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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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Ofc it goes without saying that until proven otherwise, I'm assuming these aren't real. The quality looks like fanart.

The grass one looked interesting and something that came out of Zelda.

The fire one can do one quite frankly. Not a fan of it tbph because it looks like a Fire/Fighting and we have enough of those.

The water one is cool I guess.

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Ofc it goes without saying that until proven otherwise, I'm assuming these aren't real. The quality looks like fanart.

The grass one looked interesting and something that came out of Zelda.

The fire one can do one quite frankly. Not a fan of it tbph because it looks like a Fire/Fighting and we have enough of those.

The water one is cool I guess.


I'd be fine if those are the real evolutions. Rowlet turning into Robin Hood is cool, and I actually really like Litten becoming a wrestler.


If Infernape and/or Emboar weren't a thing (preferably the latter), then I would be down for Litten's design there. But as it is, I'd much rather it be something unrelated to fighting.

The other two are fine. I've seen fakemons I liked a little better, but those would be good by me if they're real.

Yeah, they're fake. They've been floating around on tumblr since I think about right after we got the starters revealed, and have been confirmed fake since then.

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Late on the new Pokemon that got leaked (well, reaction post to it otherwise).


So far, it's pretty neat considering the typing (I am aware that it's still EQ bait and what not), but ability seems cool though, especially given it can poison even Steel and Poison 'mons. Still need to see its stat spread though, but might be worth a shot using if it's good.



As for the fanart, Litten's one looks cool but I'd rather not have another Fire/Fighting type if that's what it implies. Rowlet's one is fine and somewhat iffy on Popplio's. But yeah, they're fake so actual designs will differ.

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I... I think I'm in love, guys.... That Fairy/Ghost "Pikachu"; f***ing hell, that is the most amazing Pokemon I have ever seen.

Specially with a 3 type immunity to Dragon, Normal and Fighting and gets a defensive boost against Poison and Dark thanks to its typing combination resistance. where all it has to fear is Steel and Ghost Type movies.

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The little ghost is so cute. Like, you can see his eyes on the bottom half and he's just wearing a little Pikachu sheet like a disguise, awwwww.



It's design is very Digimon meets Kirby, but it's still funking adorable


Bear is weird, but not sure how I feel yet.

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Those are some WEIRD looking pokemon. For the bear, its the weird balance of black and pink that REALLY throws me off and the doodle is just ?????. That being said what they are doing for the doodle is still pretty cool and the bear does seem adorable. The types are also pretty cool, Ghost/Fairy especially.

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They better call the ghost/fairy thing Pikaboo. Or at least Mimichu.



Ohai pedobear's tropical cousin and a literal sack doodled with pikachuface

The pedobear tail gives me a loooot of questions

Not really a pedobear tail...




Just a red panda tail.


Also it being a red panda means instant on-my-team status.



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