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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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It's confirmed that they're like the Mega Evolution of moves, except generic. You have a pokemon with the same type as a Z-Crystal hold that item and then they get access to that move, but only once per battle and only one Z-Move per battle.

Well, I'm more thinking, how they're activated. Is it confirmed you can use them whenever you want, just once per battle?

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Well, I imagine the different regions will be locked, so if you breed a male Alolan Ninetales with a female non-Alolan Ninetales, you'd probably get the non-Alolan variant. And vice-versa. It all depends on the female parent, after all, and with these variants, well, they may as well be completely different pokemon all things considered.

Or you breed it and it comes out as a Fire/Ice type. Yeah. I like this plan.


It's confirmed that they're like the Mega Evolution of moves, except generic. You have a pokemon with the same type as a Z-Crystal hold that item and then they get access to that move, but only once per battle and only one Z-Move per battle.

If you need to hold an item, that sounds kind of... bad? Do you want to trade a hold item for a single move?


I just thought of something, given that the new Vulpix/Ninetales are Ice-type, I wonder if it'll still require a Fire Stone to evolve (as it's a stone evo)

That's a REALLY interesting point. Wonder if they'll add a new Stone? Ice Stone isn't a thing yet, right? I mean unless you evolve it by leveling it up near the Icy Rock. (or whatever it's called)





- Forms are super cool actually, I'd like to see more Pokémon with different forms and typing between gens. (Make Flygon cooler)
- Oricorio call changes between forms alongside the typing. Weird that it'll be the same # in the dex, but I guess we've had Wormadam so it's not that unusual.
- Also it can steal Dragon Dance and Swords Dance, that's hilarious but idk how useful it'll be unless it's got good stats.
- Minior's ability is like Archeops, except not completely awful lol and it has forms as well!
- Gumshoos is even more Donald Trump than the other Mongoose pokemon and no one should ever stop making fun of that fact
- Solar Blade looks really cool. Wonder if it's as good as it looks.
- So the Clidesdale's prevo is a donkey...?
- I CAN RIDE CHARIZARD?!?!???!??!??!?!
- Wait is there only 4 gyms this time around? Really glad to see they're mixing it up. It's a bold move cotton, let's see how it works out for them.
- wait, there are leaders... and then... kahunas...? I'm gonna need more explanation on how this works.
- Man this is really turning into a BIZARRE ADVENTURE
- Z move? What's with Japan and adding a Letter-Thing move to their games? First Street Fighter now Pokémon. Idk how to feel about it, though. Seems like an unnecessary addition when there are other issues to resolve in these games. I guess they look cool. And it looks like they give it to you REAL early, that might be a bad decision.
- Also, there have been zero mega evolutions announced so far and a new feature that uses the same concepts as Mega Evolutions. Guessing at this point thta it that was a Gen VI exclusive thing. To be honest, I am not complaining.

*Glasses crack* Too... much... amazing. Jesus christ this is the most innovative I think they've been.

I'm not exactly sure if I'd call this "innovative". We had different forms in Gen IV. The biggest change is the Kahuna and Island challenges thing, but we'll see how much it actually changes up the Pokémon formula, because everything else that people actually want changed doesn't seem to be different.

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Really nice to see them mixing things up with this game.


The Captains really feel like a new way to do gyms. You even have 4 islands which divides nicely into 8 "gyms". So long as we still get badges I'm cool with this. Regardless, this does seem to be the narrative push to make the game move forward.


New forms depending on region is a brilliant move for reasons already said. Also looks like another way they are going to try to breath new life into old Pokemon. The only deign I don't like is Mr. Long Neck but I get why he has that design. Ice/Steel and Ice/Fairy are both interesting types. Can't wait to see the other new forms. Last note is breeding for them, but I'd imagine that will just be handled like they are their own species. I'm pretty sure the only thing like this where a Pokemon line is basically two at once is Wormadam.


For the new Pokemon we have Trump 2.0, and adorable donkey, a hard candy with an interesting ability (though not sure how good since abilities that change stats are hard to use), a cool praying mantis looking thing, and birds. Not a huge fan of Trump 2.0's design or the cheerleader but I like the rest. Just a shame the best of the bird types has my least favorite design. Favorite would be Ghost.


Z-Moves seem REALLY cool. The idea of a special move limited to one use is sweet. Not sure how much better just using a normal item, but as an idea its really sound. For now going to assume the Z-Ring can also hold the Key Stone since I doubt we'll have Mega Bracelets and Z-Rings. Also, really cool that we can buy them. I know Mega Bracelets WERE made, but I'm pretty sure they were limited to sale in Japan.

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I love that there are alternate Alola forms of existing Pokemon, and how their types can differ so drastically from the originals that even could give them a chance in the competitive environment. It's a really nice and creative way of giving existing Pokemon a place in Alola Region so you can find them during your travels without the need of clearing the game first for accessing the National Pokedex. Still, I'm puzzled at Exeggutor being part Dragon in this new region; feels random but I suppose it is based on a mythical creature from Hawaii. I too can't wait to see more alternate forms.


I really hope the dancer bird comes with enough stats to actually take advantage of that neat Dance-move copy Ability; otherwise it will just end up as the almost mandatory cute but non-competitive Pokemon-with-alternate-form-mechanic of the game (e.g Castform, Wormadam, Sawsbuck?).


I find funny how Minior has pretty much a parallel ability to Darmanitan's Zen Mode, except it shifts from a defensive form to an (apparently) aggressive one. Hopefully it will have access to a different Ability for playing around the form change and keep its defensive build.


Z-moves, huh? they are cool for sure, but I'm a wary of the impact it could have in the competitive environment. I mean, it could be used to take down a core member of the opposing team for once and practically win the battle right there. The Mega Evolution mechanic introduced a power boost of sorts, and now there is a second one.




I just read the description on the Alola form Sandshrew and it mentions how it is even slower than the desert form. I don't know you, but to me this implies they may actually have different base stats, making them even more intriguing, since there are some existing Pokemon who could do better if they had a different stat distribution focused on their strengths, and these alternate forms could offer them the chance they needed.

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Z-moves, huh? they are cool for sure, but I'm a wary of the impact it could have in the competitive environment. I mean, it could be used to take down a core member of the opposing team for once and practically win the battle right there. The Mega Evolution mechanic introduced a power boost of sorts, and now there is a second one.




I just read the description on the Alola form Sandshrew and it mentions how it is even slower than the desert form. I don't know you, but to me this implies they may actually have different base stats, making them even more intriguing, since there are some existing Pokemon who could do better if they had a different stat distribution more focused on their strengths, and these alternate forms could offer them the chance they needed.

I'm honestly really unsure how good the super moves will be. Again, the biggest factor is going to be justifying the one super move over using other items. My first inclination is that for a lot of Pokemon it won't be worth it unless the moves are insane, but I could be wrong. Also curious how the moves will key off which attacking stat.


Yea, the fact that that stats will also be changing basically makes these brand new Pokemon. For this reason I'm expecting the region to also have less true new Pokemon since some amount of that work would have gone into the new forms. I feel like we're getting more than Kalos, but I still think it will be on the low end.

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2. Welp. Another Fire/Fighting it looks like.


3. I think I'm decided I'll pick Rowlet. So I have.... Vulpixie/Icetails/Icepix ( whatever you want to call it ), Mimikyu, and Rowlet decided.   







Though given this is Hawaii, there is a Pokemon I will be SEVERELY disapointed if you can't ride.




Also, if Dancer does what it looks like, I have a feeling we'll get new moves that have Dance in their names.

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Interesting to see new designs for old Pokemon. Given Ninetales has Drought as its hiddden ability, I wouldn't be surprised if Alolan Ninetales has Snow Warning. Also the description for the Sandshrew line might indicate that they will get a "completely" different stat spread from their older counterparts.
Minior's protection against status conditions while it has a shell is quite nice, though I wonder how viable it will be given its stats changes outside of your control. On Oricorio (Choreography?), it can probably be "easilly" taken out, ignoring any effect on it: just use Lunar Dance.
As for Z-Moves, I wonder whether the crystal gets consumed when the attack is used; that way it could be somewhat viable in combination with Acrobatics/Unburden/Etc. Given a held item is required, the moves should to be strong in one regard or another (tremendous base power, or great Stat boost akin to Geomancy). A question I have regarding the crystals is whether thay can be tricked/switcherood, and if so does that screw over the atttack? Anyhow, it seems that Hidden Power now can serve another purpose... Speaking of which, will it include Fairy this time around? (Would also be cool if it shows its type instead of Normal).

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2. Welp. Another Fire/Fighting it looks like.


3. I think I'm decided I'll pick Rowlet. So I have.... Vulpixie/Icetails/Icepix ( whatever you want to call it ), Mimikyu, and Rowlet decided.   







Though given this is Hawaii, there is a Pokemon I will be SEVERELY disapointed if you can't ride.




Also, if Dancer does what it looks like, I have a feeling we'll get new moves that have Dance in their names.

Pretty sure I saw one clip of someone riding a Lapras.

Ah, here we go.


Oh my god, that place looks gorgeous.

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Though given this is Hawaii, there is a Pokemon I will be SEVERELY disapointed if you can't ride.




Also, if Dancer does what it looks like, I have a feeling we'll get new moves that have Dance in their names.

We can ride Lapras. 


As for Z-Moves, I wonder whether the crystal gets consumed when the attack is used; that way it could be somewhat viable in combination with Acrobatics/Unburden/Etc. Given a held item is required, the moves should to be strong in one regard or another (tremendous base power, or great Stat boost akin to Geomancy). A question I have regarding the crystals is whether thay can be tricked/switcherood, and if so does that screw over the atttack? Anyhow, it seems that Hidden Power now can serve another purpose... Speaking of which, will it include Fairy this time around? (Would also be cool if it shows its type instead of Normal).

I don't think it will. Unless they are SUPER easy to get I imagine they will be like Mega Stones. Though switching them might still be possible.


Not sure what your getting at about Hidden Power.

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I doubt the Z-Rings will be switchable, much like the Mega Stones.


Oh, and regarding ice Vulpix, I wonder if it will have to evolve near an overworld Ice Rock to reflect fire Vulpix evolving with a Fire Stone; also, not sure if we should expect fire Ninetales having its type changed to Fire/Fairy in this generation. And I wouldn't be surprised either if ice Ninetales got Storm Warning as Hidden Ability, and I hope ice Sandshrew gets other ability options than Snow Cloak.

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I doubt the Z-Rings will be switchable, much like the Mega Stones.


Oh, and regarding ice Vulpix, I wonder if it will have to evolve near an overworld Ice Rock to reflect fire Vulpix evolving with a Fire Stone; also, not sure if we should expect fire Ninetales having its type changed to Fire/Fairy in this generation. And I wouldn't be surprised either if ice Ninetales got Storm Warning as Hidden Ability, and I hope ice Sandshrew gets other ability options than Snow Cloak.

I doubt Ninetales will be changed to Fire/Fairy. It would be cool since that is an amazing type, but to keep updating old Pokemon types after the fact really isn't the best thing to do. Not to mention Sandshrew is also Ice/Steel.


I'd assume Sandshrew will get a different HA. My guess is a new one that acts like the other speed boosting ones for Hail. It also makes sense given the description we got for it. Though given it might have a SUPER LOW base speed it might not be able to do much. IMO it would need to be like base 50 to still have a chance at being useable.

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Not sure what your getting at about Hidden Power.

Hidden power can be any type. Z-Moves require a move of a specific type in the movepool that matches the crystal; hence almost all Pokémon should be able to use basically each Z-move.


Or if that is not what you were referring to, when looking at your Pokémon's moveset the types of the moves are shown. In case of Hidden Power, Normal type is shown instead. Showing the actual type makes it so you don't need to perform all sorts of calculations, run by the Hidden Power teller, or figuring it out based on type effectiveness.

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Super interested in this new information.


The new forms are cool, and not entirely unexpected. I've been wondering why Pokemon hasn't done anything with that since the Orange Islands. I found it interesting that the new ones are mostly ice type though. Seems a lot of the "invasive species" ended up moving into the mountains rather than taking over. Also ice Ninetales reminds me of regular shiny Ninetales.


Favorite design for Oricorio is probably Sensu style, but that's just my love for kimonos shining through. Baile style looks cool too though--flamenco has always fascinated me, though Pa'u definitely looks the most stereotypically Hawaiian. Pom-pom has an interesting type, but my least favorite I think--though I do like how it looks like a canary.


Minior's ability reminds me of Aegislash's, except it's reliant on HP.


Gumshoos amuses me for obvious reasons.


I've always loved praying mantises, so I'm definitely using Fomantis. The fact it's not bug type confuses me a bit, but we already have a couple Pokemon of that type, so maybe that's why. Only problem is I was going to go Rowlet as my starter, and two grass types on the same team is a bit ehh, even if one's dual-type.


So when I commented on Mudsdale's mane reminding me of a donkey's, there was apparently a reason for that--it evolved from a donkey! Finally we get the long-awaited donkey Pokemon, though I kind of wish it stayed a donkey instead of evolving into a horse.


Ride Pokemon sound interesting, though I really wish you could ride your own Pokemon! Aside from surfing and flying--and it actually shows the Pokemon aside from Lapras, Wailmer, and Sharpedo. When is that ever going to happen? :T


The island challenge appeals to me and reminds me of the Orange Islands again. A nice way to shake things up a bit. When they mentioned Totem Pokemon though, the first thing that came to mind was Tapu Koko. Also I was a little confused on the differences between trial captains and kahunas at first, but I guess trial captains are like student teachers and kahunas are like professors, to use a school analogy.


Z-Moves seem interesting and again, not surprised, since Professor Kukui studies Pokemon moves, so I figured a move version of megas was happening. Kinda reminds me of the Spectacular Talent from Pokemon Contests.

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