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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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Besides typing, stage and some moves we know very little about the new Pokémon, for now. Due to this limited knowledge it is a tad hard to determine a viable team. Though based on what we do know and some speculation, I think my team will look something like this:

  • Rowlet;
  • Type: Null;
  • Vikavolt;
  • Jangmo-o;
  • Alola Ninetales;
  • ... Salandit?

It does have a terrible matchup against Rock types though. Also no clue how practical it would be in the regard of when you get access to them (have a feeling Jangmo-o and Type: Null might be late game species).

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We got the date for the next info dump when they dropped the last bit of news. October 4th is the when the next batch of info drops. So 3 days.


I'd assume October 10 or 11 be the next update since that will be around when CoroCoro comes out. Speaking of, I'm honestly unsure what we'll see in the issue that comes out in November since it will be RIGHT before the games themselves drop.

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(I probably didn't see the date or missed it. Could've sworn I posted the date earlier, but can't find it in this thread; oh well)


I suppose the November one will have more specifics on the challenges (or confirm/deny the existence of traditional gyms), or probably some other things that we still have questions about after this month's (well, October anyway at the time of writing as it hasn't become October 1st yet for me).


Next two should be interesting; well, depending on what they actually give us. Probably might be the starter evolutions and showing more of the Ultra Beasts, etc.

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We got the date for the next info dump when they dropped the last bit of news. October 4th is the when the next batch of info drops. So 3 days.


I'd assume October 10 or 11 be the next update since that will be around when CoroCoro comes out. Speaking of, I'm honestly unsure what we'll see in the issue that comes out in November since it will be RIGHT before the games themselves drop.

Well I suppose I'll wait for next pay day to preorder then, since that'll be on the 7th (and I can wait a few days for CoroCoro)

Wonder what's gonna be next on the reveals...

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Not sure how it worked for BW, but with XY the issue the month before the game release was when we got our first look at the starter Evos. So I'm expecting that in the next couple weeks.

The starter evos (first stage evos) for BW were revealed in the issue of CoroCoro released in September 2010, a week before the release in Japan.

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The starter evos (first stage evos) for BW were revealed in the issue of CoroCoro released in September 2010, a week before the release in Japan.


So we might not see the Evos until next month since CoroCoro would have one my issue coming out before the games. That wasn't the case with XY I believe. We know it will at the very lest go more into Type-Null.


Oh right, the 4th. I keep thinking the 10th as that's when Australia gets the Volcanion event.

Speaking of the US gets Volcanion on the 10th too. Just need to go to game stop. We also have the water pony event live now.

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Okay so probably silly theory.

Expansion is what you fight in Sun and Beauty in Moon right?
Theories are it's Gladion and Lusamine right?
Maybe Sun involves Skull more and Moon Aether?
I mean they already did that kind of thing before but it could be in a different way this time around.

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That'd be interesting and if that's the case I'm definitely getting Moon. Not that I wasn't already planning on getting it. But idk I feel like they're probably more a shared thing.


Also noticed this when reading over Oranguru's description:

"Oranguru sometimes act on their own initiative and will use items that only humans normally use. From a Trainer’s perspective, they can be hard Pokémon to handle at times. Allegedly, there have been sightings of Oranguru using Poké Balls!"


I'm not sure if this will have a mechanical usage in the games but it'd be pretty neato to have Oranguru be able to use Potions and Poké Balls. Though I wonder how gamebreaking that would be considering it also has Instruct so that's two really unique things on just one Pokémon, and a version exclusive at that.

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If you have a lot of PokeMiles you gotta burn, better do it quickly as they said it'll be gone late this month. (I have around 24k on AS and 78,602 for XY [i just checked it]; blame that on massive Wonder Trading sprees with guys in Japan / Europe).


So yeah, if you need Rare Candy / Ability Capsule, best you do it now. (I might as well buy some, since I need my BP for moves and other items, and certainly have enough to buy a few from the PokeMileage Club).



Oh right, and new trailer in about 5 1/2 hours (give/take a few minutes). Let's see if the trailers answer our questions about certain things, or leaving us with more.

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