FIRE, Winged Beast/Pendulum, Level 4, Scale 7, ATK 1000, DEF 2000
Pendulum Effect  Once per turn: You can roll a six-sided die and reduce this card's Pendulum Scale by the result (min. 1), until the end of this turn.
Monster Effect  A wild turkey with a burning passion for bowling. It’s trained itself in order to roll a strike, resulting in its flesh giving off the most delectable scent. Aiming for the unseen consecutive three strikes known as a “turkey”, it continues to train daily.

I found these card in the OCG-only section on the yugioh wiki and I thought they were funny. Their pendulum effects allow them to modify their scales according to a die roll so cards like That Six and Dice Re-Roll would go well with them. They're also normal monsters so any normal monster support cards will help them as well. If these two were to ever come to the TCG would you sue them? If so, how?


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