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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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Okay time for my 2 cents:


  1.  Move over Tropius, There be a new long neck grass type, and it be de coconut tree.
  2. Oh boy, why couldn't they use this Ninetales for the Lokoko episode. The one where Brock was mesmerized by Ninetales.
  3. Sandshrew looks like a mobile igloo now.
  4. A dancer pokemon that is a bird, and there are 4 of them. Well, looks like Chatot has some competition.
  5. I figured that the mudhorse wouldn't be a basic pokemon.
  6. Let's eat some Cherubi's cause Fomantis and Lurantis are better.
  7. Lisa Ortiz herself must have suggested Solar Blade because... Figure it out.
  8. Minior is like Pumpkaboo only it's colors instead of sizes.
  9. I take it the trial cheif's are the new version of Gym Leaders. Ash will have his hands full.
  10. Kahuna's are also the new gym leaders. This will be way different for Ash.
  11. Z-moves. One of each type... We see 4 of 18. Who will sleep after seeing the ghost-type one.
  12. Speaking of, there will be a real life Z-ring.
  13. I guess there won't be any more megas.
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I'm interested that they're doing regional forms for pokemon now. Obviously there'll be the original forms in the game too, but I wonder how breeding will work. I'd guess just marking the 2 as different species for breeding purposes, and adding an exception if a regular and Alolan version breed, there's a 50/50 chance of either.

Also, Alolan Sandslash looks rad and I might use him on my team. Ice/Steel seems like a neat type.


They will probably go with whatever variant the female (or the male breeding with a Ditto) is.

Ice/Steel: 4x weak against Fire AND Fighting, 2 of the most used offensive types. Not a good prospect, especially for a supposedly defensive mon :/

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The more I think about into them, the more I am excited about the alternate forms. I went to look at the Alola overview map and it seems the islands have quite contrasting environments: the snowy mountain, one with a volcano, one seems to have a rocky/desert plateau, while the other looks like a forest and has that crater lake too. So they should be free to come up with alternate forms of Pokemon with pretty much any type or type combination; heck, they even added Fairy to ice Ninetales and Steel to ice Sandshrew.

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If you need to hold an item, that sounds kind of... bad? Do you want to trade a hold item for a single move?


- Wait is there only 4 gyms this time around? Really glad to see they're mixing it up. It's a bold move cotton, let's see how it works out for them.
- wait, there are leaders... and then... kahunas...? I'm gonna need more explanation on how this works.


Hopefully the crystals will have other effects besides enabling Z-Moves.

It seems to me those are only the 4 captains who reside on the Melemele Island, with Hala being their superior as the Kahuna, and the other islands will have 4 captains and 1 Kahuna each. This way, all but 2 of the elemental types will be represented at the challenge, unless they decide to have a different number of captains per island.

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They will probably go with whatever variant the female (or the male breeding with a Ditto) is.

Ice/Steel: 4x weak against Fire AND Fighting, 2 of the most used offensive types. Not a good prospect, especially for a supposedly defensive mon :/

How are you getting defensive mon? It's slower than Sandslash, but the info released makes no such assumption. And standard Sandslash is pretty aggressive.

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Also, since no one has said it, the next batch of news will come Friday August 12th 10am JST.


I honestly really love how they have been giving out little bits of info every few weeks. Its a really solid system imo.


I doubt they're killing megas off entirely, but I think they're going to be much more selective now.


Like Flygon and Milotic, which are the ones GF has said that they want to do.

It would be a really bad move to just remove Megas. It is a popular mechanic (I personally love it) and while it has problems it has done a lot of good. Getting a handful of new ones every Gen seems good moving forward.


They will probably go with whatever variant the female (or the male breeding with a Ditto) is.

Ice/Steel: 4x weak against Fire AND Fighting, 2 of the most used offensive types. Not a good prospect, especially for a supposedly defensive mon :/

Ice is just not a good type. It just has too few resistances and so many weaknesses. I honestly think if you want to use an Ice type on your team Ice/Steel is one of the better combinations to have access to.

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Alola Exeggutor is hideous.
Alola Vulpix is so cute but why from Fire to Ice AND Fairy?
Idk. It's kind of neat. But also...makes it so much more complicated.
Like, are these things gonna be different tiers? Have different movesets?
I do like Dancer that's amusing for an ability.
Minior is glorious.
omg Gumshoos is so ugly but derpy idec it's hilarious XD
Ahhh the horse is a second stage, makes sense.
Huh. Island challange...that's cool, for sure. MALLOW NEW WAIFU CALLING IT NOW
Gumshoos is a token omfg...ALLY WHAT
I'm so excited overall.
Though "Z-Moves" kinda bother me honestly.

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How are you getting defensive mon? It's slower than Sandslash, but the info released makes no such assumption. And standard Sandslash is pretty aggressive.


Defensive in that it privileges defensive stats over speed, not that it doesn't have offensive prowess.

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that new ninetails. i have to stop looking at the new videos now. it's a day1 buy for me.



also, sakura, how does it feel to have them change up the formula using your home reigon?


If they're changing up things and using the island challenges as a replacement for the usual 8 gyms, I won't mind too much. It'll probably feel more like a side game though, but since I haven't played stuff before Gen 3, can't say anything about the Orange Islands and if they were in GSC/RBY. I would probably like the usual Pokemon League stuff, but can adapt if this is it. 


Still wondering about why some of the Gen 1 'mons have different forms (or the choice); I guess for Vulpix and stuff, they became Ice since the map they're on appears to show snow in the background. But yeah, hopefully Ninetales gets Snow Warning or something, because that helps a lot more than Snow Cloak.


I'd probably guess they'll have slightly different movesets to adjust to their new typings / ability (wouldn't exactly make sense for a Ice Pokemon to learn Fire moves; we have Kyurem-White and all, but that's an exception).

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If they're changing up things and using the island challenges as a replacement for the usual 8 gyms, I won't mind too much. It'll probably feel more like a side game though, but since I haven't played stuff before Gen 3, can't say anything about the Orange Islands and if they were in GSC/RBY. I would probably like the usual Pokemon League stuff, but can adapt if this is it. 


Still wondering about why some of the Gen 1 'mons have different forms (or the choice); I guess for Vulpix and stuff, they became Ice since the map they're on appears to show snow in the background. But yeah, hopefully Ninetales gets Snow Warning or something, because that helps a lot more than Snow Cloak.


I'd probably guess they'll have slightly different movesets to adjust to their new typings / ability (wouldn't exactly make sense for a Ice Pokemon to learn Fire moves; we have Kyurem-White and all, but that's an exception).

It's on the official website. People came to Alola with Vulpixes. They didn't integrate into the ecosystem so settled to the snowy mountains. And Sandslash adapted to the snowy peaks.


I wonder if it's all of the Gen 1 Pokemon. That would be interesting. There's already a few rumoured ones that might be true.

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It's on the official website. People came to Alola with Vulpixes. They didn't integrate into the ecosystem so settled to the snowy mountains. And Sandslash adapted to the snowy peaks.


I wonder if it's all of the Gen 1 Pokemon. That would be interesting. There's already a few rumoured ones that might be true.

I wonder why a Vulpix wouldn't integrate in a region like Alola.

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On the official webpage there is this picture of people interacting with Alolan Pokemon, and Tauros caught my eye since I don't see other Pokemon from previous generation there besides the Alolan Exeggutors, and also the mane appears to have a different color, unless I'm being misled by the sun's lightning... but still, could it be an Alolan form, possibly Rock or Ground type?

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@Voltex: It probably is a Alolan form, but take this with a grain of salt until more comes out (either on the 12th or elsewhere).


As for those forms, I think we'll be able to catch both the original forms and their new Alola forms in the wild; just that the latter may be only in specific areas. Though, we did see a regular Arcanine in earlier trailers, so if it does get a new form, I'd assume we can still get both. If bred, probably the same thing (use the mother's form). 



I'll leave a link to the Japanese trailer if anyone wants it; to be fair, it more/less has the same thing except with more battle scenes (and ideas on HP values)



In terms of HP values:

  • Minior (Meteno): 75 HP at level 27; so 55 (perfect) to 70 (zero) base.
  • Cutiefly (Aburii): 56 HP at level 23, so 35 (perfect) to 50 (zero) base
  • Salandit (Yatoumori): 59 HP at level 25; 33 (perfect) to 48 (zero) base


Oh right, and a note about Kiawe's name pronunciation (if anyone wants to know the correct way to say it): You pronounce it "key-ah-veh" . In this case, the "w" is pronounced like a "v" sound (there are other cases where this occurs, otherwise the "w" is pronounced like a regular letter). Kiawe is a really good kind of wood used in barbecues/grilling; expensive but the food quality is amazing (hence why it makes sense to be a Fire user). 


If it makes it easier, here's the Japanese reading (same style of pronunciation): キアヴェ

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You how the one Islander guy has a GB with a Link Cable attached to it?


I know they won't do this, but it would be really funking hilarious if they played him like a 90's kid, and make him ramble on about how older generations of Pokemon were 'better'.

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I'm really hyped about this generation, a lot more than I was Kalos. Nintendo is taking a lot of interesting gambles with how they're revamping the series - captains instead of leaders, alternate typing for established 'mons - and unlike before they don't seem to just be rehashing of existing parts, but something completely new.


Also fallen in love with a good number of the Pokemon spoiled so far. Liking the following so far for a potential team:

  • Litten => ??? (Fire/???)
  • Rockruff => ??? (Rock/???)
  • Fomantis => Lurantis (Grass)
  • Alolan Sandslash (Ice/Steel)
  • Sensu Oricorio (Ghost/Flying)
  • ???
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just saying, aloha ninetails would do well to keep the flash fire ability. an ice/fairy with immunity/boosts via fire, and access to the normal ninetails movepool alongside the fairy/ice movepool would already be amazing. that does make me think though, would it be likely that we'll get a new eeveelution this gen? they're already breaking the rules of the game this far, and since other pokemon are now adapting to various climates, it wouldn't be unreasonable for eevee to have something new up it's sleeve this gen as well.


in addition, this basically means they're going to expand the movepools for all the related pokemon right? because i really want normal nintetails to inherit moonblast and ice beam for coverage.

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just saying, aloha ninetails would do well to keep the flash fire ability. an ice/fairy with immunity/boosts via fire, and access to the normal ninetails movepool alongside the fairy/ice movepool would already be amazing. that does make me think though, would it be likely that we'll get a new eeveelution this gen? they're already breaking the rules of the game this far, and since other pokemon are now adapting to various climates, it wouldn't be unreasonable for eevee to have something new up it's sleeve this gen as well.


in addition, this basically means they're going to expand the movepools for all the related pokemon right? because i really want normal nintetails to inherit moonblast and ice beam for coverage.

Alola forms will likely have completely separate movepools. Alola Ninetails has Snow Cloak. Don't see it getting Flash Fire as HA either. Snow Warning if anything, for symmetry.

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