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They could be family, but with UB-01 in the equation...


Oh right, I brought up Lusamine and Gladion but forgot Lillie. It's entirely plausible they're all related to each other and the UB in some way. Like, Aether created UB/Lillie(?) and Gladion rebelled or something? Gladion looks like a rebel.

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Cloning maybe? We already know it exists in the Pokemon universe in the form of Mewtwo. What if someones idea was to take the natural extension of that are create a Human/Pokemon hybrid, making multiple attempts using the same genetic samples, hence why we get 3 different characters with the same hair and eye colour/style. 


Aether would be the organisation collecting pokemon to get samples for this, and Type: Null could be an attempt at splicing pokemon genetic codes together successfully as an initial clinical trial say?


I get the feeling that Skull are essentially petty criminals, whilst Aether are... not exactly evil but not good intention either? Scientists taking an idea too far without considering the consequences. It fits with the general behavoir of Skull making them seem like street Thugs save for Gladion. 

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So, Lusamine, Gladion, and Lillie may or may not be siblings or have some other relation. Lusamine is part of Aether, who are trying to protect Pokemon from Team Skull, of which Gladion is a subordinate to your boy Guzma, who has a history with Kukui, who Lillie is assistant to. Aether and Lillie may or may not be related to the Ultra Beasts, and it's already been said that Lillie is central to the plot of S&M.


This story will be very interesting, methinks.


Also, the song from the Japanese trailer that I assume is Gladion's theme is really cool.

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How? If anything, your timeline still has a major hole in it.


Gen 3 Remakes are a confirmed different canon from the original Gen 3. The "mega evolution" canon, so to speak. And Mega Evolution is already somewhat established in ORAS, so it can't be pre-XY, where Mega Evolution is still a fairly undocumented phenomenon.



You answered your own question.


The timeline I mentioned, and found said





The remakes replaces the originals in continuity. This is also why Zinnia says there is a universe where Mega Evolution doesn't exist.


She is refering to RBY, GSC, and RSE.





And I agree. There is something very fishy about these Aether people. I don't think Team Skull are exactly good, but Aether just seems too.....something....I don't even know the word. 




And as for my theory, there is one person who is a key part of it.



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You answered your own question.


The timeline I mentioned, and found said





The remakes replaces the originals in continuity. This is also why Zinnia says there is a universe where Mega Evolution doesn't exist.


She is refering to RBY, GSC, and RSE.

I said a lot of this legitimately a year ago. However, this does not prove your timeline.


ORAS is, seemingly, post-XY. There is no clear indication between BW/2 and the rest of the series, and Gens 4-5 don't have mega evos, same for the other Remakes, meaning they, too, are a different canon.


I answerd nothing because you did not address the issue, you just ran with a tiny shred of evidence (XY -> SM) to prove the whole thing.

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I said a lot of this legitimately a year ago. However, this does not prove your timeline.


ORAS is, seemingly, post-XY. There is no clear indication between BW/2 and the rest of the series, and Gens 4-5 don't have mega evos, same for the other Remakes, meaning they, too, are a different canon.


I answerd nothing because you did not address the issue, you just ran with a tiny shred of evidence (XY -> SM) to prove the whole thing.



I can answer both of those.


It is said IN GAME that Gen 2 ( HGSS ) is three years after Gen 1 ( FRLG ), and B2W2 is two years after BW.


As for Mega Evolution missing in the games in between ORAS and XY....


Like I said, Looker is the key.



On the SS Anne, is a man who is a Global Police Officer, the same group Looker belongs to. The man is investigating Team Rocket.


When you get Cut, and leave the SS Anne, it departs with the man still on it.


Let's just to ORAS post game.


Who washes up on a beach at the Battle Resort with amnesia? Looker. All he has on him to give him any clue to his identity is Audinite, Audino's Mega Stone. Why is that important?


Audino is the HEARING Pokemon. Its perfect for an undercover cop/detective to have.


For argument's sake, let's say it is confirmed Looker is the man on the ship.

He was likely discovered by Team Rocket, and thrown overboard, and got amnesia. Eventually he washed up in Hoehn. This may seem unlikely, but keep in mind the Regions from the first four Gens ( Kanto, Johto, Hoehn, and Sinnoh ) are all based off actual places in Japan, so it isn't that unlikely. Plus he could have been thrown overboard just off the coast of the Battle Resort.


If the SS Anne was departing from Kalos or Unova, that would be unlikely then.



As for where Mega Evolution comes into place, as you said, Mega Evolution is a new thing in ORAS. The only people who can use it seem to be people like League Champions and Elite Four, and maybe high ranking members of the Global Police.... If one of these people finds someone they deem ok to use Mega Evolution, they allow them to, which is what Steven does for the player. Maxie and Archie have it because they likely either stole the technology, or reverse engineered it.


By the time XY happen, it is decided people can be a bit more open about it, and Mega Evolution becomes more well known to the world.


And the reason it might have taken so long, is Looker. If he had Audinite, there is an EXTREMELY strong chance he could use Mega Evolution at some point. After Looker's cover was blown, it might have been decided it was now too risky to to public with Mega Evolution, at the risk of people like Maxie and Archie getting ahold of it, and using it for evil.


Imagine freaking Cyrus or Ghettis with Mega Evolution.....


As for why other League Champions don't use it, they might have decided it was safer to just have Steven use it for now, or they might have decided against it. In Blue's case, it would probably be because he was Champion for 5 minutes before he lost his title. So not counting Diantha ( since XY is when Mega Evolution became a thing gameplay-wise ), Alder since he has no Pokemon that can use it, or Blue who COULD use it, but lost his Champion status immediately, and not counting Steven, that only leaves Cynthia, who COULD use it. Another possibility is she might just not wanted to use Mega Evolution.


The other possibility as to where it was.....As bullshit as it is, is video game logic.



Plus its said in XY that Looker's partner Pokemon, Croagunk died years ago. He has the Croagunk in Platinum though.


There is also the Rocket Grunt with the strange speech pattern in Gen 2 ( HGSS AND GSC )'s post game who shows up again in Gen 5.

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So your entire evidence is hinging on the fact that one guy MAY be Looker. May. But that's no more likely than the random grunt that drops the lift key being looker, which is also a theory.


Same goes for the last point. It's pure conjecture. There's no solid evidence here, and the only confirmed things are


1/3 -> 2/4

Re:3 at some point

5 -> 5 part 2

6 -> 7


There's also no evidence of 


And your mega evolution point about XY... still ignores my point. Almost NO ONE in XY knows what Mega Evolution is, but most have an inkling of it come ORAS. So that makes it seem like XY is pre-ORAS. We don't even have a guarantee that these lookers are the same looker (timeline, not literal person).

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So your entire evidence is hinging on the fact that one guy MAY be Looker. May. But that's no more likely than the random grunt that drops the lift key being looker, which is also a theory.


Same goes for the last point. It's pure conjecture. There's no solid evidence here, and the only confirmed things are


1/3 -> 2/4

Re:3 at some point

5 -> 5 part 2

6 -> 7


There's also no evidence of 


And your mega evolution point about XY... still ignores my point. Almost NO ONE in XY knows what Mega Evolution is, but most have an inkling of it come ORAS. So that makes it seem like XY is pre-ORAS. We don't even have a guarantee that these lookers are the same looker (timeline, not literal person).




And before you call me out for it not have ORAS, keep in mind this was BEFORE ORAS had been released. As for why nobody knows about it, like I said, they might have tried to isolate the info of it to Hoehn after what happened with Looker, OR perhaps it was made illegal to mention Mega Evolution, given Maxie/Archie almost destroyed the world.


Also I have never heard of a theory of Looker being the Lift Key guy. Or maybe the info of Mega Evolution just hadn't reached France yet.


Plus there is something else to take into account that I don't have an answer for.


The unknown other people besides Team Flare who were looking for Yvetal before XY. Keep in mind XY left us with a lot of unanswerd mysteries.

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And before you call me out for it not have ORAS, keep in mind this was BEFORE ORAS had been released. As for why nobody knows about it, like I said, they might have tried to isolate the info of it to Hoehn after what happened with Looker, OR perhaps it was made illegal to mention Mega Evolution, given Maxie/Archie almost destroyed the world.


Also I have never heard of a theory of Looker being the Lift Key guy. Or maybe the info of Mega Evolution just hadn't reached France yet.


Plus there is something else to take into account that I don't have an answer for.


The unknown other people besides Team Flare who were looking for Yvetal before XY. Keep in mind XY left us with a lot of unanswerd mysteries.

And that tweet means...? I see absolutely nothing to tell me what it means. Doesn't seem official, seems like a random twitter thought. Which is 50% confirmed, anyway.






yes, it did, because XYORAS were setting up for this gen. That's not a point.

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Well I can't deny that. I meant we never found out who the group of people were who were looking for Yvetal years before XY.


Or the "I've gone for help. Meet me at the usual place" at the train station.


Or the Hex Maniac "You're not the one."


Or the other locked buildings in the dessert.


Granted only one of these has even the potential to be plot important.


Also wasn't there going to be an event at somepoint giving away an AZ Floette?

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*ignores argument going on above*


- funking Chimera is kickass

- Hope Jango-o evolves into a good typing I love that prevo

- Don't care about Radarkate

- Aether is shady af, love the ref, but they clearly have skeletons in they closet

- Thank you 12 hour time diff for making sure i play sun first

- Team Skull will make no BONES about it

- Lusamine, Lillie and Gladion are 100% all related

- Also probably all UBs

- Also Gladion is hot

- His sword hand trembles

- *poses emphatically*

- they've explained that zygarde is in this game several times now

- Taking photos is a SNAP

- Lillith is def a UB at least

- Bet she starts having feelings of "friendship" towards the protagonist

- theory: she and gladion are both UB twins

- also her name is Lillie, Lillie=Lillith, time for the third impact

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Occam's Razor dictates that ORAS comes after. It simply makes more sense. Way too many assumptions need to be made for otherwise to work at all. And even with all those assumptions, it doesn't directly indicate such.


Also, considering the emphasis on mega evolution in XY, mega Rayquaza would have at least been mentioned. Doesn't matter how much you try to hush something, that sheet was a global event. (Though, by that same logic, it is a bit odd ORAS didn't mention that that ultimate weapon had been turned back on. It is entirely possible they aren't even contained in the same canon)

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Not a big fan of Alolan Raticate; it looks silly to me with those cheeks.


I like the concept of Type:Null as an engineered chimera Pokemon, but I don't like that much its appearance, the odd name and that it's Normal-Type. Still, I bet it has a stronger form, where it removes its helmet and other restraints.


I'm neutral towards Jangmo-o; simply not feeling any hype towards it xD

Although I'm curious on what the "Bulletproof" ability is about.


I too found the Aether Foundation and Lusamine's ideals suspicious and akin to an evil organization. In fact, I perceived them more threatening than Team Skull: from what I have seen of Team Skull so far, they are mostly just a bunch of troublemakers or thugs with no established evil, world-changing scheme, while Aether already stated clear objectives, and quite ambitious ones like Lusamine's statement on "becoming a mother to all of those poor Pokemon" and they seem to be better organized than Team Skull; not to mention their ranks and positions resemble Admins and grunts as it was already pointed out. I wouldn't be surprised if they were behind this Type:Null Pokemon, secretly wanted to dominate the world through biotechnology and genetic engineering, making them the true villains in Sun&Moon.

Perhaps Team Skull could be opposing Aether and their potentially questionable experiments with their rebellious activities?


I'm not too excited about these Ultra-Beasts not being actually Pokemon, nor the idea of them being aliens; I think it would be too controversial for a Pokemon game, which so far hasn't introduced species different to Pokemon and humans (even Deoxys is a Pokemon, and it came from space). I don't know... I'm just not into that sort of thing, I guess (I don't even know what this "D-reaper" is about; I'm guessing it's from Digimon). However, I would be interested in them if they are more like genetic experiments or even Pokemon-human hybrids.


Overall, I'm more interested in that Pokemon that appears to be the evolution of Cutiefly, Aether being secretly evil, and the hints towards biotechnology concepts being introduced into the game.

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Type: Null could also be an attempted Arceus Clone.


It has a similar ring, and a similar overall body shape. Unlike Arceus however it looks like it's pieced together from a bunch of different Types (As in fire grass water ect) of pokemon which could be an attempt to circumnavigate Arceus's needs for the plates to harnessed other types. 


It's said to try and rival the Pokes in mythology of old (So implications of D/P/Pt remakes?) which would naturally include Arceus as the literal God of the Pokemon universe. If it was fashioned by Aether, that could mean Aether is trying to surpass God? 


Say they try and splice new creations that are a hybrid between pokemon and human, in theory God would attempt to stop them. And thus there could be a need to have something capable or fighting God - Or they attempt to create a new version of Arceus under there control in attempt to harassness the power of God?


It's all rampant speculation that seems unlikely because it would mean the plot revolves around the legendary of another gen, but it would be a sweet plotline to see a bunch of scientists trying to surpass God in a pokemon game. 

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Actually in very rapid hindsight - The game having a focus on Arceus isn't so improbable given we already have a mini-quest to gather the pieces of Zygarde who is a previous gen legendary. 


Additionally the idea of a criminal team dressed in black acting as petty thieves having association to a far more relevant criminal team has been done before in Pokemon. 


EDIT: Aether itself in Alchemy was a 5th element introduced to explain the heavanly bodies because the 4 earthly elements were corruptable. 


So Aether could be an organisation creating new 'pure and uncorruptable' pokemon that resemble creatures from the heavens or Aliens. 

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