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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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"The rising popularity of Pikachu-styled merchandise around 20 years ago is the reason that Mimikyu makes itself look like Pikachu. In fact, this Pokémon is dreadfully lonely, and it thought it would be able to make friends with humans if only it looked like Pikachu."


All right, I didn't really care much for Mimikyu before, but this is adorable and a bit sad.

Wimpod makes me think of a silverfish and horseshoe crab mix.

Totally using Mudsdale. I've always loved Clydesdales and it's pretty obvious that they're based off that (the mane is a bit donkey-like though).

Comfey is adorable and totally based off a flower crown (okay, lei). Seems a couple fairy Pokemon are based off flowers now. Also makes me think of a fairy ring, even though it's not at all like a fairy ring, but it's a fairy and it's in a ring shape. The species name "Posy Picker" gives me "Ring Around the Rosie" vibes.

Bewear is interesting, though I wish their red panda Pokemon was more...like a red panda, idk. This one has more the body shape of a giant panda.

Bounsweet looks like another grass type Cow would like. I feel a bit sorry for it though.

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Time for my thoughts on the new things. (I knew about these like 3 hours ago, was just not able to comment till like now)

- Wimpod: Bug/Water is somewhat interesting. As for the ability, seems hilarious. (That's what I thought when I saw the vid)

- Bounsweet: It's basically a sentient berry-like thing

- Comfey: Flower ring, really? I just found it weird tbph

- Mudsdale: It looks pretty cool and rather strong.

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Mimikkyu is so adorable i want 800 if nobody will love him i will, it needs to be protected and loved at all costs.

Also, so far gen 7 is lit

Wimpod seems hella annoying. I want an army of Bounsweet and Comfey. Mudsdale doesn't appeal to me aesthetic-wise so it definitely won't be in my team

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Hells yeah Bug/Water Wimpod. Really hope it keeps that typing. Ability is hilarious. It's so weirdly cute I love it.


Bounsweet. Bounce sweet. Nice. It's cute, kinda like Cherubi but...less awkward looking. And Oblivious is a great ability.


Comfey is a lei and also a Fairy Ring all in one, that's delightful. Wonderful design. Kiiinda makes me think of Flabebe tho...like a Hawaiian Flabebe. Apparently it's ability gives recovery moves priority? That could make it pretty nasty of a wall. And if Aromatherapy works too a last minute guaranteed status heal.


Mudsdale looks badass. Also it has dreads. Just saying. Own Tempo makes me think it'll get Thrash and/or Outrage. Stamina apparently increases Defense when hit, so if it gets recovery, or pair it with a Wish passer...idk, might be interesting.


The fact that Mimikyu tilts when the disguise gets busted is wonderful. I wonder is it every first attack or just the very first? Does switching out reset it? But either way, if this thing gets any set up moves it's gonna be great in whatever tier its stats put it at.


Bewear is the best pun name ever. And Fluffy is...a worse Fur Coat, k. Finally a Normal/Fighting which...that's not what I'd have expected. Granted...that's not...a great typing but at least it's a new one. Also it's huge so I am thinking single-stage?


Good stuff overall, no disappointments on my end.

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Bounsweet. Bounce sweet. Nice. It's cute, kinda like Cherubi but...less awkward looking. And Oblivious is a great ability.


Bewear is the best pun name ever. And Fluffy is...a worse Fur Coat, k. Finally a Normal/Fighting which...that's not what I'd have expected. Granted...that's not...a great typing but at least it's a new one. Also it's huge so I am thinking single-stage?


They could improve Oblivious even further by including at least Torment on the list of moves blocked by it. 


And actually, Meloetta Pirouette and Mega Lopunny have already been Normal/Fighting.

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They could improve Oblivious even further by including at least Torment on the list of moves blocked by it. 


And actually, Meloetta Pirouette and Mega Lopunny have already been Normal/Fighting.

I don't count types that only happen if you do certain things during battle.

Which is why I still want a non-legend Fire/Dragon

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Or you can you know Blissey Farm on ORAS.


That has you jumping through hoops (though I don't think they are that big based on what I looked up). But yea, that would be very easy too.






is a good name.


also being able to train IV stats is crazy but if it's only at level 100 they better give me




i just want to put a dime under a circle pad and go do something else for 10 hours.

Agreed. I was SUPER lucky and learned about the dime trick when I first started breeding and its so nice to just put the 3DS down and do other stuff while I wait for the eggs to hatch. ORAS does have a place where you can hold one direction and just go, but you have the stupid sand traps in the way which slow you down. Is dumb.

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Bewear's ability is pretty much Fur Coat (whatever Furfrou's ability was), but 2x from Fire afterwards. So yeah, keep this away from Mega Charizard X and stuff unless you want it to die quickly. Design is fine though.


Mimikyu is basically a one-time Substitute that triggers on battle from what I saw in the previews (both Japanese and English). Could be nice though.


Wimpod is kind of weird in terms of ability; I guess it'll let you switch out if you're too slow to U-turn or flee in-game, but yeah not seeing too much out of this.


Bounsweet looks a little too much like Cherubi for my tastes. Let's see what it can do though, but I suspect it'll be similar in usage. Dex description is sad though.


Comfey is kinda cute (based on the hibiscus lei we give to people on graduation, parties and so on); Triage is cool.


Mudsdale is interesting, though I do hope it has already good Defenses to make use of Stamina. Probably a no-evolutionary line thing (or it has a pre-evo, but skeptical on that for now). It weighs almost as much as Groudon (2028.3 vs 2094.4 lb). To be fair, I probably guessed its English name would be based on a Clydesdale and mud, given typing and its appearance. Side note that I have little idea on how one actually weighs with regards to Mudsdale's weight in the dex.


[Japanese previews don't show height/weight/ability like English ones do]




Hyper Training sounds cool though, and should release the strain on having to breed a hell of a lot just to get perfect IVs somewhere (or soft-reset like mad to get the exact IVs). Either that or long-awaited redemption for a lot of 'mons in box. Aware that you need to be level 100, but that's fine; most of the stuff I want is already there (or close to it)


Let's just see how Bottle Caps work out, and how accessible they are (because there's a lot of stuff I'd like to make perfect IV but they currently aren't).


(Be patient stuff in my Gen 6 boxes, soon you'll get the chance to become the best you can possibly be)


My guess is Wimpod will be the new Abra.


How you may ask?:


My pokemon hits Wimpod, Wimp out activates, Wimpod flees from battle.

My pokemon hits Abra, Abra uses Teleport, Abra flees from battle.


Notice the similarities?


Yeah, we see it; though if you don't actually hit Wimpod, it can't escape. Abra can still move even if you status it.


(Then again, Arena Trap / Shadow Tag users are your friends for catching it)

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Was talking with Cowcow about how Pokémon could use more systems overlayed over the simple storyline and gym-to-elite-4 goals. Felt like Pokémon Contests in Gen 3 were in the right direction, but weren't implemented in the right way. The idea would be to introduce an additional system or game structure in the world that affects how you interact with it just like winning gym badges does.


But one thing we mentioned was the semi-relationship that develops in Black 2/White 2 between the mc and Curtis/Yancy




I doubt everyone would like it, but a sort of dating-sim-like system could work really well in Pokémon I feel and I'm not just saying that because curtis and yancy are really cute. Especially if it affects how different characters interact with each other. It would really give the world some life and could easily help with fleshing out numerous characters.

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None of the new Pokemon besides Mimikyu relay appeal to me too much. I can see why people would like them, but they dont do anything for me. Wimpod might be cool based on if it has an sot of evolutions.


And I would totally support having something like Curtis/Yancy again. that was one of the few sidequests is B2/W2 I actually cared about.

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Okay so Hyper Training uses bottle caps to increase strength

James in the anime collects bottle caps

Just let that sink in

And every time he gets pokemon close to Level 100, he releases them so the boss can't force him to give up his bottle cap collection to make them stronger.


BY THE WAY. Just a thought here. So the precedent set by Gen V is that they won't remake two gens on the same system. However, the gen they just remade also had its own remake, so perhaps there is a possibility that we get a remake of either Pokémon Red & Blue or Pokémon Yellow after Sun & Moon.


Alternatively, while Gen 3 & Gen 4 had 5 total games (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, & LeafGreen; Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, & SoulSilver) the last two gens have had only 4, with Gen 5 splitting its normal 3rd title into two distinct titles while Gen 6 forewent the 3rd title and just had the remakes instead. So my assumption at this point is that Game Freak understands that a third separate game that is basically the first two doesn't make much sense unless they do something really different like make a Sequel (albeit one that works the same mechanically).


So if I were to predict, I would say that there are maybe three or four ways this gen could go after Sun & Moon:

1. We get Gen 1 remakes

2. We get Sequels to Sun & Moon (Earth & Sky?)

3. Game Freak just goes back and makes a 3rd title for shits

4. Game Freak goes crazy and only makes two games this gen


Speaking of Remakes btw, I just want to note that I could really care less if they remake Diamond and Pearl. I really, REALLY could not care less. Not when Black/White are far and away the least aesthetically pleasing Pokémon games to date and certainly won't age well. Design-wise, though, it's very diverse and would easily look really good if rebuilt in the XY engine.


But instead, I'll have to wait until it's remade for the Nintendo HD VR headset in 2035.

Also I'd prefer they remake BW2 because they have the hotter characters

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Extremely early preparation on his end much?


But in any case, we'll have to see how easy/difficult it will be to obtain said bottle caps and specifics on how Hyper Training works; is it going to boost only 1 stat to perfection or all of them (regardless if a stat is 0 or something), or how much in general.



Would be fine with a relationship-esque thing like in B2W2 (though I didn't bother to really do it much, so never triggered the events where I could trade with them).

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Extremely early preparation on his end much?

I like to plan out how I'll waste my money in advance, I'm being responsible.


Also I'm super tired and I'll just do sheet without inhibition when I'm tired.


Would be fine with a relationship-esque thing like in B2W2 (though I didn't bother to really do it much, so never triggered the events where I could trade with them).

Yeah, I didn't either and I think that was the problem in that game. Despite clear feelings from Curtis/Yancy towards the playable character, there's never any payoff narratively. Plus the actual mechanical payoff are a selection of Pokémon most people already have lying around somewhere. Basically, they weren't nearly worth it enough, which is exactly why I would prefer they work that sort of thing more into the actual game and offer more player autonomy to make it more interesting.


Pokémon side things just always have an issue in convincing the player that they're worth the time to explore. Every new game, they try some new thing, and every game, I wonder if they have any idea what they're even doing.

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