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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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Agreed. Plus really would like it if we didn't get ANOTHER Fire/Fighting starter. Plus a wrestler tiger.....? Just....what?


I mean I get there are wrestlers with like a tiger theme or persona, but I don't know if that would work for a Pokemon....



Also while I'm thinking of it, when Gen 8 comes around, we have a way to tell if any "leaked" starters would be real or not, given ALL Fire-Type starters are based off the Chinese Zodiac.


Charmander ( Dragon )

Cyndaquil ( Rat. I know its a shrew, but shrews are rodents )

Torchic ( Rooster )

Chimchar ( Monkey )

Tepig ( Pig )

Fenniken ( Dog. Foxes are canines, so it works )

Litten ( Tiger )

Actually, Cyndaquil is a porcupine (although Quilava looks more like the real thing), judging by the Japanese name. Quoting Bulbapedia:


"Hinoarashi may be a combination of 火 hi (fire) and 山荒 yama-arashi (porcupine). It can be taken to mean 火の嵐 hi no arashi (storm of fire)."


Basically, Cyndaquil's family follows a theme of quilled animals with flames in place of the quills.

Time for my two cents:

- The beauty form of UB-02 is strangely hot, and the Expansion form looks rather weird

- Both of Rockruff's evos look pretty cool, defo prefer the night form if anything.

I don't think those are supposed to be two different forms of the same creature, but rather two separate species altogether.

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And again, the leaked rumor never stated that it would be Fire/Fighting. Everyone's just assuming that because of how it looked. There's a much greater chance of it being Ground or Dark.

The design does suggest fighting most, but I can still totally see it being a Fire/Dark type. Between the coloring and the whole heel thing, it could work. Ground seems more of a stretch. It could also just end up staying a pure Fire type too. I mean, of the 18 starters only 7 do so it would be nice to increase that number a little. (Though admittedly duel types are cooler)

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Rockruff.... What.... What the ever living sheet happened to you.

Its night evolution is basically its descent into madness.

*Putting this in the context of Shadow the Hedgehog* Its night evo is basically it choosing the dark mission, whereas the day evo is it choosing the hero mission :Kappa: .


I don't think those are supposed to be two different forms of the same creature, but rather two separate species altogether.

I'm gonna assume you're talking about UB-02, because I know one is exclusive to sun and the other is exclusive to moon, I just worded it weirdly.

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Charmander ( Dragon )

Cyndaquil ( Rat. I know its a shrew, but shrews are rodents )

Torchic ( Rooster )

Chimchar ( Monkey )

Tepig ( Pig )

Fenniken ( Dog. Foxes are canines, so it works )

Litten ( Tiger )

I have never been fond of this theory.


First off, cyndaquil isn't a shrew. It is a hedgehog. Even if it is a rodent (which, for the record, it is not, nor is a shrew for that matter) it really doesn't make it the same thing as a rat. Its classification as the fire mouse Pokemon is almost certainly a mistranslation. In Japanese, the word used to refer to hedgehogs would translate into "needle mouse". That, preceded by "fire" would not fit in the Japanese game, so they just had the word fire replace needle as a sort of pun. Since hedgehogs have their own name here, the intent did not translate well, causing confusion.


Additionally, though foxes are indeed related to dogs, they are significantly different animals. Not to mention the fact that they fill vastly different roles in both Chinese and Japanese culture. In Chinese mythology, the Fox is represented by the huli jing, which is (more or less) the same thing as the Japanese Kitsune, a nine-tailed spirit that often disguises itself as a women (which is represented to some extent by Braixen and Delphox's upright posture and feminine aesthetics). Dogs, on the other hand, have their own mythologies in said cultures, upon which the Dog in the Chinese zodiac is based.


There is also the bit about charizard not lining up with Chinese representations of dragons, but that one is really just semantics.


Considering tepig exists, which is seemingly a completely off the wall design otherwise, I wouldn't be surprised if they started messing with this zodiac idea somewhere after Gen 3-4, but if it is the intent, they are half-assing the sheet out of it.

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I have never been fond of this theory.


First off, cyndaquil isn't a shrew. It is a hedgehog. Even if it is a rodent (which, for the record, it is not, nor is a shrew for that matter) it really doesn't make it the same thing as a rat. Its classification as the fire mouse Pokemon is almost certainly a mistranslation. In Japanese, the word used to refer to hedgehogs would translate into "needle mouse". That, preceded by "fire" would not fit in the Japanese game, so they just had the word fire replace needle as a sort of pun. Since hedgehogs have their own name here, the intent did not translate well, causing confusion.


Additionally, though foxes are indeed related to dogs, they are significantly different animals. Not to mention the fact that they fill vastly different roles in both Chinese and Japanese culture. In Chinese mythology, the Fox is represented by the huli jing, which is (more or less) the same thing as the Japanese Kitsune, a nine-tailed spirit that often disguises itself as a women (which is represented to some extent by Braixen and Delphox's upright posture and feminine aesthetics). Dogs, on the other hand, have their own mythologies in said cultures, upon which the Dog in the Chinese zodiac is based.


There is also the bit about charizard not lining up with Chinese representations of dragons, but that one is really just semantics.


Considering tepig exists, which is seemingly a completely off the wall design otherwise, I wouldn't be surprised if they started messing with this zodiac idea somewhere after Gen 3-4, but if it is the intent, they are half-assing the s*** out of it.

As I explained beforehand, Cyndaquil's line, or at least Quilava, is most likely based on the the porcupine, which IS indeed a rodent, since their Japanese name appears to be a pun on the word for porcupine; they could also be mixing elements from other quilled species into them, but there's certainly some inspiration taken from that animal, as evidenced by Quilava's design, whose flames are placed exactly where the quills of an old world porcupine would be.

And while I'm not entirely convinced of the Eastern Zodiac theory, the fact they aren't using the exact animals may have to do with them wanting to go with an indirect approach to make things more interesting (in their perspectives, at least), I suppose.

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Considering tepig exists, which is seemingly a completely off the wall design otherwise, I wouldn't be surprised if they started messing with this zodiac idea somewhere after Gen 3-4, but if it is the intent, they are half-assing the sheet out of it. [/color]

I wouldn't say that. Zigging when people expect you to zag and taking the less obvious path is good design. Some of them are stretches (Fenniken being the biggest imo) but having a very rough pattern allows people to have some idea what you could do next while also giving you room to surprise. It is certainly possible that 5 (I'm counting Litten for now) of the 7 ended up fitting into an unintended pattern and because humans like patterns we see it and force the other two in, but the fact it keeps coming back is certainly noteworthy at the very least.



Anyway, I remember them saying that the 4 trial captains we've seen aren't all of them and that we have more. Am I crazy or was this actually said? Also, if they did they say that, did they say how many more we'll have?

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Remember, Astro does seem to come to conclusions reached at least 2 pages ago. Not to mention he doesn't seem to ever really look at what people have said before to make sure he's not treading old ground.


I really kind of wish the night evo of Rockruff looked a bit less... I dunno, lithe. It reminds me a bit too much of Zoroark, and I like Zoroark a lot but I'd prefer this thing to look a bit different, more special. ESPECIALLY if it looked more bestial, and huge. Like Innistrad werewolves in MtG.


The day evo, however, looks cool as hell. Could the two of these guys be Dark and Fairy, respectively? The idea that starters could be getting alt evos is exciting, and it adds variance to a core element of the game that allows players to find their starter more special and unique, and it's in a more creative way than Mega Evolution. I hope they do get alt evos, I'd be fascinated to see the difference in design.

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I kinda like Rockruff evo's night form, though I'm probably biased cuz werewolves are cool. Also the crazy eyes kind of remind me of old toon villains. The hair reminds me more of Skuntank, tbh, though I can see the emo-ness there. It's weird, since I don't like Zoroark, but I do like this 'mon. Day version is pretty cool too though, being more of a wolf wolf, though idk if they're trying to go more off the maned wolf instead of an actual wolf.


Definitely looking forward to these games.

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I'll probably try out both forms to see if each of them has something different that I may want on team; shouldn't expect too many differences between the two.


Anyway, I remember them saying that the 4 trial captains we've seen aren't all of them and that we have more. Am I crazy or was this actually said? Also, if they did they say that, did they say how many more we'll have?


I don't recall them saying that we'll have more trial captains outside of Mallow, Lana, Sophocles and Kiawe. 

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Yes. dem dip dyed emo bangs


It is glorious.


I'll probably try out both forms to see if each of them has something different that I may want on team; shouldn't expect too many differences between the two.



I don't recall them saying that we'll have more trial captains outside of Mallow, Lana, Sophocles and Kiawe.

I wouldn't be too sure. Male and Female Meowstic end up playing pretty differently so I can see them doing a difference like that.


Maybe I am crazy then.


Anyway, a little more from CoroCoro. The red coloring on the night form REALLY makes me think Yveltal for some reason.




And from Serebii

"New images of CoroCoro have come out showcasing more of Lugarugan. In it, it shows the Midday Form being obtained in Pokémon Sun and the Midnight Form being obtained in Pokémon Moon. It also says that Midday Form has a move called AccelRock while Midnight Form has got the move Counter. We'll bring more as it comes."


I'm going to take "being obtained" doesn't mean exclusive for now. That would be dumb and have a few problems.

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