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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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I think it isn't out of the question that ORAS could take place before XY. In-game, we have very few instances showing the happenings of various regions being known in any others.


Further, Mega Evolution isn't actually a new thing in the XY continuity; that massive tower has been focused on it for seemingly generations. It's just now becoming more available to the rest of Kalos. Thus, they could simply be behind on the times compared to ORAS.


Your Occam's Razor conclusion is not the simplest, because if your reasoning for ORAS needing to be after XY is that Mega Evolution is more prominent in one than the other, then the ultimate weapon should be at least casually mentioned in ORAS, but it's not.


Both conclusions require an about-equal level of justification, neither is simple. I myself don't have an opinion because there are buts and ifs for both. Until we've got very obvious indication of ORAS' place in the continuity, we'll have to accept that we can't be certain. Thankfully, it won't actually be super relevant until they do give us that information.

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So, thoughts time.


The Japanese trailer showed off some really sweet shots of the world. Wish we'd gotten them in the US trailer. The region looks great.


Lol, Pokemon Snap is back.


I totally get where everyone is coming from with the Aether Foundation. If they end up the true bad guys it would be a sweet twist (even if we can all see it coming). Lusamine design is really awesome, but what in the hell is with the heels Wicke has on.


Gladion looks SO much like he could be your actual rival. Not to mention his character design is also freaking fantastic.


For new Pokemon. They got some weird names. Like the designs of them though. Jangmo-o looks adorable and Type: Null badass. Cutiefly's likely evo also looks cool. Raticate is Raticate.


UB-01 looks really cool. No idea where they are going to go with the concept, but I'm really interested.




Seriously, this is looking to be an amazing game.

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I keep going back to the Type:Null is an Arceus copy thing, and, just... it makes too much sense, given Aether likely made it, it's used by someone who is (almost certainly) related to the head of Aether, and that's not to mention that it even looks like a reject Arceus, which makes more sense given that these people have likely never seen Arceus.


EDIT: Oh yeah, it's name in every language is either.


Type/Code: Null


Type/Code: Zero


zero as in alpha

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- UB01 is definitely Lillie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

- Type: Null is a garbage name but the mon itself is too cool to pass up

- Why did y'all spam this place up

- I still don't see the Cutiefly evo in the video but from the pictures it looks like a hugeeee step in the right direction




Basically, nintendo, keep making cool designs and innovative choices, but stop making dumb names. Tapu-Koko was already basically the 3rd Pokemon whose name is two words, and Type: Null has a fUckn colon in it like why does it need that

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- UB01 is definitely Lillie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

- Type: Null is a garbage name but the mon itself is too cool to pass up

- Why did y'all spam this place up

- I still don't see the Cutiefly evo in the video but from the pictures it looks like a hugeeee step in the right direction




Basically, nintendo, keep making cool designs and innovative choices, but stop making dumb names. Tapu-Koko was already basically the 3rd Pokemon whose name is two words, and Type: Null has a f***n colon in it like why does it need that

Discussing theories regarding the story isn't spam.

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General thoughts:

  • Jangmo-o looks nice; hopefully it evolves to something good. Might consider it for team slot depending on stats and movepool. (And yeah, part of its name is derived from mo'o, which does translate to lizard/dragon in Hawaiian; technically mo'o are demigods that guard water pools based on my knowledge on Hawaiian mythology, but I'll leave that out)
  • When I saw Type: Null, I almost thought we were getting a new Type and was asking myself "what?" But then, it came up as Normal-type and things calmed down. Design is neat.
  • Not really a fan of Alolan Raticate's design.
  • Game is set 12 hours apart in Sun/Moon. Well, I suppose that makes some sense (despite actual day/night hours varying every day). To be fair, that much time does exist between here (Hawai'i) and a lot of you guys elsewhere (due to time differences).
  • Don't really know about Aether Foundation, but we'll have to see what happens. Their motives are good (externally), but what else?
  • Gladion could shape up to be one of the more competent members in Team Skull, but yeah he's battle-hungry.
  • UB-01 and Lilia do resemble each other; that much is certain.
  • On the note of Ultra Beasts, don't know if they are actually Pokemon or not, but at this point, prepare for anything.
  • Dexio/Shina return for Zygarde; well, they're the only ones who know about it in this region for now.
  • They brought back the photo thing from X/Y; this should be fun.

Yeah, this is shaping up to be good (or at least with more features that we had expected).


[spoiler=Some rough HP calculations]

Like always, this will be done on the assumption that there are no EVs and values are either 0 or 31. I'd like to do other stats, but unless they show us the stat page, you get it. Take this with a grain of salt.


(Info is taken from whatever was shown in the previews)


Palossand - 138 HP/LV 45

76-92 (no IVs)


Stufful - 56 HP/LV 18



Turtonator - 82 HP/LV 30



Popplio - 43 HP/LV 15

45-60 (I forgot if I calculated this at an earlier time)



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The shovel on Palossand's head spiiins

Why are there so many normal types?

It would be awesome if Jangmo-o became dragon/steel, but I can also see it becoming dragon/fighting. Which would also be neat. It looks like a dinosaur.

Non-pokemon beasts from another dimension? What is this.

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If Jangmo-o does evolve into Dragon/Steel, then it'll be the only non-legendary 'mon with that typing. Otherwise, Dragon/Fighting gives it a unique typing, but also will make it severe Fairy bait. Hoping for the former, since that one will do more for it (and suspecting it'll be a Physical attacker).


Oh right, and another Sun/Moon commercial (this one involves Minior/shooting stars)



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Type: Null is absolutely cool.
Jangmo-o amuses me and its abilities are facinating.
Alola Raticate's cheeks are for storing coconuts.
WHAT 12 HOURS APART? That's actually a super clever idea.
Ooooh an Elite Four in a sense perhaps? Pretty interesting.
OH so it's a team vs team thing!
Gladion reminds me of Ghetisis with his apperance.
Dexio and Sina yay!
This is a lot of super cool stuff.
Ayyyy Pokemon Snap.


I'm in love with this game already.

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Another thing I thought of regarding the Zygarde Cube is what if you obtain it from Sina/Dexio when you have a Zygarde (transferred from XY via Bank to Sun/Moon) on your team.


Also I wonder if you can only evolve pokemon that require it to be night in Moon only and in the daytime in Sun only

I don't know, that sounds really..............sleazy on Pokemons part if that actually was the case in regards to the Time specific evolving part.

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I don't know, that sounds really..............sleazy on Pokemons part if that actually was the case in regards to the Time specific evolving part.

It's just something I thought of. It probs won't be the case, but in hindsight it sounds rather silly.

Worst part is I'm planning on using mons that require time-based evos on both games.

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N wasn't Ghetsis' son


he was some rando kid he found in the forest and forcibly adopted because HE TALKS TO POKEMON MUST USE HIM TO PETAKE OVER THE WORLD

I know this. But Agro said "compare" and you gotta admit N does sorta resemble Ghetsis in a weird way. And he definitely had relation to him just not in the biological sense

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It's just something I thought of. It probs won't be the case, but in hindsight it sounds rather silly.

Worst part is I'm planning on using mons that require time-based evos on both games.



I would assume that the timing would be reversed for Moon. So basically, if you want Umbreon in Moon, you'd have to evolve it during the daylight hours as opposed to evening when you'd normally do it in other games, and vice versa with Espeon / Riolu, etc.


We'll have to wait for confirmation, but if there is a time difference, then the mechanics may be inversed. (Would hope that there's a game clock to tell you what time it is, but they haven't done it since Gen 5)

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