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Yu-Gi-Oh! Skies [OOC/PG-16/Started/Accepting]


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  On 4/26/2016 at 10:17 PM, Admiral_Stalfos19 said:

[spoiler=Takara Fujimoto, Gentle Giantess & Hopeless Romantic in One]


"Welp, time to face the music, I guess..."'

Personal Information
Name: Takara Fujimoto

Gender: Female

Age: 16

[spoiler=Appearance:]She may've always been tall for her age, but that's not really an excuse for Takara being as freakishly tall as she is. Takara stands at 193cm (6' 4"), and weighs in at 75kg (165lbs), which is healthy enough considering her sheer height. She has a nice hourglass figure given by a BWH ratio of 26-17-25 if measured in inches and 66-43-64 if measured in centimeters, but this is only because of her lanky frame. But she does dress well enough to make the most of her figure. Aside for being abnormally tall for woman of all things, never mind a 16-year-old girl, Takara is most notable for her navy-framed glasses, golden yellow eyes and shoulder length silver hair, and can usually be seen listening to music that has been stored on her Duel Disk, which is highly advanced and takes on a monochrome color scheme. 



[spoiler=Personality:]Takara is a very focused individual; if she's not studying and keeping up with her grades, she can most certainly be found looking through her deck and seeing if there are improvements that she can make, or just listening to music as she's reading a book or something similar. However, Takara's more of the type that would concern herself with her grades than mingle around with others, as her future is not something she wants to trifle with. As a result, she's very likely to grow up being a workaholic, whatever the choice of career that she ultimately ends up taking. She's yet to decide what she actually wants to do, but Takara does know for certain that she's not keen on being a professional duelist. She's not exactly a competitive person after all, and trying to be as such may kill all the joy out of the game of Duel Monsters for her as a whole.


Besides, there's still a key part of the game that Takara still hasn't got down yet; communication. A lot of that comes down to Takara just being shy, and although she can ask for directions and buy things just fine, her nerves tend to get the best of her more and more the longer a conversation drags on. This also explains why she's almost never the one to initiate a conversation to begin with. She actually prefers to watch other people from a distance... for as long as she can get away with it, that is. This especially holds true around people that she had only just recently met, and she needs time to observe how they generally respond to things before she can decide whether to approach them at a later stage or ignore them completely. Overall though, it's safe to say that Takara prefers her own company, and doesn't mind the loneliness. But, given the right number of days passed, she'll eventually build up her confidence and charisma, giving her the ability to comfortably express her true feelings.


Speaking of feelings, Takara is somewhat of a hopeless romantic. This is evident when she's been talking to someone for too long, as she may may eventually feel the urge to hug them affectionately or ask them to marry her or something along those lines... without even realizing what she's doing or saying, sometimes until the point of no return. For someone with her level of intellect, one would think Takara could notice her own advances a little sooner, which only makes it all the more embarrassing for her specifically. Thankfully, she's quick to apologize for her romantic blunders the moment that she realizes she made them. Still, the fact that love is somewhere in the back of Takara's mind may explain her all-round shyness and why she holds back on the whole communication thing. It's a hurdle she'll have to get over on her own.

[spoiler=Biography:]Like many civilians of Ambrosia, Takara Fujimoto lived a somewhat normal life, with a mother and father. However, Takara was an only child due to several pregnancy complications between the mother and the father. And while they managed to make the most of this shortcoming, Takara's parents were clearly saddened by the unfortunate turn of events. But they'd soon realize that they'd end up shelling out a lot of money. Takara's eyes had begun to deteriorate when she was about 6 years old, and needed glasses for just about everything. Of course, the glasses that Takara needed at the time were expensive but, concerned for her safety, her parents immediately came up with the necessary funds. Over the years though, Takara's eyes had gotten worse and worse, and by the time she started Blue Yonder Academy, they were so bad that her glasses were no longer helping her see as well as when she first acquired them, and she feared she was going blind. Her parents immediately rushed her to the hospital.


It turned out that Takara was born with juvenile cataracts in both eyes, and needed the respective surgery from an ophthalmologist. This costed the parents even more money, as neither had health insurance for her since they didn't think they could afford it. But it was worth it in the end. With a new artificial lens, Takara's eyes had gotten so much stronger that she could easily see what she had struggled to before, and no longer even needed the glasses. But she kept them nonetheless; it'd be a shame to dispose of them when they had costed her parents so much of their hard-earned cash. Not surprisingly, she vowed that she'd focus on getting the grades necessary for a high-paying career, so that she could pay her parents back for all the support they've given her. And after 2 years, she's not stopping now.

Dueling Information
Deck Name: Level1.dek

[spoiler=Deck Strategy:]As one would suspect, Takara's deck is all about utilizing Level 1 monsters, as well as staple stall cards as well as a few things like Raigeki and other mass-removal cards in case s*** starts to hit the fan. Only her boss monsters have any relevant strength, and as such, Takara will usually just focus on surviving until she's sure her opponent has run out of offensive options. In any case, this can serve to humiliate duelists who like to use brute force, but Takara needs exactly the right cards at the right time.

Signature Cards: Chaos Necromancer, No. 54: Lion-Heart, One for One, Relinquished, Thousand-Eyes Restrict.

Custom Cards: Nope, not this time. All real.

Miscellaneous Information
Main Theme Song: Diamonds, by Rihanna

Duel Theme Song: Final Fantasy XIII OST: Blinded by Light, as remixed by bcFenix

Ideal Voice Actresses: Brittney Karbowski (En)/Satomi Sato (Jp)

Tidbits of Trivia:

  • Takara used to require glasses for reading, computer work and especially viewing anything from a distance when she was young, but very recently, her eyes have grown much stronger all of a sudden. However, she still wears them all the time, despite no longer actually needing to in the slightest. This is because the glasses had cost her parents a significant amount of money; as such, it'd be a shame to throw them away or allow them to collect dust.
  • Takara does not like looking down on people at the slightest. As such, she'll often kneel when addressing some of the shorter students, as it makes it easier for her to make proper eye contact. Though there are those few that are so short that even Takara kneeling is not enough to alleviate the height difference.
  • Takara can't help but scream at the sight of real-life insects or vermin, although she oddly doesn't mind the larger holographic projects of monsters that take the same form nearly as much. This is likely because she's well aware that they're just holograms, but stepping on a bug or the tail of a mouse is something Takara dreads.
  • Takara has a surprisingly good singing voice, which she unveils once in a while when she sings one of the songs that she listens to. Not many get to her this singing voice though, as she doesn't like to sing aloud if she knows she has company. Even if someone does hear Takara sing, she'll insist it's nothing special.






  On 4/27/2016 at 1:48 AM, The Faytl Blow said:



[spoiler=The Puppeteer]

Name: Blythe Adelaide Pendleton

Gender: Female

Age: 18


Physical Description
Standing tall at five feet, ten inches, Blythe is an imposing figure with her short black hair and hazel eyes, as well as smooth, pale skin. While her body is very physically fit and adept in an Action Duel, she is nevertheless very pretty, if a touch intimidating due to the serious look she always wears, eyes flinty and always having body language and expression that are standoffish at best. Aside from her standard uniform, she wears a lot of Japanese-styled outfits that implement a lot of purple and red, black also being a color she uses often.
Blythe is very much a person who wants a lot of things and isn't shy about trying to obtain them. She is a very intimidating and headstrong woman who puts herself and what she wants first. What some would call an elitist, Blythe has a bit of a fixation on things that are uncommon and hard to obtain, particularly rare cards, being a hoarder of them despite the fact that the majority of her cards aren't in her actual deck. She is a skilled and powerful duelist, and this has gone a bit to her head, and she sees questions of her skill as an utmost insult to her pride, considering her prowess in dueling her best feature. A blunt individual, Blythe says what's on her mind, with little heed for the feelings of others. Above all else she hates people who wallow in their weakness and can't move on from it, believing that all it takes to become a stronger person and duelist is just effort and skill.
She respects strength and ability over all else, and has a very blatant lack of respect for anyone she sees as lacking in those qualities. She thinks that what people wants should be fought for by them, which is why she undertakes her ante duels, seeing the winners of these duels as more deserving of the powerful cards at stake. Blythe doesn't have a lot of friends, finding herself enough, but a lot of people are afraid of her due to her skill and willingness to use it to take people's most powerful cards, something she both enjoys for the feel of status it gives her and enjoying feeling better than others and something she somewhat dislikes, with how she's not regarded as an honorable duelist. Pragmatic and shrewd, she is a skilled manipulator in leading opponents to do just what she wants them to do, and she'll often study opponents before fighting them, both to know how best to defeat them and figuring out which of their best cards is most desirable. She has a lot of fun with planning out her strategies, and takes a lot of pleasure from a well-executed strategy, with a very forward-thinking mind.
Gimmick Puppet- Blythe's deck centers around creepy doll-like monsters known as Gimmick Puppets, monsters that excel at Xyz Summoning powerful and destructive Rank 8 monsters. Blythe begins play very destructively and powerfully, destroying her opponent's monsters to inflict high amounts of damage. This is a tactic she uses to force them to draw out their most powerful monsters, so that she can then seize control of them herself with the effect of her Gimmick Puppet - Nightmare Mechanism, as well as cause them to use more powerful cards in her ante style duel. Her Xyz Monsters are formidable and can be incredibly powerful, but they get even worse if she draws the Spell Rank-Up Magic Argent Chaos Force, a Spell with the ability to rank up her monsters to an incredibly strong upgraded variant, each one capable of game-ending power on their own.
Custom Cards
Gimmick Box
Cont Trap
During damage calculation, if either player would take battle damage: Reduce that damage to 0, then Special Summon this card as a Monster Card (Machine-Type/DARK/Level 8/ATK ?/DEF 0). (This card is also still treated as a Trap Card.) This card's ATK is equal to the amount of damage reduced to 0 by this effect.
Level Doubler
Send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard, then target 1 Level 4 or lower monster you control; double that target's Level.
(Gimmick Puppet Xyz Monsters errata'd to non-Number variants, Argent Chaos Force errata'd to Rank up into just CXyz)

Blythe's father was a very distant fellow, being away at work almost constantly throughout her youth. Her mother raised her mainly, and her mother expected a lot of Blythe, as she was the oldest of three daughters. Blythe's mother was very maternal, and had become a housewife when Blythe was born, always content raising her family, and she encouraged her daughters to do the same. While her younger sisters took to it okay, Blythe was always more interested in more exciting activities like dueling. Her mother was worried Blythe would hurt herself in Action Duels, and tried to dissuade her from taking part in them. It actually became a topic of contention between them, and they fought about it often as Blythe grew closer to the age when she would be able to enroll in Blue Yonder Academy, which she very much intended to do. Blythe's mother was terrified her daughter would be hurt, while Blythe was confident in her abilities and hated being considered weak by her own mother.

Things were coming to a head until Blythe's father left the family when she was thirteen. Blythe's mother shut down, falling into a depressed state she is still in to this day. Blythe was able to enroll in Blue Yonder with no opposition from her crushed mother. Blythe grew to resent her as she grew distant from her daughters while taking care of them fell mostly to Blythe. She took out her angers in duels, taking up the incredibly destructive power of the Gimmick Puppets. Eventually winning duels didn't do anything for her, and she eventually started dueling for ante, taking the more powerful cards of anyone she defeated. Her collection grew, and she used that to assure herself that while her mother wasn't going to move past her weaknesses, she would.


Misc. Information

Blythe duels under an ante system whenever possible. The system works as such: When a player loses, they forfeit the most powerful monster they played in the entirety of the duel. Blythe purposefully plays in a style that encourages her opponents to summon increasingly powerful monsters just to keep up with her to take advantage of this, and often goes into duels with specific cards in the duelist's decks in mind.


Blythe hates her middle name, and doesn't use it.


She owns a pair of reading glasses.


Blythe regularly trains in gymnastics for use in Action Duels, as well as running a mile three times each week.



Accepted, though It'd be helpful if you spoilered your app correctly. less of a textwall that way.



  On 4/29/2016 at 12:52 AM, Champion0 said:


Here's a potential villain character, if you would be willing to have me.
[spoiler=Karlos: Your worst nightmare]
Name: Karlos Mendez
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Physical Description
Karlos Mendez is a scary figure, standing 6 feet tall, with a body that looks like it was carved out of glass: pale and elegant, though the resemblence stops there, as he is jagged, muscular and strong. His hair is black, and always kept half an inch long. His eyes are similarly black, as though he has no iris, just a pupil and sclera. A scar runs frm one corner of his mouth to his jaw, making him look like he's grinning eerily.
Karlos is a quiet, scary person, by all accounts. He's not trying to be, he just doesn't ay what doesn't have to be said, and he has a natural aura of fear. When he does speak, he seems polite and honest to a fault. Though he can be critical, he doesn't actively attempt to hurt people unless they are in his way. He prefers to keep to himself and read about psychology. When he isn't flat-out bored, he's either extremely annoyed, or just being cruel.
[spoiler=Deck]Karlos' Deck centers on a set of cards called the Nightmare Engine Archetype, a series of terrifying DARK Machine-Types who require a Spell (Nightmare Fuel) to be summoned, count as Fiends, and gain special effects from having Nightmare Fuel as an Xyz Material. Most have a Nightmare Weapon that correlates with, but is not exclusive to it.

[spoiler=Custom Cards]
Nightmare Engine Selachos
Rank 6
This monster must be Special Summoned by the effect of "Nightmare Fuel" and cannot be Summoned by other ways. This monster counts as a Fiend-Type while on the field or in the Graveyard. While "Nightmare Fuel" is attached to this monster as an Xyz Material, it gains the following effect:
  • During your Battle Phase, this monster gains ATK equal to its original DEF.
ATK: 2500
DEF: 1500
Nightmare Engine Arachne
Rank 6
This monster must be Special Summoned by the effect of "Nightmare Fuel" and cannot be Summoned by other ways. This monster counts as a Fiend-Type while on the field or in the Graveyard. While "Nightmare Fuel" is attached to this monster as an Xyz Material, it gains the following effect:
  • Once per turn, when this monster is attacked, negate the attack and equip the attacking monster to this card (max 1.). If this card would be destroyed, by battle or card effect, instead destroy a monster equipped to it by this effect.
ATK: 2400
DEF: 2000
Nightmare Engine Pyros
Rank 6
This monster must be Special Summoned by the effect of "Nightmare Fuel" and cannot be Summoned by other ways. This monster counts as a Fiend-Type while on the field or in the Graveyard. While "Nightmare Fuel" is attached to this monster as an Xyz Material, it gains the following effect:
  • This monster gains 500 ATK for each "Nightmare Fuel" attached to it as an Xyz Material.
ATK: 3000
DEF: 2500
Nightmare Engine Peccatos
Rank 6
This monster must be Special Summoned by the effect of "Nightmare Fuel" and cannot be Summoned by other ways. This monster counts as a Fiend-Type while on the field or in the Graveyard. While "Nightmare Fuel" is attached to this monster as an Xyz Material, it gains the following effect: 
  • Negate the effects of your opponent's monsters. 
ATK: 2000
DEF: 2500
Nightmare Fuel
Tribute one Fiend-Type monster you control: Special Summon one "Nightmare Engine" Xyz Monster from your Extra Deck or Graveyard (Xyz Materials attached to the Tributed Monster are attached to the Summoned Monster)  and attach this card to it as Xyz Material. During your Draw Phase, instead of your normal draw, you can add this card from your Graveyard to your hand. You can only activate 1 "Nightmare Fuel" per turn.
Nightmare Weapon: Razor Teeth
Attach this card to a "Nightmare Engine" Xyz monster as Xyz Material. A Fiend-Type monster with this card attached as Xyz Material gains the following effect:
  • Once per turn, when this monster attacks a Defense Position Monster, destroy it before damage calculation.
Nightmare Weapon: Silk Noose
Attach this card to a "Nightmare Engine" Xyz monster as Xyz Material. A Fiend-Type monster with this card attached as Xyz Material gains the following effect:
  • Once per turn, Tribute one Fiend-Type monster; this monster gains ATK equal to half its original (printed) ATK.
Nightmare Weapon: Crimson Edge
Attach this card to a "Nightmare Engine" Xyz monster as Xyz Material. A Fiend-Type monster with this card attached as Xyz Material gains the following effect:
  • This monster can attack your opponent directly, and if it does, no other monsters can attack this turn.
(This should be enough until I come up with more, and when I do, I will clear them with you before using them.)

[spoiler=Biography ]
Born in Ambrosia, Karlos was an orphan, his parents having disappeared without a trace. He was raised by a gang of soft-hearted street duelists, and when he was ten, he was already well on his way to success. He started going to school a little later than most, but he caught up with his classmates quickly, showing maturity and intelligence beyond his years. A few years later, he started going to Blue Yonder, and he remains there, at the top of his class, and the top of his game. Having been raised by thugs, however, he learned to Duel with all he had, and he that it wasn't for the faint of heart, especially Action Dueling. This became a part his central philosophy, that nothing comes without hard work in this world, and work hard he did. Becoming a talented psychoanalyst  and engineer, he constructed a Duel Disk out of salvaged parts and stole a deck from a Control confiscation center . The box they were in was labelled with his father's name, and contained a card whose data chip could override Solid Vision projectors' safety modes. After studying it, he modified his Duel Disk to fine-tune these override signals, making it possible to summon his Nightmare Engines outside of a Duel. When he heard of the Sigil cards, this would be his primary method of finding them, to uncover what the government had his father's cards for.


[spoiler=Misc. Information]

  • He is a very convincing actor.
  • His Duel Disk is a black gauntlet that projects an eye-shaped blade fringed with scarlet.
  • The card that contains the override information is an Action Field called Infected Dreamscape.


Sorry it took so long, Easter happened.


Denied. There's very little info about the character in the app at all,  and what is there is cliche and uninteresting. As well, an action field that can override the SVN is not something that would exist on ambrosia, and even if it did, the justification for why your character has such a thing is flimsy at best. In order for the app to have been accepted, you would have needed much greater depth of detail in the character's personality, and you would have needed top be more creative with their origins.



  On 5/2/2016 at 12:46 AM, SpasmicUnitato said:


Name: Takao Ito

Gender: Male

Age: 18


[spoiler='Physical Description]
Takao stands at a little bit over average at 5'9" for his age, and weighs around 118 lb. He has deep black hair with brown eyes.

Takao is a laid-back type of guy, he is sorta the third person in the group, going along with everything. But not when playing Duel Monsters(/Yu-Gi-Oh, whatever you call it). He has a great passion for the game and gets all excited when playing. While dueling, Takao is cocky and thinks he can win no matter what, even if he has no way to win. He loves to bluff to see if his opponent will fall for it, although usually they don't.
While not dueling, Takao is quiet and speaks in short sentences, as well as not being social. He loves to keep to himself and he loves having people only know the dueling side of him. What he takes pride in most is his dueling. and that is what he wants people to see.


Takao runs a Pure-Monarch deck. He locks out his opponent out of their extra deck so they can't fusion summon, synchro summon, XYZ summon, and in some cases, pendulum summon, as long as he has Domain Of The True Monarchs out and a tribute summoned monster out.



Custom Cards:


Takao lived a boring life, he did average at school and had nothing to do at home, one of the only things he loved doing was playing Duel Monsters. He seemed to change his normal personality when playing Duel Monsters. Just because he got competitive with Duel Monsters didn't mean he didn't have fun. Even when Takao loses, he acts like he won. At home, Takao wasn't the one with all the attention, instead his younger brother got all the attention as he was only 3 and needed all the attention. Takao also had an older sister, but she is always out with her friends.

Misc Info.
(I don't exactly have any things in mind for this character... although I will be finding a Duel song for him soon... mabye not so soon...)


Denied. Similar reasons to the above. there's a lack of flesh on the app and what is there feels dry and uninteresting. Minimal effort on an app usually means minimal effort in posting, so. To get accepted this app would have needed a more focused direction and more meat on the character's personality.



  On 5/2/2016 at 12:54 PM, Black Seraph Toyo said:

[spoiler=Duel Monsters is not... Fun..]

[spoiler=Personal Info]

Name: Ranko Amamiya

Gender: F

Age: 16





156 cm and 51 kgs were Ranko's numbers as last recorded in Blue Yonder's physical examinations. Average height, average weight and not really anything outstanding to say about her build either; not really overweight but also nowhere near dangerously thin, more or less the ideal body shape of a teenage girl. When it comes to looks, she's probably what'd be commonly referred as 'cute' among kids her age. Her charm points are the blue ribbon she wears to tie up her ponytail as well as the long-sleeved sweater she wears over her uniform. Outside of that though, there's not much else to remark about her physical appearance. She usually keeps a warm, calming smile on her face daily, giving her an approachable and friendly aura.


In duels though, her facial expression does a 180 along with her general aura. Constantly scowling with dead, blank eyes, she's a very gloomy and scary person in duels. The creepy, eerie monotone certainly doesn't help with the intimidation factor either.




Ranko's a generally nice and cheerful person. She gives her 100 in everything she does and is a friendly, kind soul who'd gladly lend a helping hand to one of the many friends she's made in her 2 years at Blue Yonder. Of course, this doesn't mean she's totally perfect either. She's still prone to messing up once in a while, and has had her ups and downs, her happy days, as well as unhappy days. Really, Ranko's just your average happy-go-lucky teenage high school girl. Her interests include cooking, shopping for accessories, staying up late to watch TV dramas, eating dessert, etc. Completely average and stereotypical hobbies, basically. In fact, that's her main character trait. Even her inner circle of friends remarked that she's a really plain and uninteresting girl, to which Ranko can't really deny. Not that she minds however; to her, a normal and average high-school life is exactly what she's looking for.


Right, as long as she has friends she can chat and play with, hobbies that keep her busy and occupied, it's perfectly fine by her. Not a thrill seeker by any means, Ranko is surprisingly reserved about trying out new things, instead preferring to hang in her comfort zone, and if possible, not leave it at all. However, though she seems like a perfectly unremarkable girl, she has a rather bad rep at Blue Yonder for never having dueled once. Or publicly, anyway. It's not as if she's never dueled before; quite the contrary in fact. She won a national-level Duel Monsters tournament in her third year in middle school, going undefeated through the entire event.  Ranko puts up a facade of a naive airhead when it comes to DM, pretending to not know the rules and preferring to take a backseat whenever the topic comes up. Still, her past as a pro duelist is pretty easy to dig up, and several people have called her out on it.


Of course, Ranko denies this, causing even further suspicion among her doubters that she's merely putting up a front to act all flirty with guys. Truth is, Ranko completely hates playing the game on every level. She remarks that the game is not fun, and that she hates playing it. Considering her past, it actually makes a modicum of sense why she would hate it. Heck, she wasn't even smiling when she won the national tournament. In the very very rare event she duels, she's a totally gloomy and intimidating duelist, speaking in an eerie monotone, while keeping her face completely straight, making it difficult to find any openings. Combined with her usage of control decks, she is most definitely not a pleasant person to duel against.




Ranko once wasn't the 'desperately trying to stay normal' Duel Monsters-hating person she is currently, and the only person to blame for her change is her mother, Kyouko Amamiya. Kyouko is a very sickly person, and as such can't really do any motherly duties as she is constantly sitting in a hospital room struggling against her disease. In place of the usual motherly love, she instead made Ranko play Duel Monsters with her daily, beating her every single time, and also berate her mistakes and give her long, rather scary lectures on how to become a better player. Throughout these intense, somewhat terrifying duels, Ranko began to identify the 'smell of death' while dueling. The more one side was winning, the stronger the scent to her. And of course, against an actual dying person, and one that is immensely strong to boot, the stench was overwhelming whenever she would duel her mother. This made her grow to resent Duel Monsters, since the aura of death was simply overwhelming.


That said, Kyouko wasn't a terrible person. Outside of her eerie persona in duels, she does love Ranko very much and would want nothing less than to see her daughter happy, but to her, playing DM and winning is her one source of happiness in the confines of her hospital room. Still, in a world where DM is where relationships are made, she was avoided like the plague back in middle and elementary school. Since she's used to dueling her mom, who's a much higher level duelist than normal, she played on a level that was far above any middle and elementary schooler. Her glum disposition in duels certainly didn't help matters, making her seem like a sadist who enjoys watching her opponent suffer.


Eventually, she stopped having fun altogether with DM. Only playing to make her mother happy, but that stopped after entering high school. Since Kyouko Amamiya is no more, Ranko more or less retired as a duelist, now using her time to do all the boring, uninteresting things other girls her age do. All the things she couldn't do before, due to constantly having to duel her mother in a hospital room bearing the smell of death itself. For the first time she's actually enjoying life.


Perhaps, one day, there will be a day where she'll play Duel Monsters again, and have fun doing so. Like, truly have fun and enjoy the game for all it is. Maybe all it takes is the little unstoppable force known as a maiden's love~?



[spoiler=Deck&Customs&Ace Monster]

Deck Name: Katayoku na Tenshi (One-Winged Angel)

A control Fairy deck, using cards such as Archlord Kristya and the counter trap fairies to control every aspect of the game from the moment it starts. What sets her deck apart from other, normal Fairy decks is the usage of the "Asmodael" LV Series of cards. A series of fairy monsters that focus on constantly replenishing her hand with fairies while providing a powerful consistency again, she managed to overcome a control deck's weakness of having difficulty establishing and rebuilding a board. Her ace monster is Holy Seraph, Asmodael, a powerful synchro that can steal wins when least expected. By the way, it's worth noting that she's currently undefeated this deck, a streak she kept from around the time she started middle school.


Love Seraph Asmodael LV2

LIGHT/Fairy/Tuner Level 2 400/300

If you control no monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is Summoned, if you have 2 or less monsters in your graveyard, you can activate this effect: Send 1 "Love Seraph Asmodael LV4" from your deck to your graveyard, and if you do, add 1 "Asmodael" monster from your deck to your hand. If this card you control is destroyed and sent to the graveyard: You can discard 1 card; Add 1 Fairy-type monster from your graveyard to your hand. You can only activate each effect of "Love Seraph Asmodel LV2" once per turn.


Love Seraph Asmodael LV4

LIGHT/Fairy Level 4 1400/1300

When this card is Summoned, if you have a "Love Seraph Asmodael LV2" in your graveyard: You can draw 1 card, then send 1 "Love Seraph Asmodael LV6" from your deck to your graveyard. During either player's turn: You can banish this card in your hand and target 1 Fairy-type monster you control; This turn, that card is unaffected by all other card effects. If you targeted an "Asmodael" monster by this effect, you can discard 1 card; Add 1 Fairy-type monster from your graveyard to your hand. You can only activate each effect of "Love Seraph Asmodael LV4" once per turn.


Love Seraph Asmodael LV6

LIGHT/Fairy Level 6 2200/1200

If you have an "Asmodael" monster in your graveyard: You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) If you do, send 1 "Love Seraph Asmodael LV8" from your deck to your graveyard. You can reveal this card i your hand: Add 2 "Asmodael" monsters from your deck to your hand whose total levels equal 6. Then, shuffle this card to your deck. When this card is Summoned: You can discard 1 card; Add 1 Fairy-type monster from your graveyard to your hand. You can only activate each effect of "Love Seraph Asmodael LV6" once per turn.


Love Seraph Asmodael LV8

LIGHT/Fairy Level 8 2500/2300

If you have a "Love Seraph Asmodael LV6" in your graveyard: You can Special Summon this card (From your hand). This card cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects. Once per turn: You can discard 1 card; Add 1 Fairy-type monster from your graveyard to your hand. During either player's turn if an "Asmodael" card is sent to your graveyard or is banished: You can send the top card of your deck to the graveyard; Add that card to your hand. This effect of "Love Seraph Asmodael LV8" can only be activated once per turn.


Holy Seraph, Asmodael

LIGHT/Fairy/Synchro Level 10 3000/3000

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner "Asmodael" monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can target up to 2 Fairy-type monsters from your graveyard; Special Summon those targets. Their effects are negated and they cannot be used as Xyz/Synchro Material, also any battle damage your opponent takes this turn are halved. If the cards summoned by this effect are "Asmodael" monsters, those cards gain 500 ATK, and their effects are not negated.





[spoiler=Misc. Information]


-Ranko is written ランコ, meaning it doesn't actually mean anything in Japanese. Her family name uses the character 雨宮.

-Gossip says she has her eyes on a certain student but whether that's true or not remains to be seen.

-Ranko works part-time after school, Mondays and Wednesdays as a waitress in a family restaurant, while her Fridays and weekends are spent helping out a card shop, where she found herself as the "Ane-chan" of a group of elementary schoolers who frequent the shop.

[spoiler=Personal Info Sheet]

Name: Ranko Amamiya

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Height: 154 cm

Weight: 51 kg

Blood Type: B

D.O.B: September 25 (Virgo)

Likes: Parfaits, food in general, tending to her part-time workplace

Dislikes: Dueling

Hobbies: Shopping, cooking, karaoke

Special talent(s): Can win UFO Catchers blindfolded (Did this once, became a legend in her circle)



Seiyuu:Emi Nitta

VA: Undecided for now




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Name: Kichirou Hideyoshi or Mr. Yoshi

Gender: Male

Age: 56


[spoiler=Physical Description]



Kichirou Hideyoshi, or Mr. Yoshi as many students have come to call him, is a rather short, eccentric old man often wearing a white coat of sorts and sunglasses that really have no business being as big as they (or being worn indoors or when it's dark outside). Mr. Yoshi is also known for his bald spot, but please don't bring attention to it.



Mr. Yoshi is, again, very eccentric. His classes are known to be very polarizing between individuals; some have come to hate his history lessons, while others come to love them. Make no mistake, Mr. Yoshi is very enthusiastic about his job of teaching, but he's also very willing to drop surprise assignments or tests at any given moment. Mr. Yoshi is also known for his gambling addiction. While he's not outright about his hobby, it's very evident in his dueling and can often be seen making bets between himself and other teachers when it comes to major competitions. He also has this idea that he's a lot more cool than he really is, or at least that's how he appears with his sunglasses. While a very kind teacher, Mr. Yoshi is definitely one of the stranger ones.



Just One More Draw

Mr. Yoshi is a very prominent Cardian player. While this may not have gotten him far in the competitive world, he's still a duelist to be wary of, and can drop some very dangerous monsters if his deck gets going. However, due to the high factor of luck in his deck, Mr. Yoshi is known to completely brick now and then...



Kichirou Hideyoshi didn't always have teaching as he dream job. Truth be told, he grew up in a very poor part of the neighborhood; fighting his way to the top of prominence of their own underground dueling leagues with cards that he just found. Of course, this isn't to say he was a complete thug; even back then Mr. Yoshi was as goofy and eccentric as he is now, but his behavior and actions seemed to carry some threatening undertones among the thugs in that area, whether Yoshi knew it or not. When he was still young, Hideyoshi was arrested while gambling on a majorleague duel illegally, but was too young to be sent to prison. Instead, the jury saw potential in Hideyoshi's intelligence and sent him for schooling as part of his parole instead. Mr. Yoshi had several instances of sneaking out for gambling even yet still, but this was reigned enough as his schooling developed further on. Eventually, Mr. Hideyoshi found himself as a teacher at Blue Yonder, and has remained there as their History expert since for quite some time.

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[spoiler=The Life of the Party]

Name: Patolomaio Ftisemanu (Nickname: Pat)

Gender: Male

Age: 18

[spoiler=Physical Description]


Pat does not have a face tattoo. Nor does he walk around everywhere with a giant surfboard. Instead, what you see is probably what you get with Pat. Surprising muscle tone and height for his age likely means Pat is more likely to grow up some kind of athlete than as a duelist, and so various tank tops and shorts are usually his ensemble, simply because most other things look downright strange on him. God forbid you happen to catch him in a suit; he looks utterly ridiculous. He does have the shoulder tattoo, it was a present for his 18th birthday, and various rings and bracelets are usually a part of his getup for the various swim teams, sport teams, and other athletic groups he is a part of on the Blue Yonder campus.



Some people prefer not to get caught up in all the drama and exhaustion of a full time student life and gossip that comes from living at a secondary school. Pat would fall into that category, and likely be the posterboy for such activities. Whereas his grades are only average at best, Pat is the one guy everyone knows on campus, and is friendly with. He is also, without a doubt, the first guy anyone goes to if they’re looking to have some fun, or find the next best thing to do on the campus itself. Both the life of the party, and likely the host of it, Pat is always trying to find new ways to get his buddies on campus to cut loose and enjoy themselves.


However, that’s not to say that Pat is completely devoid of any and all sense of responsibility. What he may lack in academic smarts, he more than makes up for by having a good heart. There’s a reason Pat is well liked by nearly everyone that has ever known him, and that’s because he is a very warm guy, and loves to take care of his own, solving any issue he can in the least confrontational way possible. While he does have the size, strength, and tools to be a bully of sorts, Pat prefers to use his athletic ability to keep the peace, if he has to. He also has an incredibly strong set of values regarding family, so if Pat trusts you, it would be near demonic to betray that trust.



Mermail - Pat is all about the biggest thing he can find; in fishing, he always wants the shark. In surfing, he’s going for the tidal wave, and in dueling, he’s always looking to bring out the biggest, baddest monster. His deep understanding of the Xyz playstyle makes him a fun guy to play with, but a dangerous threat if you make a mistake. Ultimately, however, Pat does lack in some areas of strategy, sometimes over dedicating to the big monster, and is prone to mistakes himself.


[spoiler=Custom Cards]

None Currently Available



They say it takes a village to raise a child, and nobody would know that truth better than the youngest Ftisemanu child. Pat is fortunate to have been raised in a large family that always had the entire block over for big, family style dinners every weekend. It was like a small party every week, and Pat has grown up learning that things are always okay in the end if you are generous, kind, and surround yourself with good people (and even better food). Pat discovered dueling from a family friend, and is a member of the Blue Yonder academy as a part of their athletics program, seeking to bridge the gap between two very different lifestyles. Pat dreams of inventing a new, more high octane version of action dueling that makes sports popular again. That or owning a local card shop. Both sound totally radical, dude.


[spoiler=Misc. Information]

Pat is an excellent grillmaster. If it can be eaten, Pat can grill it.

Additionally, Pat is extremely resourceful when it comes to solving a practical problem.

Pat loves to party. A lot. If there's an occasion worth celebrating, he's down to host it.

Pat has a large bite scar in his hip from an ugly scrap with a fish. He loves to show it off, and calls it “his domestic dispute with the sea”.



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Bumping because in the time since the last bump I've been promoted to co-host. That kinda sounds like something that should also be announced in the OOC. Also because we the hosting crew have realized I made way too many apps that serve no purpose so we're cutting all my characters that aren't Kimiko out of the RP. I'll be replacing Leona and Bronislav with two new apps meant to help get some interactions with characters that need them without relying entirely on said characters, and also to round out our cast a bit. The first of those apps can be found below.

[spoiler=News Travels Fast]

"Come on, sit down and tell me all the juicy details!"

Name: Akiko Iwasaki

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 139 pounds

Akiko is a bright-spirited girl who radiates good vibes and energy. Her hair is kept short and hangs around her face true to its black, spiky nature. She sports sky blue eyes, and is seldom seen sitting still. Akiko's fashion sense is a very semi-formal one, leaning a bit more toward the casual side of things. She's often got a camera on her person, as well as a voice recorder and a notepad. Her Duel Disk, while looking like a newer model, has definitely seen better days. The screen is cracked, parts of the device itself are chipped, and the bottom half seems to be held together with duct tape.

[spoiler=Personality]Akiko isn't afraid to take a few risks, which can either play to her benefit or leave her neck-deep in trouble. In fact, nothing gets her going quite like the thrill of win-or-lose gambles, and if somebody makes a bet against Akiko, she's likely to not only take it, but also raise the stakes even higher than they were at first. When she wins, she does so confidently and gleefully, and if she loses, she picks up her things and gets to the task of making up her losses. You'd be hard-pressed to find somebody who works as hard as Akiko when she's not risking it all on the roll of the dice or the luck of the draw. When Akiko works, her sheer boundless energy can make it seem like there's five of her running around.

"You can cut her and she'd bleed raw caffiene" may be one way to sum up Akiko's energy. She can't sit still for the life of her, and quickly gets agitated if she's inactive for extended periods of time. As a result, she's always doing something, and it wouldn't be hard to question if she  even manages to sleep at night with as much energy as she's got. Perhaps it's for the best if such things are left to the imagination, not that it'd be easy to pry the answers from Akiko's lips. Although she's bursting at the seams with raw energy, Akiko doesn't just blurt out the first thing that comes out of her lips...usually.

As a proud member of the Blue Yonder News crew, Akiko knows information is valuable. She generally isn't keen on just handing it out to whoever asks, and inversely isn't afraid to get her hands a little dirty to dig up some more info of her own, especially in the name of a good scoop. If Akiko senses a good story, she pursues it, and if it pays off, she's bound to write an article all about it, though she does have a habit of exaggerating a bit to make the stories more exciting to read and write. After all, what good is life without some excitement?

Perhaps because a day of thrills is the best way to finally exhaust her energy, Akiko's always looking for excitement. The reality is she's a total daredevil; the more somebody warns her that she's about to do something dangerous, the more likely she is to want to do it even more if it doesn't lead to certain death. You won't see her jump off a building anytime soon, but she's the type of girl who would swim with sharks or jump through rings of fire. She thrills herself until she's finally tired, then sleeps off her fatigue before repeating the cycle all over again. It also comes with the benefit that she has no real sense of fear and will thus chase down practically any story to the ends of the earth if she has to.

[spoiler=Biography]Akiko was an orphan when she was young. She never knew who her parents were, being left at an orphanage doorstep when she was still a baby. She's not sure why they left her, but she doesn't let it bother her. Of all the kids she grew up with, Akiko was overall a poor candidate for adoption. She was nosy, loud, overly curious, and way too energetic. For a while, it was just passed off as a normal thing for kids her age. Then she started getting older and past the age where those kinds of traits were the norm. Simply put, it was getting problematic. A four-year-old with the energy of one is - although difficult to handle - overall harmless. A nine-year-old with the same energy can be problematic due to their considerably larger size.

The orphanage ultimately decided to put Akiko's boundless energy to good use when she was ten. They wanted her to run around Ambrosia and hand out their mail. To anyone else, the work might have seemed trivial and unnecessary since the postage system could do it just fine. Akiko, however, saw an appropriately large outlet for her energy. Sure she got lost a few times at first, but Akiko improved vastly with time. Soon, the child was darting all across the big city, handing out letters, packages, and more. She grew popular with correspondants of the orphanage as a good girl who didn't mind running around for such a simple task, and got to see a lot of interesting things during her rounds. Things she'd enthusiastically tell the orphanage staff and mail recipients alike about, which would later develop into an interest in journalism.

Akiko was in the end adopted by one of the orphanage's minor donors, though she didn't want to be cooped up again. She asked about jobs that someone her age could do and involved lots of moving around, and soon found herself learning to ride a bike and delivering newspapers. Rain, shine, or worse, Akiko did her job with a smile on her face, and would often read the papers she was delivering when her work was done. Having all the recent news in an easy-to-find place ended up appealing to her, and thus began her dream to become the best reporter or journalist in Ambrosia. The money she earned generally went into packs of cards, since dueling was popular and Akiko realized not long after starting her newspaper gig that she didn't have many friends her age. By luck of the draw, she eventually wound up with a fairly competent Super Quant deck, though the boss monster has eluded her to this day.

Eventually, the time came to join high school, but Akiko was very particular about where she wanted to go. It had to have a school newspaper she could work with. Her ideal high school also needed to be a good distance from home, so that she could run around a lot on the way there and back. And finally, it needed a wide open campus so that she could run around even more between classes. As it so happens, there was a school about five miles from her house that perfectly fit all her criteria, and was quite a reputable school to boot.

Blue Yonder Academy.

The first thing Akiko did upon joining Blue Yonder was sign up with the school's news crew. She's since proven to be by far the most active contributor to the school paper, both physically and in terms of actually doing her job.

[spoiler=Deck]Akiko uses a Super Quant deck. This small archetype of various types and attributes utilizes the field spell Super Quantal Mech Ship Magnacarrier to easily summon "Super Quantal Mech" xyz monsters by using only one "Super Quantum" monster as material. As a bit of a tradeoff, these xyz monsters can't attack without any materials. The deck's goal is ultimately to quickly and easily summon the boss monster Super Quantal Mech King Great Magnus, but much to her embarrassment, Akiko has yet to obtain any copies of the imposing Rank 12 monster.



And editing a week later because I don't like double-posting and also don't wanna waste my 2,500th post for this. Finished the other replacement app.

[spoiler=Best Waifu]

"I didn't mess it up right? I-I can start over if I did!"

Name: Hanako Sakura

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 124 pounds

[spoiler=Personality]Hanako is, on every level, the typical good girl. When someone - anyone - is in need of assistance, Hanako generally isn't far and will more often than not drop what she's doing to help however she can. When someone speaks, she listens intently, and will pick her words carefully so as to not upset anyone. Because she doesn't want to inconvenience anybody, she can be a bit of a pushover sometimes, but will put her foot down if she knows she's being used for some harmful end goal. Even when her foot is down, however, she has all the rage of a newborn kitten. She gets more persistent than she does angry, and will mostly just play the "who's more stubborn" game. For the record, Hanako has yet to lose these types of standoffs; when she commits to something, she commits fully and entirely.

Her sense of commitment also makes her a great person to turn to if somebody needs to get a secret off their chest. Get her word that she won't talk about it, and the secret will be as safe in her hands as it would in a top-class bank vault. She won't even bring it up again unless the owner of her stored-away secret brings it up with her. Hanako doesn't make a promise she isn't sure she can keep, so if she makes one, expect her to live up to it until the day she dies. She won't even be mad if others can't deliver on their word for her; everyone's only human, and even she - by her own admittance - makes mistakes now and then. Of course, with her dilligence and attention to detail, it may be hard to imagine Hanako of all people making mistakes. People who think she doesn't make mistakes most likely only see her hard at work.

Hanako is, overall, a klutz. She's got awful hand-eye coordination, can easily trip over nothing, and is a complete train wreck in anything athletic. The thing is that when Hanako works hard, she makes certain to focus extra hard and use the utmost care, so that she doesn't slip up and look bad in front of everyone. Even this method isn't foolproof, but it does help prevent a lot of accidents Hanako would otherwise cause. It's even worse in the mornings, as she's by all means a night owl. Those who get to know Hanako could call it a perfectly normal sight to see her stumbling and fumbling through the early mornings, not really able to coordinate herself better until ten or eleven in the morning. Of course, her morning haziness is a trait Hanako isn't happy with about herself. In her opinion, it makes her look unreliable and untrustworthy. Not an image she wants to give off.

The thing Hanako wants most in life is approval. She loves being told she did a good job, and heartfelt praises are worth their weight in diamonds to her. Inversely, she can have trouble with criticism, and is extremely vulnerable to verbal abuse. She's also easily spooked by loud noises. Just shouting at her - even if it's positive - can scare her off. She has a tendency to disappear for a bit if faced with excessive criticism or harsh words. It's also been noted by several students that she isn't one for physical contact, though she's definitely not a germaphobe since she's handled some pretty nasty tasks when nobody else would step up to the plate. Her aversions to people touching her, loud noises, and criticism/harsh words aren't really topics she likes to bring up. Or her family for that matter.

[spoiler=Biography]Hanako - as with any person - started life in the arms of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Sakura were blessed with a daughter, and...to be honest, they weren't nice people by any means. That's not to say Hanako's parents were vicious monsters, but sensations like a mother's warm embrace or the encouragement of her father are things she never got to experience. She was more familiar with her achievements in life being verbally undermined, and her shortcomings harshly called to the surface, with physical punishments in more severe cases. So what if she made a cake? Little Sally down the road made a much better one, and the texture of Hanako's cake was far too mushy! Start over from scratch, and do it right this time. That was typically the type of treatment Hanako received for basically everything in life.

The real catch was that Hanako's parents were very strict about giving her a sheltered upbringing. Between a super-tight curfew, not being allowed to have friends over, and never leaving the house unless it was for a family outing, Hanako was fairly oblivious to the world around her. It never occurred to her that her family's treatment was out of the ordinary; she'd always figured that was just how things were supposed to be between a child and her parents. She believed that what she'd later learn was abusive treatment was meant to help children grow up into flawless adults, never to this day realizing the irony that her parents were extremely flawed themselves. However, one day some questions led to Hanako learning that her parents' treatment of her was in fact not normal, and wasn't really socially acceptable. Things at home got leagues worse when she pointed it out, but then better when she was ultimately removed from her childhood home and plopped into the big city at the heart of Ambrosia. Hanako was thirteen, and would soon after join Blue Yonder.

Of course, as is often the case, things were just magically fixed for Hanako once she was taken away from her family. She's been living in the Blue Yonder dorms since joining the school, and while her academic and domestic skills are astonishing, she's got a history of having trouble in classes led by harsh teachers, being overly critical of her own failures, and trying a little too hard to keep everyone happy. She's not a very good duelist, and as such typically tries not to duel if she can help it. What she saw in Blue Yonder - a dueling academy - is up in the air, but supposedly she was attracted to the prestige of the school.

[spoiler=Deck]Hanako owns a Gem-Knight deck. This is a fusion-heavy archetype in various attributes and types, resembling warriors made up of various gemstones. The effects can vary from one Gem-Knight to the next, meaning someone who owns multiple copies of the entire archetype - like Hanako does - can change how the deck functions fairly well between duels. She seems to favor a combo-based playstyle, often involving using Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond and Gem-Knight Master Diamond to set up hard-hitting plays.


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