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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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We'll probably hear something about them; since Gen 6 introduced Megas, they'll have to be in the gameplay somewhere from here on out.


As for Pokemon pairings that need Megas:

  • Butterfree needs one, since Beedrill got one in OR/AS
  • Milotic needs it (see Gyara in X/Y); I know a certain someone who will probably like it.
  • Dusknoir probably does because of Banette (maybe it'll make worth using, but dk)
  • Froslass should get one because Glalie
  • Slowking because of its counterpart.

(Don't think I missed a pairing, but yeah those are the ones that are generally paired up and don't have Megas)


Oh right, and hopefully Mega Flygon like a lot of us wanted to have this gen, but artist's block on a suitable design.



But more closure on super moves (and the posing) would be nice; as would the starter evolutions.

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Also curious if/when we'll hear anything about Megas. We have a handful of pairs with only one half having a Mega and it feels weird for the other half to not get one.

We'll probably hear something about them; since Gen 6 introduced Megas, they'll have to be in the gameplay somewhere from here on out.

Though they were item based so they could ignore them from hereon out 8^)


Machamp and Mew could also be considered, since Gengar & Alakazam and Mewtwo all got them.

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So I was told this was the place to post this. Information about the timeline of the main series's games. I learned this from my own experience playing the games, watching Chuggaaconroy's Pokemon Let's Plays, and watching a few videos by TheNationalDex on Youtube.


There was an OFFICAL Tweet by someone from Gamefreak, that while it has been removed, there are pictures, and the info matches up. It has also been confirmed that ORAS and X/Y DO take place in the same timeline/universe as the other main games, and ORAS has replaced RSE in the timeline, and I would imagine ( though I haven't OFFICALLY heard it ), HGSS and FRLG do the same for Gens 2 and 1. Granted they are a bit more similar to their original versions, but details details.




We also know the first four Regions are based in/off Japan, Gen 5 is the United States, and Gen 6 is Europe ( TECHNICALLY France, but Windmills remind me of Holland, and the rock thing gives me a stone Henge vibe, so who knows ).


We know the time inbetween Gens 1 and 2 is three years, as confirmed in game, and that the time between BW and B2/W2 is two years, also said in game. 


First off, Prof Oak. Gen 3 was the first time we never saw him, because the player was helping him with the Pokedex in Gen 1. 


Remember in Gen 2, how in the post game, there was a Rocket Grunt who spoke in a strange way, and said he was foreign? In Gen 5, he returns. During the winter month in game( this MIGHT be only in BW, don't remember if its in B2/W2 ), you can access a house that has a man, a woman, and a child. The man speaks odd, and says he was a Team Rocket member years ago. He speaks THE EXACT same way as the one Rocket Grunt. It is the same guy. This alone is proof that Gen 5 happens after Gen 2.


The other thing is something, to be fair, not many people might know. You needed an Event Celebi, and to go to the Shrine in the Ilex Forest with Celebi. If you do, Celebi takes you back in time twice. First you see confirmation to the long-time theory that your Gen 2 Rival ( Silver ) is Giovanni's son. Now...for the second thing.... Celebi takes you outside a cave. Inside, is Giovanni, who is listening to the radio. On the radio is the message Team Rocket played when they took over the Goldenrod Radio Tower. Giovanni states that he is about to go rejoin them, and revive Team Rocket. After you beat him, Giovanni realizes it is pointless, and Team Rocket is never coming back. When you leave the the cave, you hear a loud splash. When you go back inside, all that is there is the radio, which is now off, a waterfall, and the cliff. Giovanni is nowhere to be seen. As a result, it was believed that Giovanni killed himself. And he didn't have any Water Pokemon, or Pokemon that knew Surf when you fought him. 


Giovanni returns in B2/W2 in the Pokemon World Tournament, so he is not dead.


The next thing is the Legendary Birds. They have migrated from Kanto to Sinnoh. Why? Likely because their nests were disturbed ( possibly by Red ).


We can also pinpoint Gen 6's location in the timeline, because of one person. Looker. Looker has a Croagunk for a partner Pokemon in Platinum, and he has appeared in every main series game since Platinum. However, in X/Y, it is mentioned in game that his Croagunk died years ago. So at some point inbetween Gens 2/4 and Gen 6, his Croagunk died somehow.


Also, in case anyone is wondering about Mega Evolutions, and if ORAS is in the same timeline, why aren't they a thing until X/Y, there are two possible reasons.

The first being that it was mentioned, or at least implied Mega Evolution was a new thing, so likely the only people who could do it, let alone knew about it were Champions, Elite Four, Gym Leaders, maybe a Professor or two, and Global Police Officers ( I mention that last one for a reason ). If they find someone they decide is trustworthy or capable of being entrusted with Mega Evolution, they give them the ability th use it. As for why Maxie and Archie have it, they either stole the technology, or reverse engineered it. They ARE villains. By the time Gen 6 happens, it has been decided they can be more public about Mega Evolution.


The other possibility is Video Game Logic.


As for why I mentioned Global Police Officers, someone....well I don't know how else to say this, but Looker MAY have been in the original games. There is a Global Police Officer on the S.S. Anne. He says he is undercover, and tracking Team Rocket. I know, Looker wasn't introduced until Platinum, but humor me. Keep in mind Gens 1 and 3 happen at the same time. When you get Cut from the Captain of the S.S. Anne, and leave the ship, it departs, with the Global Police Officer still on. 

Let's jump to ORAS Post Game....

Battle Resort. Who washes up on the beach with no memory? Looker. For arguement's sake, let's say it is 100% confirmed Looker is the Global Police Officer on the S.S. Anne. He would have been discoved by Team Rocket. thrown overboard, and got amnesia. The only thing he has to give him any clue who he is, is Audinite. Why does that matter?




Audino is the HEARING Pokemon. Its a walking hearing device. Perfect for an undercover cop/detective/police officer. Three years later, Looker's memory has returned, and his is working on a case involving Team Galactic. Plus keep in mind that Nintendo and Game Freak could have been looking for some police officer type character for Platinum, and someone remembered the random NPC who is a Global Police Officer, and just rolled with it.


Also keep in mind the ship left from a city in Kanto, which is Japan. Looker washed up on a resort island Hoehn, also based off Japan. So it isn't impossible that he could have survived. If the S.S. Anne had left from Kalos or Unova, then that would be more unbeliveable, given I can't see someone surviving floating around in the ocean from New York or France to Japan. Not to mention, for all we know, he could have been thrown overboard not far from the island.

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Machamp and Mew could also be considered, since Gengar & Alakazam and Mewtwo all got them.

Just curious, did you accidentily forget Golem was a trade evo like Gengar/Alakazam/Machamp?


If Machamp got one, Golem would be in the running too then. Mega Mew would be interesting to say the least.

I agree, Mega Mew could be interesting. 

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Jord, your timeline is very good and detailed, but you're missing something that tears it apart.


The Battle Maison. It appears in XY and ORAS, and the sisters that run the place look the same age in both games, even though your timeline says it +5 years apart between the games.

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Jord, your timeline is very good and detailed, but you're missing something that tears it apart.

The Battle Maison. It appears in XY and ORAS, and the sisters that run the place look the same age in both games, even though your timeline says it +5 years apart between the games.

The Maison was relocated between games, and if they were say in their twenties their appearance wouldn't change much in five years, really.
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Plus it isn't five. Its AT LEAST five.


The time between Gens 1/3 and Gens 2/4 is three years. The time between BW and B2W2 is two years.


We don't know the exact number of years in between Gens 2/4 and Gen 5. Or the time inbetween Gen 5 and Gen 6

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K, I need time to process this info, holy funking sheet.



- Wasn't expecting new/Alola forms of existing pokemon. Makes one wonder if we'll be able to use their OG forms in this game or not.

- New pokemon look interesting, the dancing one makes me want to embrace my inner Miror B. Let the music play.

- I kinda figured Mudsdale would be evolved though tbph.

- As for the trials n' junk, sounds interesting, especially the calling of allies. Makes one wonder if we still have gyms as well tbph.

- As for the Z-Moves, wow. Just wow.




Also Bloom Doom, best attack name.

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