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dude, it was just my first reaction to seeing Turtonator properly, nothing more. I don't need to defend what I said or admit that I was somehow wrong to make the comparison.


regardless, Alakazam does (to me) kinda look like a skinny yellow Machoke. #Whatchagonnado?

and my reaction to your reaction is that it makes no sense. I don't need to be told how your reaction was "subjective". The street goes both ways.

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Oh, it's one of those "It's based off of (x real life thing nobody knew about), the design is valid."


Love ya nintendaddy



I'm assuming its a species native to Hawai, so to be fair, I can understand why people who aren't near or in Hawai not knowing of it. Maybe Sakura knows about it? 

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I'm assuming its a species native to Hawai, so to be fair, I can understand why people who aren't near or in Hawai not knowing of it. Maybe Sakura knows about it?

According to wikipedia they are from South America, most commonly found in the Amazon.


Anyway, the Pokemon's neck doesn't look nearly as silly as the actual animal's does. As I said when I first commented on it, it has been growing on me. I don't like it looking away though, even if the shell is likely the more interesting half to look at.

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I was excited when Fire/Dragon. But that is...I just...want a regular form dragon that is Fire/Dragon and looks like a common western dragon. QQ


Also it kind of does remind me of Blastoise tbh. More than Carracosta cause the shell is more pronounced on this design. I was thinking Magmar + Blastoise.


I'm unsure how I feel about it. I love its shell design and find that really cool. But I dislike it's nose thing. I also am confused about the dragon part.

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Yeah, the mata mata is something in the Amazon; nowhere near Hawai'i, so I wouldn't have known about it either. 


But general thoughts on Turtonator:

  • First normal Fire/Dragon (or one that isn't a legendary [Reshi] or requires a form change / evolution [Charizard-X]). I don't know; think it could've been another Type besides Dragon; not really seeing that part in here.
  • Design is meh, but let's see how it works in battle
  • Will need to look more into whatever Shell Trap does.
  • Ability isn't really great, considering crits don't happen too often, but suppose it works. Would hope it has high defensive stats though.
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Yeah, the mata mata is something in the Amazon; nowhere near Hawai'i, so I wouldn't have known about it either. 


But general thoughts on Turtonator:

  • First normal Fire/Dragon (or one that isn't a legendary [Reshi] or requires a form change / evolution [Charizard-X]). I don't know; think it could've been another Type besides Dragon; not really seeing that part in here.
  • Design is meh, but let's see how it works in battle
  • Will need to look more into whatever Shell Trap does.
  • Ability isn't really great, considering crits don't happen too often, but suppose it works. Would hope it has high defensive stats though.

Hopefully it has a decent HA.


As for the move


"Shell Trap is a move that only Turtonator is able to learn. With this move, the Pokémon can set a trap at the beginning of the turn, and if Turtonator is hit by an opponent’s physical attack during that turn, Shell Trap triggers an explosion that will deal much greater damage to the opponent."


So basically counter it seems.


Curious if it will get Shell Smash.

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Hopefully it has a decent HA.


As for the move


"Shell Trap is a move that only Turtonator is able to learn. With this move, the Pokémon can set a trap at the beginning of the turn, and if Turtonator is hit by an opponent’s physical attack during that turn, Shell Trap triggers an explosion that will deal much greater damage to the opponent."


So basically counter it seems.


Curious if it will get Shell Smash.

I'm an idiot and thought that it was an ability of some sort an the video just made me confused.

I wonder what HA it could get, maybe Flash Fire. Lots of Fire types get that one.

And it had better get Shell Smash. Almost all things with shells (and some without) do...then again Blastoise doesn't so who knows.

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I was excited when Fire/Dragon. But that is...I just...want a regular form dragon that is Fire/Dragon and looks like a common western dragon. QQ


Also it kind of does remind me of Blastoise tbh. More than Carracosta cause the shell is more pronounced on this design. I was thinking Magmar + Blastoise.


I'm unsure how I feel about it. I love its shell design and find that really cool. But I dislike it's nose thing. I also am confused about the dragon part.

Opinions? Copouts.

It looks nothing like Blastoise

This is a haiku

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Or they could say "hey guys let's not give sucky abilities for flavor reasons"

But of course that's a very unlikely scenario


Would love to see it get Guts or Multiscale or something good

To be honest I'd rather have flavorful abilities instead of good ones.

Plus bad abilities can balance a Mon fairly well.

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