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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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Possibly leaked Pokemon.

[spoiler=Leaked Pokemon]










1 and 3 looks sweet. 2 and 4 are fine. 5 is O_o. 6 makes me laugh.

The dragon looks like it should be a member of the Beatles

Blimpchu would look better without the tail

Jawsome is now my nickname for this bug, instead of Garchomp. (Back to good ol Chompy)

Adorable humming-squito is nice but the legs are meh

The fish version of that old lady who smokes too much and wears too much makeup

This is definitely not the droid I was looking for

As for the 7th one.

Aztec sun warrior.


I like em. The dragon is weird but something new, Blimpchu is okay, Jawsome is amazing, Humming-squito is pretty cute. Smoker lady fish is so hilarious. And the box is love, the box is life.

Oh and warrior mon is really interesting.

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Reason why I didn't post earlier was because I was waiting until these things are confirmed, now that they are via an official trailer, time for my thoughts;

Tapukoko (Electric/Fairy) Definitely the coolest of the bunch, it should have potential.

Charjabug (Bug/Electric) Box-shaped, but cute. Also Grubbin's evo

Vikavolt (Bug/Electric) Charjabug's evo. The jaws look threatening that's for sure

Drampa (Normal/Dragon) Looks like an old man in dragon form, and hilarious

Bruxish (Water/Psychic) This thing looks like it was painted by a schoolkid

Cutiefly (Bug/Fairy) Looks cute ala its name

Togedemaru (Electric/Steel) obvs Pika clone of Alola, looks too round though.

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Part of me thinks Tapu Koko is a minor legendary (which wouldn't be a surprise and would imply us getting some as X/Y didn't give us those; well, the 580 BST stuff), but the other part says that it's probably a late game 'mon.


We shall see though (I'd probably think you'd at least get to capture them at some point, but yeah).

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(which wouldn't be a surprise and would imply us getting some as X/Y didn't give us those; well, the 580 BST stuff)




.......Of course. How did I not realize it....  Magearnia, AZ, The Ultimate Weapon, X/Y's lowish number of new Pokemon, the fact that Z is MIA.


I remember hearing a rumor Z could be after Sun and Moon.


.....That monent when you're typing something important, and forget midway through.......




I will say this much. Keep in mind rumor has it Magearnia is made of the same material as AZ's machine, and it has an attack called FLEUR Cannon. Fleur is Frnech for flower, like Flowette, which is why AZ made the machine in the first place. I don't remember where I was going with this.... *facecake*

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Since nobody's actually posted the video yet:



I don't read Japanese, but I can pretty much tell the types and from the looks of it, Bruxish has an ability like Clear Body? (just a guess)

Can anyone translate anything?


EDIT: Oh, and maybe Tapukoko has Stance Change or an equivalent?

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Hina posted the link earlier, but the abilities and types of everything are revealed. For Bruxish, it supposedly stops priority moves given the above, but wait until Serebii translates stuff to be certain.

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Now that the Types are revealed, guess my general thoughts on them (as I gave preliminary stuff)


Drampa being Normal/Dragon is interesting, but hopefully its abilities and moveset are good.

Charjabug/Vikavolt being linked to Grubbin was correct. Let's see how that turns out, but designs are cool.

Togedemaru is the Pika clone for Alola; it's Electric/Steel so has a pretty nasty weakness to Earthquake like the Magnetite evo line.

Cutiefly is a Bug/Fairy; I guess it was bound to be a Fairy due to its appearance.

Bruxish's typing is kind of weird, but hopefully it can stand out as a Water/Psychic, given Slowbro's evo line and Starmie exist.

Tapu Koko's one is a bit unexpected (Electric/Fairy), but guess it works.


This is probably a guess, given my knowledge on Hawaiian mythology (however much I know), but Tapu Koko and/or the other guardian Pokemon may be based on some of the minor deities in there; Tapu Koko being Electric may likely be referencing the thunder god Haikili. Take this with a grain of salt because again, it's just a thought given what I know on things. I do not know everything about our mythology.

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Wow, all these guys look cool. Hopefuly, they'll be more like them.

Am I the only one who is really interested in the new abilities shown, Frenzy and Dazzle? Cause if Dazzle blocks priority moves, that is sorta awesome.

Also, I now can't decide between Electric, Fairy or Normal for my monotype run. -_-

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