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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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The shovel on Palossand's head spiiins

Why are there so many normal types?

It would be awesome if Jangmo-o became dragon/steel, but I can also see it becoming dragon/fighting. Which would also be neat. It looks like a dinosaur.

Non-pokemon beasts from another dimension? What is this.

We actually haven't gotten many. We are at 3 duels and 3 pure atm. Seems well within normal range.


Yea, I think the reason o-o is so adorable is the dinosaur look it has going on. Dragon/Steel would be a possible type and it would be nice to see that on something breedable. Would also make it VERY powerful since that is one of the best types in the game.


How dare you.

I'm honestly unsure how I feel about the name. I think its kind of terrible, but so terrible it is also really amazing. o-o's name was also odd until Sakura explained why it is what it is.


On that note, it can't be an accident they showed off three oddly named Pokemon (or whatever the UB are).



Another thing I thought of regarding the Zygarde Cube is what if you obtain it from Sina/Dexio when you have a Zygarde (transferred from XY via Bank to Sun/Moon) on your team.


Also I wonder if you can only evolve pokemon that require it to be night in Moon only and in the daytime in Sun only

I can totally see them doing version exclusives that evolve during the game's corresponding time of day. The theme is a really easy one to play into with time evolutions and the stone evolutions of not just the new Pokemon, but old as well.

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I def don't want a team vs team thing, but it'd be neat I guess.


What I want is the player working for Aether the whole game and then them going



Technically there has to be a team vs team thing as from what I can tell Aether are peace keeper sorts in a sense and Skull...is not.

But I get what you mean, like, not the "two bad teams except one is on your side" thing R/S had. Or the "Two bad teams at once" that Emerald had.


But what if you get to choose a side at some point? That might be interesting. Even if Aether is evil in the end letting you stick with them and finding out you were wrong to. I'm not sure. But something implementing two teams that isn't a rehash of what R/S/E did would be cool.

It's clear they are meant to be parallels though.

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I would assume that the timing would be reversed for Moon. So basically, if you want Umbreon in Moon, you'd have to evolve it during the daylight hours as opposed to evening when you'd normally do it in other games, and vice versa with Espeon / Riolu, etc.


We'll have to wait for confirmation, but if there is a time difference, then the mechanics may be inversed. (Would hope that there's a game clock to tell you what time it is, but they haven't done it since Gen 5)

That's what I'm thinking that the timing is reversed in Moon, but it'd still feel weird evolving eevee into Umbreon in IRL daylight hours. Haven't done that since XD.

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I can totally see them doing version exclusives that evolve during the game's corresponding time of day. The theme is a really easy one to play into with time evolutions and the stone evolutions of not just the new Pokemon, but old as well.

Version exclusives that evolve during the game's corresponding time of day would be rather interesting tbph.

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I don't get why everyone is jumping on the "she is UB-01" when "UB-01 is coping her" is just as valid an explanation.


But yea, the 3 blond hair, green eyed characters are PROBABLY related.

Yeah, I'm not sure how everyone jumped to the conclusion of "Lillie is a shapeshifting alien in disguise."


I figure UB-01 has just been made in her image or something, Metropolis style.

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Well I don't know what the most popular theory is, I just grabbed an image example from Google to show my point. It's just very likely that they're related in some way, I'm not sure what specifically.

Based on what everyone else here was saying I'm beat Lillie is UB-01 is one of if not the most popular.



I wonder if it's perhaps one of those ideas where Lillie can communicate with the "beast" and somehow tame it.

If I were to bet, I'd put my money in this camp. Her being able to befriend the UBs and keep them from destroying everything (if thats even what they want to do) is a pretty obvious path to take.

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There a couple of pieces of evidence pointing out to ORAS coming before XY:


ORAS shows the origins of Mr. Bonding, whom you meet at various points in XY and receives the O-Powers from.

You can found a model of a yet-unfinished Royal Unova at the Oceanic Museum (XY is confirmed to take place at the same time as B2W2 by the creators).

A scientist working for Devon Corporation trying to find a way to visualize Pokémon's dreams mentions there's another scientist from the Unova Region working in a similar project simultaneously, implying Game Sync hasn't been finished yet.


All of this implies ORAS takes place at least before BW, and, thus, XY. There's also the fact you meet the guy from XY who swam all the way to Kalos from Hoenn in the ORAS demo as he's about to begin his journey, but since demo's story itself isn't canon, I decided not to count it.

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I'ma go back to the time thing real quick. Cause I think it's possible you're all looking at it wrong.


The trailer says that "Pokemon Sun and Moon are set 12 hours apart," "Certain events will play out differently..." 


And though the trailer shows the same scenes occurring during night/day, I don't think they will actually have inversed internal clocks.


I suspect it more has to do with their connection to each other, and that the events of Pokemon Sun and Moon are set 12 hours apart from each other. The games have shown as that they can indirectly reference their other titles and generations, if in a roundabout way. And with all of the complete disassembly of previously heart-held pieces of a Pokemon game, perhaps they can do so here, too.


It's also possible certain story events will have to happen at either the day or night, and that Sun and Moon will require those events to be done at the opposite time as their counterpart, having an equal number of those events at either time so Moon players aren't the only ones needing to play past 8 all the time.


A total reverse of the clock in Moon would just be weird and frankly pestersome.

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