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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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I'ma go back to the time thing real quick. Cause I think it's possible you're all looking at it wrong.


The trailer says that "Pokemon Sun and Moon are set 12 hours apart," "Certain events will play out differently..." 


And though the trailer shows the same scenes occurring during night/day, I don't think they will actually have inversed internal clocks.


I suspect it more has to do with their connection to each other, and that the events of Pokemon Sun and Moon are set 12 hours apart from each other. The games have shown as that they can indirectly reference their other titles and generations, if in a roundabout way. And with all of the complete disassembly of previously heart-held pieces of a Pokemon game, perhaps they can do so here, too.


It's also possible certain story events will have to happen at either the day or night, and that Sun and Moon will require those events to be done at the opposite time as their counterpart, having an equal number of those events at either time so Moon players aren't the only ones needing to play past 8 all the time.


A total reverse of the clock in Moon would just be weird and frankly pestersome.

according to serebii, it is a 12 hour shift.


And every other person I've talked to says it's cool, not pester some. If anything, having plot based on time is pestersome.

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I HIGHLY doubt Sun will have nothing going on at night, much like how I doubt Moon will have nothing going on during the day. Hell, they even said events in 1 game will be slightly different from the events in the other, as evidenced by the Gumshoos/Alola Raticate events, so I doubt the time of day will effect anything more then [X] Pokemon you can find.

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One of the two fairly correct leaks mentions a cat Pokémon that is Normal-type in the wild, but inherits a second type from its father in breeding.


Fits the description of Type:Null which is literally a chimera Pokémon made out of Pokémon of different types with cat ears on its helmet.

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Holy sheet Oak grew out his hair and got a tan.


Also, I really like that song, it's been in trailers a bit before I think and I hope we have music like that in the game.


If you watch the Japanese trailer from yesterday it has a similar styling to the music. So my guess is that this is indeed the type of music we'll have in game.


Huh, so Wood Hammer has a new attack animation, neat.

Wonder if other attacks will get new animations.


Perhaps he's related to Kanto's Prof Oak, because that's most likely the case.

Most likely. Would be really weird though if the family had two people that looked the same named Oak though.


Did anyone else notice at the start that our rival has the weaker starter?

Yea, people noted that when we first saw it. I'm hopeful the Skull kid ends up as the true rival.


Also, random note. While training up a Ponyta I remembered Run Away is an ability and it bloody sucks. Why don't they let it work in trainer battles? None of the Pokemon with it would use it even if it did and it certainly wouldn't be that good still. Seems like a totally fair change to make and its odd they haven't.

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New trailer was neat, including the music. 


As for the darker Oak, not going to draw any conclusion yet; either this is a relative of the Kanto Oak we all know well enough by now, or yeah, he's been on the beach too long and got suntanned. (To be fair, original Professor Oak did have a given name; one in the trailer just read Oak [though I don't recall the games ever mentioning his first name]). 

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Yeah, I don't think he's been referred to by his full name of Samuel Oak in any game that I can think of. Don't know if it's the same for the Japanese versions.

Did anyone else notice at the start that our rival has the weaker starter?

Yeah, looks like he's confirmed as sort of the "friend rival" so I'm hoping that means Gladion is our actual rival.

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