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Then again you probs won't know if it's offensive/defensive until it makes a move. Though we don't know if it will outspeed Heatran. I mean it'll probs evolve and that could outspeed Heatran, but as-is...

Air Balloon seems pretty viable on it. Of course, these are all hypotheticals. It may just be too weak for OU regardless.

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Love the new mon, despite the 4x weakness to Ground. Hope it gets an evolution, considering its profile states it's not very strong and it does look like the first stage at an evolutionary line.

Also, I wonder if it can poison itself when hit back by a Magic Bounced-Toxic.

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Really cool design on the new Pokemon. Type combo gives it

x4 resit vs. Fairy, Grass, Bug

x2 resit vs. Ice, Fire, Poison, Steel, Fighting

x2 weak vs. Water, Psychic, Rock

x4 weak vs. Ground


Over all 8 resisted types and only 4 weakness, though the Ground one is pretty huge and SR is always a thing. Still, seems like a solid type. The ability is cool too.


Besides the double ground weakness, I'm glad they've finally made a Fire/Poison. It's probably one of the better defensive typings in the whole game.


Corrosion is a pretty good ability.

After Steel, Fire and Poison are the next two in terms of resistances at 6 and 5 respectively.

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I love that design and being able to poison Steel and Poison is...SO good

Since its Fire-type, i can just use a fire move on a steel-type. But at least its good to know I can hit mawile with both STABs

It means you can use Toxic basically at any time and they can't switch in a Steel or Poison type to block it.

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Hey, you know.... Given the concept behind this Salandit Salamander Bandit, what do you want to bet it has Prankster as a hidden ability?

Would also fit it's lore-

Salandit is not a very powerful Pokémon, but its cunning nature allows it to battle fiercely by throwing its opponents off balance


Also it would be so hilariously appropriate if it knew Destiny Bond.

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Corrosion is an ability that should have been made LONG ago. I'm really happy it exists, finally.


I really hope Victreebel gets it as a hidden ability. Because its Pokédex entries state:


"It pools in its mouth a fluid with a honey-like scent, which is really an acid that dissolves anything."


"Once ingested into this Pokémon's body, even the hardest object will melt into nothing."


If a Pokémon is allowed more than 3 abilities, then Swalot as well.


"It gulps anything that fits in its mouth. Its special enzymes can dissolve anything."


Muk, too. Although its Pokédex entries imply it being extremely toxic rather than corrosive, so probably not.

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Salamander Bandit line sounds interesting. Can't wait to see where it goes.


The details that were revealed alongside the pokemon says that it's not very powerful, but it has a cunning nature.

Could basically make the same description for Gliscor, which is a great defensive Pokémon that uses Toxic and has a x4 weakness (even if x4 to Ground is worse).

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Perhaps, though I wouldn't have compared it to Gliscor myself personally.

What I mean to say is that from what we know, it is great defensively with one significant weakness, and it's ability and typing facilitates a gameplan based around whittling the opponent down and frustrating them into submission, which can all be done without technically being described as "powerful." (Gliscor's best sets run one offensive STAB move in Earthquake).


Even if you can't compare this one to Gliscor, if it has evolutions, I bet they'd more favorably compare.

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What I mean to say is that from what we know, it is great defensively with one significant weakness, and it's ability and typing facilitates a gameplan based around whittling the opponent down and frustrating them into submission, which can all be done without technically being described as "powerful." (Gliscor's best sets run one offensive STAB move in Earthquake).


Even if you can't compare this one to Gliscor, if it has evolutions, I bet they'd more favourably compare.

Why didn't you say that from the get go then?

I'm almost certain this will evolve though.

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So are these real?


I really like the Water evolution. I expect many won't.


The Grass evolution is quite interesting. Using (presumably) its own feathers as arrows reminds me of the Stymphalian Birds from Greek mythology, and using its wing as a bow is weird and cool.


Oh hey a new Fire/Fighting :P

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If Infernape and/or Emboar weren't a thing (preferably the latter), then I would be down for Litten's design there. But as it is, I'd much rather it be something unrelated to fighting.

The other two are fine. I've seen fakemons I liked a little better, but those would be good by me if they're real.

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