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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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>Battling with trainers present

>Background NPCs stay in the battle

>Panning cameras of the battle also show trainers and not just Pokemon

>Shows you how many stages your stats were increased/decreased


funking hell, this is beautiful.


Also, regarding the fact it tells you what moves are super effective/etc-

Honestly I see no problem with this. At most, it will try and encourage you to switch Pokemon more, if you really take the "help" seriously- But we all know we will still just pick what we think is the best.


Ledyba is totally included because islands

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The stat change thing is nice, in the event battles go on for a while / we forgot if any stat-changing moves / abilities were used. For the effectiveness thing, most of us probably memorized the type table so it won't be too much help in the long run (and/or we already switch when needed). 


But yeah, the Pokemon Centers look nice inside. 

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alternatively, you're probably just going to ignore it


you'll need to know what type attacks the opponent can funk you up with anyway


that's all the practice you'll need to remember the type chart that hasn't changed in 3 years.

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alternatively, you're probably just going to ignore it


you'll need to know what type attacks the opponent can funk you up with anyway


that's all the practice you'll need to remember the type chart that hasn't changed in 3 years.

This is true. Knowing what super effective does your opponent can have is far more important and the game doesn't have a helper for that.

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The small images below Silvaldi show it with an arrow seemingly pointing at its manes. The different pictures also show it having different colored manes. I think is how it gives away its type to the opponent.


I wonder whether you will be able to obtain multiple "Type: Null", or if it will be given to you by Gladion or something.

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Did Type: Null evolve or just break out of its restraints? Makes sense that it evolves through trust aka friendship, since it won't try to murder a trainer without its restraints if it trusts them.


Jararanga isn't as cool as I hoped but it's still alright and I'll probably have it on my team. I like a good dual-type dragon. Assuming you don't get it too late in the game like Deino.


It's face reminds me way too much of a Poochyena and I will nickname it Poochy whenever I get it.

What a coincidence!




I'm naming mine Nina.



Curious how it will work with flying press.

The game will play a sound file that's just the yell as a luchador leaps from on top a corner post of the fighting ring.

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Silvaldi looks cool, but yeah, depending on how good it is, might add it on team (or to be more precise, WHEN we can get it in-game). It is pretty much a clone of Arceus in terms of ability (and design, yes), but not too bothered by it. 


Jangmo-o's evo lines confirmed, and so far, designs are fine. Hopefully they're accessible early, but we'll have to see. Right now, we have no indication if this will be the regional pseudo-legendary or not. 

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Don't forget guys, we have the next video infodump tomorrow (which'll probs be the CoroCoro stuff), so we could find out more about AR System and Memory


Silvaldi looks cool, and I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it's a happiness evo

As for Jangmo-o's evos, not what I was expecting but it's not a turn-off. I still plan on using it.


He's like a male Whitney.

I swear to god, if he has a Miltank-

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So we have Whittney's bishonen cousin, and Type: Null does appear to have more similarities to Arceus, with appearence.


Type: Null and Jangmo might end up on my team, but I can see them both being late game Pokemon.


Also, that freaky picture of Oak as Eggxecutor....

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Don't forget guys, we have the next video infodump tomorrow (which'll probs be the CoroCoro stuff), so we could find out more about AR System and Memory


Silvaldi looks cool, and I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it's a happiness evo

As for Jangmo-o's evos, not what I was expecting but it's not a turn-off. I still plan on using it.


I swear to god, if he has a Miltank-

There will be blood.

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