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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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So someone mentioned before about Solgaleo and that whole alchemical thing with the lion eating the sun, you guys seen the connections people are making with other alchemical stuff?




This one being lead, for the rock-type Iwanko.

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I'm sure for a lot of Pokemon you can get their basic shape to look like a symbol they could be tied too.


I'd think that too aside from the fact that, besides Poppolio having to be positioned like that, it fits Rowlet and Litten perfectly without any sort of posing (it's so close to the lines and eyes of Litten's face it's uncanny), and the specific pose of Iwanko is spot on as well while being an actual official image. Plus there's the whole Solgaleo possibility as well, it just seems like too many coincidences to me. Maybe if we keep seeing more of these symbol tie-ins.

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I feel like thats reaching a bit since I'm sure for a lot of Pokemon you can get their basic shape to look like a symbol they could be tied too. But who knows, maybe it is intentional. An alchemy theme would be interesting at least.

i mean, it's not like alchemy is already confirmed to be tied into Gen 6 and 7 or anything


Oh wait AZOTH. And Magearna. And the new cover legends.

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I feel like thats reaching a bit since I'm sure for a lot of Pokemon you can get their basic shape to look like a symbol they could be tied too. But who knows, maybe it is intentional. An alchemy theme would be interesting at least.

Hard to say it's reaching when like Black said, there's precedence, also the marking on Litten's face is literally the alchemical symbol for sulphur


oh also


funk europe




no word on if NA will get it

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i mean, it's not like alchemy is already confirmed to be tied into Gen 6 and 7 or anything


Oh wait AZOTH. And Magearna. And the new cover legends.

I'm not saying some of the Pokemon don't have ties. Magearna and Litten are good examples of the ties. It's Poppolio and Iwanko that I'm more suspect on.


oh also


funk europe




no word on if NA will get it

Maybe we'll get it? Hopefully? Maybe?

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We're getting new previews on July 1st; 10 pm Japan time (GMT+9; you can convert this to your own timezones), so that might answer some of your questions, Astro (if we're getting more than 72 general Pokemon, discounting Megas). That, and some more stuff on the 3rd (mostly extended gameplay and new Pokes)


Info was posted Thursday/Friday on Serebii, but no one mentioned that. 



I've already pre-ordered Sun; as much as I'd like to get both, obviously money is an issue.  

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Well, I'd expect more unique and bizarre Pokemons, some that are quite hard to imagine, and of course new abilities and moves which mix things up a bit.

And while Megas have higher stats, they take one precious turn to activate, which could be quite hefty, especially in tourneys.....

Can't wait for new Ghost types--Spooky.....

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Well, I'd expect more unique and bizarre Pokemons, some that are quite hard to imagine, and of course new abilities and moves which mix things up a bit.

And while Megas have higher stats, they take one precious turn to activate, which could be quite hefty, especially in tourneys.....

Can't wait for new Ghost types--Spooky.....


1. Just wait until July 1st / 3rd for new leaks and stuff. Likely will be some interesting stuff (hopefully some stuff based on the plants/animals that are native to Hawai'i)


2. That only applies for their speed stats; everything else (offensive / defensive stats) gets boosted upon Mega Evolution. Although for some stuff like Mega Garchomp/Heracross, their speed remains at their original form's base before dropping. Or rather, things like Mega Charizards and Eons retain their base speed (which is already pretty good) and aren't bothered.


3. Likely will be a few Ghosts (well, you already know the Moon legendary is part Ghost anyway).

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Possibly leaked Pokemon.

[spoiler=Leaked Pokemon]










1 looks interesting. Another Dragon/Fairy, perhaps (it kinda looks like one)

2 is cute (dk if it's the Alola version of Pikachu, but we'll see)

3 looks neat

4 is okay

5 is weird, but I went to look up native marine life here; it's probably based on the lagoon triggerfish (it looks very similar in design)

6 is probably the evolved form of Grubbin, judging from appearance.

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1 looks interesting. Another Dragon/Fairy, perhaps (it kinda looks like one)

2 is cute (dk if it's the Alola version of Pikachu, but we'll see)

3 looks neat

4 is okay

5 is weird, but I went to look up native marine life here; it's probably based on the lagoon triggerfish (it looks very similar in design)

6 is probably the evolved form of Grubbin, judging from appearance.

1) Was thinking it could be pure dragon. We don't have a lot of those tbqh. At least not fully evolved.

2) the cheeks make me think it is.

5) That was my guess. The design looked WAY to specific to not be referencing some native wildlife.

6) That is my guess as well.


Curious if any of these will show up tomorrow in the direct.


O, we got a 7th one.

[spoiler=7th one]





Looks neat.

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In terms of fully evolved pure Dragon, we really only have Goodra and Haxorus (and guess Druddigon despite the fact it has no evolutionary line).


Maybe they will show up in Friday's direct, but just gotta wait. (Hopefully the new leaks are worth it, as they'll require me to stay up until 3 am factoring in timezone differences [but shouldn't be a problem])

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