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If we don't have Gyms, which would be a bit odd, I bet that what we just saw would be next to identical to Gym Battles, or they are Gym Battles just under a different name.













Either way, you know there will be people who will complain. 


Though this does slightly worry me we might not get any new Mega Evolutions, but I feel it is still a tad too early to say for sure.

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Stuff related to general features

  • OK, I am asking myself why Sandshrew/Vulpix (and evo lines) just changed their typing to Ice. Or why Exeggutor is now part Dragon (guess it gets rid of it being 4x to Scizor and stuff, but yeah)
  • Apparently the "sentai" moves let you do a special attack once per battle; k. Looks nice though.
  • I get to ride a Charizard (or I guess certain other things)? Hell yes (let me do it with my Eons and we're golden, k)
    • At least it's an improvement over being forced to only Skiddo/Gogoat.

Stuff related to Pokemon

  • Oricorio has different form for each island (with typing and stuff); looks interesting. (For the Pa'u one, it's just basically a long skirt that women wear during hula and/or riding during Kamehameha parades on June 11th every year). Ability is kinda iffy.
  • Minior is okay for now; let's guess what Shields Down actually does besides changing its form.
  • Gumshoos's design isn't really appealing to be honest, and yeah it really looks like a certain political candidate now.
  • Fomatis/Lurantis have interesting designs, but I can't really say much about them otherwise. Their new move looks intriguing and might suggest they're Physical attackers; may be wrong though and it's Special, but we'll see.
  • Mudsdale has a pre-evo; well, let's see how that goes. Basically a donkey though.

Island Challenge

  • So 4 challenges; 1 per island. Hmm, wonder how that'll end up.
  • Kiawe's quotes imply he's the last one (and likely the hardest); wonder how that'll end up. For the record, kiawe is basically a type of wood used for grilling food, and it's the good kind.
  • Totem Pokemon? Wondering if they are catchable in the end
  • We'll end up fighting Hala later on, but nothing on his team at present.

Not sure if this is the equivalent of the gym leader stuff or a side thing; maybe we'll find out more on that later. I'd assume we'd still have the usual 8 gyms + Pokemon League challenges, but it's still early so these may very well be the new gym challenges.




Yeah, they threw a lot of stuff into this one.

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So I'll take a wild guess here:

The Trial Champions are definitely Gym equivalents, whilst the Kahuna's are either the Elite 4 or another set of 4 Gym leaders. More likely it's the Elite 4 because it implies you fight them after doing all 4 trials and hence after the 4 gyms


I don't think we will get conventional gyms in these games and that's pretty cool to see a break from the pattern even if we do have spiritual equivalents. 


This is the sort of thing the games needed to do, shake things up a notch. 


And all the new pokemon/forms save for the Exxecutor one look awesome. Especially Icetales. Probably the best batch of reveals thus far. 


Now give me the starter evo's already. 


EDIT: Even the music when it's talking about  riding pokemon sounded amazing. 

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That's really cool, having Pokemon take on different forms based on the region. I'm sort of surprised this is the first time we're seeing this. I wonder if they change region via trading if they'll change forms as well.


The new pokemon look really cool, especially Oricorio. I'm guessing its ability will let it copy Dragon Dance, Fiery Dance, Quiver Dance, Teeter Dance, Swords Dance, Lunar Dance, Feather Dance, Petal Dance, and maybe Rain Dance (Japanese name Rain Prayer, the only Dance move that's not also Dance in Japanese). Am I missing any?


It'll be interesting to see the setup for the challenges. Even if it's just a different name for gyms, it's neat that they're changing things up a little.

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Thank God:






The leaks about the starter evo's are probably confirmed now. 


Also here's more information about the stuff revealed today from Nintendo:




Scratch the 'Kahuna's are the E4' idea I had. 

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So...where to start with this new trailer/info dump xD


Firstly, Alola forms. I like the idea (for all except Exeggutor...that's creepy), and it made me immediately think of the Type Shifting mechanic in the PTU (Pokémon Tabletop United). However, rather than changing just one single type on a Pokémon, these forms allow for a complete change in general with types...an interesting idea. HOWEVER!! I do hope that you can get the non-Alola forms AND Alola forms of these Pokémon. I would want to have a Fire Ninetails and an Ice Ninetails.


Secondly, new Pokémans! The one that is suppose to resemble a parrot (Macaw iirc), I like it's gimmick. A dancing bird with an ability to change its style depending on the island...it's pretty interesting. Gumshoos...I just find funny xD. Mudsdale's pre-evolved form is sorta adorable. The Grass mantis Pokémon, I think both forms should've been Grass/Fairy, but that's just me.


Thirdly, Z-Moves... This and this...that's all I see xD. Upside...Inferno Overdrive sounds AMAZING!!


Fourthly, the challenges. I truly hope this doesn't take place of the Gyms and Gym Leaders, but rather be a side thing for you to do, sort of like the Pokémon Contests or movie making in the games past. It would be there for longer gameplay ^^

And lastly...RIDING ON A CHARIZARD!!! FINALLY!!! I can do this!! xD

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Other rumoured apparently true Alolan forms.


Alolan Rattata & Raticate are Dark-type

Alolan Butterfree is Bug/Psychic

Alolan Abra, Kadabra & Alakazam are Fighting-type

Alolan Nidoking & Nidoqueen are Poison/Fighting-type

Alolan Growlithe & Arcanine are Water-type

Alolan Doduo & Dodrio are Fighting/Flying-type

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I'm interested that they're doing regional forms for pokemon now. Obviously there'll be the original forms in the game too, but I wonder how breeding will work. I'd guess just marking the 2 as different species for breeding purposes, and adding an exception if a regular and Alolan version breed, there's a 50/50 chance of either.

Also, Alolan Sandslash looks rad and I might use him on my team. Ice/Steel seems like a neat type.


Minior looks pretty funny, in all honestly. Bad, but certainly amusing.


Lurantis appeals to me and I very well may use it, but it's curious, being based on a mantis, that it isn't bug type. Then again, Grass/Bug is a terrible type, so maybe that's a good thing.


Z-Moves look...Troubling. We don't really know how they're activated exactly, but I'm worried about HOW powerful they're going to be. We'll work around it, I guess. Though, if NPCs use them, Nuzlockers are gonna be pissed.


Island challenges seem neat, though I wonder if there are going to be gyms at all? From the way these are described, and the fact that they're associated with a type, seems like a replacement for gyms. Also, Orange Islands, anybody?


Mallow is cute af btw

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Well, I imagine the different regions will be locked, so if you breed a male Alolan Ninetales with a female non-Alolan Ninetales, you'd probably get the non-Alolan variant. And vice-versa. It all depends on the female parent, after all, and with these variants, well, they may as well be completely different pokemon all things considered.

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Z-Moves look...Troubling. We don't really know how they're activated exactly, but I'm worried about HOW powerful they're going to be. We'll work around it, I guess. Though, if NPCs use them, Nuzlockers are gonna be pissed.

It's confirmed that they're like the Mega Evolution of moves, except generic. You have a pokemon with the same type as a Z-Crystal hold that item and then they get access to that move, but only once per battle and only one Z-Move per battle.

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