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It seems Tinkerer decided to use the color change item (granted, the content in the OP isn't going to change anyway...for now).


But yeah, take the new starter typings with a grain of salt right now. Maybe Poppolio will turn into something else (same goes for the other two); just have to find out as they continue to leak stuff out. 


As for Bank, I'm mostly using it to store extra Pokes that I'm not using (including breeding things; I know 1-2 boxes have Deerling from me trying to get the other three seasons besides Spring). I like this new system of getting BP though; other one from B2W2 was annoying. 

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The problem is what Cow points out:



Fire/Poison is x4 weak to Ground, one of the most common and powerful attacking types in the game. It's other weaknesses are Psychic, Water, and Rock, all three of which are serious attacking threats and the last of which means 1/4 of your HP goes to Stealth Rocks.

4x weakness to Ground is really annoying but I think the issue is overstated. Flying and Levitate are also super common and just running out ground type moves to snipe something can often end poorly. Psychic isn't the most common of an attacking type too. Water and Rock are much bigger issues though. Scald is super safe to spam and SR is just terrible for things weak to Rock. I said it a while ago, SR REALLY puts a lot of strain on the types weak to Rock. I think something should be done to pull off on that, but exactly what is hard to figure out.

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I said it a while ago, SR REALLY puts a lot of strain on the types weak to Rock. I think something should be done to pull off on that, but exactly what is hard to figure out.

Probably could just halve the damage SR gives and/or make a SR for other types that can even the playing field.


Like how Konami keeps giving everything super powerful sheet in yugioh instead of cutting back on powerful sheet that only one thing gets.


That hasn't ended poorly at all.

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Probably could just halve the damage SR gives and/or make a SR for other types that can even the playing field.


Like how Konami keeps giving everything super powerful sheet in yugioh instead of cutting back on powerful sheet that only one thing gets.


That hasn't ended poorly at all.

I do like halving the damage for the weak and resisted types.


I know my friend suggested that on top of halving it you add more entry hazards, but limited the total number you can have in play at any time to like 3.

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Imagine what will happen if you use fissure on a Fire/Poison (e/g the result is still a T.K.O).....Still, it's concept is quite obscure and interesting.......but not that practical, making it resist 4x to three types is quite nice

I think your underestimating how good the type can be. Ferrothorn proves that just because you have two common weakness doesn't mean you can't be one of the best pokemon in the game. Obviously the typing is worse with 2 more weakness and 1 less resistance but its more a proof of concept. Being able to switch into pretty safely vs. nearly half of all types is no simple task. Don't get me wrong Fire/Fairy is a better type but it isn't THAT far off imo. Same goes for Fire/Ground which trades two resistance for 2 less weaknesses.

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Alright then, another 16 days to find out more (likely the actual evolutions, the Pokemon League and probably the general Pokes we can expect to find in the region). Until then, can really only work with the theories we have about the current starters.


This may be just me but I really hope Popplio has Hydro Pump as an Egg Move. Totodile has it, Piplup has it, Popplio should have it too.

I'd be fine with it learning this as a regular level-up move (which it definitely will), but otherwise if it gets Hydro Pump as an egg move, then great (it'll save a lot of time having to train just to learn it).


My thoughts on it are still same though; hopefully its final evolution is awesome-looking, but otherwise just make sure it's solid enough in battles. As for how I'd like for it to be, special attack is where I'm hoping its focus will be (and at least in triple digits for base SpAtk; 110+ would be good, but I can work with a little less).

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I think your underestimating how good the type can be. Ferrothorn proves that just because you have two common weakness doesn't mean you can't be one of the bestpokemon in the game. Obviously the typing is worse with 2 more weakness and 1 less resistance but its more a proof of concept. Being able to switch into pretty safely vs. nearly half of all types is no simple task. Don't get me wrong Fire/Fairy is a better type but it isn't THAT far off imo. Same goes for Fire/Ground which trades two resistance for 2 less weaknesses. 

I agree, Ferrothorn is an awesome one.....and one of my favorites in Gen 5.....


I shouldn't underestimate Fire/Poison just by seeing it from one side, it must have an interesting and practical ability.......

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Alright then, another 16 days to find out more (likely the actual evolutions, the Pokemon League and probably the general Pokes we can expect to find in the region). Until then, can really only work with the theories we have about the current starters.

I doubt we'll see anything like that this early. Gym leaders and what not don't start getting shown until a couple month before release. 


I agree, Ferrothorn is an awesome one.....and one of my favorites in Gen 5.....


I shouldn't underestimate Fire/Poison just by seeing it from one side, it must have an interesting and practical ability.......

Even ignoring ability Fire/Poison isn't a bad type combination. Any type can be good or bad depending on how its stats are distributed and the ability its given, the type just provides the base. IMO the base of Fire/Poison is a good one to build off of.



Speaking of types, its always bothered me how terrible grass is as a type. IMO its easily the worse since while it has some VERY handy resistances everything else about it sucks. 2 of the 3 types it deals super effective damage to are the same as Water causing it to occupy a similar offensive space while being tied for the most weakness (5) and bad offensive match ups (7) of all the types. It makes the grass starter so much less appealing in a vacuum since it has so much working against it.

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Speaking of types, its always bothered me how terrible grass is as a type. IMO its easily the worse since while it has some VERY handy resistances everything else about it sucks. 2 of the 3 types it deals super effective damage to are the same as Water causing it to occupy a similar offensive space while being tied for the most weakness (5) and bad offensive match ups (7) of all the types. It makes the grass starter so much less appealing in a vacuum since it has so much working against it. 

I agree, Grass types doesn't pack as much punch as the other two do, and I prefer choosing water or fire, but In my Opinion, Water is more appealing since it dampens fire and also hurts Ground type, which is quite common, and it has weakness to the undoubted grass type.....

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I agree, Grass types doesn't pack as much punch as the other two do, and I prefer choosing water or fire, but In my Opinion, Water is more appealing since it dampens fire and also hurts Ground type, which is quite common, and it has weakness to the undoubted grass type.....

In a pure numbers game Fire is the second best type in the game

Positive: 2x vs Bug, Grass, Steel, Ice and .5x vs Fire, Grass, Bug, Steel, Ice, Fairy

Negative: 2x vs Water, Ground, Rock and .5x vs Dragon, Water, Fire, Rock

This give Fire a net +3 where the average is a 0. Water is +2 while Grass is -5 (the worse type by the numbers)


However when you look at the practicalness of the types your dealing with Fire is likely a little worse than Water which has less negative matchups and doesn't have the crippling Stealth Rocks weakness.



And, if anyone wants to look at the full number breakdown as described above, here you go



I do very pointless things when I have nothing else to do.

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Alright then, another 16 days to find out more (likely the actual evolutions, the Pokemon League and probably the general Pokes we can expect to find in the region). Until then, can really only work with the theories we have about the current starters.


I'd be fine with it learning this as a regular level-up move (which it definitely will), but otherwise if it gets Hydro Pump as an egg move, then great (it'll save a lot of time having to train just to learn it).


My thoughts on it are still same though; hopefully its final evolution is awesome-looking, but otherwise just make sure it's solid enough in battles. As for how I'd like for it to be, special attack is where I'm hoping its focus will be (and at least in triple digits for base SpAtk; 110+ would be good, but I can work with a little less).

My guess, Popplio's final evo will look like a clown.

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And, if anyone wants to look at the full number breakdown as described above, here you go



I do very pointless things when I have nothing else to do. 

Judging by the table, Steel is the best defense wall in the game......., while Ground may seem to be the best beater around, compared to Fighting which results in negative one.......


But I'll choose Water, since it is impenetrable to Stealth Rock and has less negative indices

Popplio's design is quite fun and cute too

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Judging by the table, Steel is the best defense wall in the game......., while Ground may seem to be the best beater around, compared to Fighting which results in negative one.......


But I'll choose Water, since it is impenetrable to Stealth Rock and has less negative indices

Popplio's design is quite fun and cute too

Steel is easily the best defensive type in the game. It has very key weaknesses, but SO many resistances. Ground is likely the best offensive type too. Bug and Grass are stupid easy to hit for x2 and most ground types learn rock moves. Honestly, the biggest issue is levitate. That being said you can't just SPAM EQ since your opening up a number of free switches for your opponent.

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I've had this sitting around for a while and need to get rid of it without losing the info so here:


[spoiler=Weaknesses/Resistances/Immunities of All As-of-Now Unused Type Combinations (Not including Normal/Type 2)]

Fire/Grass (+1)

Weaknesses: Flying, Poison, Rock

Resistances: Steel, Grass x2, Electric, Fairy


Fire/Ice (+/-0)

Weaknesses: Fighting, Ground, Rock x2, Water

Resistances: Bug, Grass, Ice x2, Fairy


Fire/Poison (+4)

Weaknesses: Ground x2, Rock, Water, Psychic

Resistances: Fighting, Poison, Bug x2, Steel, Fire, Grass x2, Ice, Fairy x2


Fire/Fairy (+4)

Weaknesses: Poison, Ground, Rock, Water

Resistances: Fighting, Bug x2, Fire, Grass, Ice, Dark, Fairy

Immunities: Dragon


Electric/Fighting (+2)

Weaknesses: Ground, Psychic, Fairy

Resistances: Rock, Bug, Steel, Electric, Dark


Electric/Poison (+6)

Weaknesses: Ground x2, Psychic

Resistances: Fighting, Flying, Poison, Bug, Steel, Grass, Electric, Fairy


Electric/Psychic (+1)

Weaknesses: Ground, Bug, Ghost, Dark

Resistances: Fighting, Flying, Steel, Electric, Psychic


Electric/Rock (+1)

Weaknesses: Fighting, Ground x2, Water, Grass

Resistances: Normal, Flying x2, Poison, Fire, Electric


Electric/Dark (+2)

Weaknesses: Fighting, Ground, Bug, Fairy

Resistances: Flying, Ghost, Steel, Electric, Dark

Immunities: Psychic


Ice/Fighting (-3)

Weaknesses: Fighting, Flying, Steel, Fire, Psychic, Fairy

Resistances: Bug, Ice, Dark


Ice/Poison (+/-0)

Weaknesses: Ground, Rock, Steel, Fire, Psychic

Resistances: Poison, Bug, Grass, Ice, Fairy


Ice/Bug (-1)

Weaknesses: Fire x2, Flying, Rock x2, Steel

Resistances: Grass, Ground, Ice


Ice/Steel (+6)

Weaknesses: Fighting x2, Fire x2, Ground

Resistances: Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice x2, Normal, Psychic

Immunities: Poison


Ice/Fairy (+/-0)

Weaknesses: Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel x2

Resistances: Bug, Dark, Ice

Immunities: Dragon


Fighting/Ground (-1)

Weaknesses: Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Psychic, Water

Resistances: Bug, Dark, Poison, Rock

Immunities: Electric


Fighting/Ghost (+1)

Weaknesses: Fairy, Flying, Ghost, Psychic

Resistances: Bug x2, Poison, Rock

Immunities: Fighting, Normal


Fighting/Dragon (+2)

Weaknesses: Dragon, Fairy x2, Flying, Ice, Psychic

Resistances: Bug, Dark, Electric, Fire, Grass, Rock, Water


Fighting/Fairy (+/-0)

Weaknesses: Fairy, Flying, Poison, Psychic, Steel

Resistances: Bug, Dark. Fighting. Rock

Immunities: Dragon


Poison/Psychic (-1)

Weaknesses: Dark, Ghost, Ground

Resistances: Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Poison


Poison/Rock (+2)

Weaknesses: Ground x2, Psychic, Steel, Water

Resistances: Bug, Fairy, Fire, Flying, Normal, Poison x2


Poison/Steel (+7)

Weaknesses: Fire, Ground x2

Resistances: Bug x2, Dragon, Fairy x2, Flying, Grass x2, Ice, Normal, Rock

Immunities: Poison


Poison/Fairy (+3)

Weaknesses: Ground, Psychic, Steel

Resistances: Bug x2, Dark, Fairy, Fighting x2, Grass

Immunities: Dragon


Ground/Fairy (+1)

Weaknesses: Grass, Ice, Steel, Water

Resistances: Bug, Dark, Fighting, Rock

Immunities: Electric


Psychic/Bug (-2)

Weaknesses: Bug, Dark, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Rock

Resistances: Fighting x2, Grass, Ground, Psychic


Bug/Dragon (+1)

Weaknesses: Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Ice

Resistances: Electric, Fighting, Grass x2, Ground, Water


Bug/Dark (+/-0)

Weaknesses: Bug, Fairy, Fire, Flying, Rock

Resistances: Dark, Ghost, Grass, Ground

Immunities: Psychic


Bug/Fairy (+1)

Weaknesses: Fire, Flying, Poison, Rock, Steel

Resistances: Bug, Dark, Fighting, Grass, Ground

Immunities: Dragon


Rock/Ghost (+/-0)

Weaknesses: Dark, Ghost, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water

Resistances: Bug, Fire, Flying, Poison x2

Immunities: Fighting, Normal


Ghost/Fairy (+2)

Weaknesses: Ghost, Steel

Resistances: Bug

Immunities: Dragon, Fighting, Normal


Dark/Fairy (+1)

Weaknesses: Fairy, Poison, Steel

Resistances: Dark x2, Ghost

Immunities: Dragon, Psychic

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