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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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I got real behind real fast on this thread so I just grabbed some quotes from like 4 pages ago and am going through them all:

They are actually really well designed. Like, objectively, really well done. They all have something unique but aren't over the top. (Litten may look bland but, imo, it's less "boring" more "simple". Which can be a really good design still, which I think it is.)

I just kinda hate how dumb Popplio looks without its water balloons

Thing is, Fly isn't the best move. Sure its the best generic physical attack for flying types, but its slow. Also if it ends up being special you aren't going to want it.

Serebii Joe put out the idea that maybe the flying mechanic in ORAS was a test to see if it'd work in SM based on the camera angles we got in that trailer.

"Rowlet can attack without making a sound! It flies silently through the skies, drawing near to its opponent without being noticed, and then lashing out with powerful kicks. It can also attack from a distance using the razor-sharp leaves that form part of its feathers."
I will be completely baffled if it's not physical.

Litten's most likely going to evolve into a Tiger.

Rowlett gon throw knives, Litten gon jump through flaming hoops, and the seal gone do seal things.


It REALLY fells like it should be Psychic. The design even makes me think of Olympia. Maybe Psychic/Dark.

Dark/Fairy sounds way cool though:
Weaknesses: Poison, Steel, Fairy

Resistances: Ghost, Dark

Immunity: Psychic, Dragon

Honestly we have few type combos that haven't been done before. Provided someone else doesn't beat me to the punch I'll write up a list of type combos we have yet to see in a few hours.

Beaten to the punch. Can't say I'm surprised

 Still want that Normal/Ghost pokémon. Literally just turns a weakness into an immunity and adds Normal STAB. I love it.


List of Type pairings that would go great with Levitate: Fire/Poison, Electric/Poison, Poison/Steel – the last two would have one weakness: Psychic and Fire, respectively.


Is Ice/Fighting the worst possible type combo in the game?

Weaknesses: Fighting, Flying, Steel, Fire, Psychic, Fairy

Resistances: Bug, Ice, Dark

Gotta be up there.


Though Ice/Steel could put it and Rock/Steel in the running:

Weaknesses: Fighting x2, Fire x2, Ground

Resistances: Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice x2, Normal, Psychic


Immunities: Poison

Major weaknesses to 3 of the best attacking types in the game alongside a sheet load of great to above average resistances.


But my favorite is the most volatile one. Ground/Fighting

Weaknesses: Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Psychic, Water

Resistances: Bug, Dark, Poison, Rock

Immunities: Electric

Good offensive STABs and movepool, bad resistances, big weaknesses. Make it have like 0 Defenses and super high offenses and see what happens. 


Considering there's at least 20-40 miles worth of ocean between each island over here, yeah. (Between here and Hawai'i island [big Island] is about 200+)
They'll probably have a ferry or something to take you across (or probably airplane), but we'll see in later Directs. 

 Or we can hope they make water not suck anymore and make us do that.

Fire/Fairy and Dark/Fairy are the types I'm most interested.

 Me too


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Another thing I saw on Twitter, it certainly looks like the male trainer is about to join Team Aqua :Kappa:.

However the parts of his pants around the knees and pockets are more reminiscent of team Magma. Maybe its the son of the team Aqua and Magma couple you find in the battle resort in (they give you a Sharpedo or Camerupt). The scenery fits...


Given the Fairy type Pokémon Cleffa, Clefairy and Clefable are supposedly from the moon and the attacks Moonlight and Moonblast being fairy, it seems that the Fairy type is closely related to the moon. As such it wouldn't be much of a stretch to think Lunaala* is a (partial) Fairy-Type as well. Type effictive wise it could also make sense; Fairy is not very effective on fire types, and the moon can do little about the sun (a giant Fire ball), other than temproraily eclipse it once in a while. This also assumes Solgaleo* is (partial) Fire type.


As for the starters: Rowlet looks cute but its weakness to Ice is quite a downside, though in Sun an Moon's tropical climate this might be a non-issue. I have no ideas for what it will look like as it evolves, other than bigger... In case of Litten, I think that it will evolve in some kind of tiger. Due to its oil fur, I wouldn't be surprised if it became a Fire/Poison type. As for Popplio's design, it for some reason gives me the idea that it might grow a colourful afro as it evolves; similar to your typical clown.


* Not the confirmed names (yet), but assumed since they fit the designs and have been trademarked somewhere since the initial reveal of Pokemon Sun and Moon.

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Me too


I can totally see those types working for them, but I'm still hopeful a normal evolution line will have that type combo.


Just now reminded of this seeing the Sun legendary again, he reminds me of something out of Mega Man, like Battle Network or Star Force style Mega Man.

I've had a friend compare them to a Yugioh creature but I actually feel this comparison works way better. Especially for the lion since I can totally draw a line from it to Gregar.


Also, not sure if I've said it here, but the Moon legend design has REALLY grown on me. Assuming nothing that interesting is a version exclusive likely going Moon.


Given the Fairy type Pokémon Cleffa, Clefairy and Clefable are supposedly from the moon and the attacks Moonlight and Moonblast being fairy, it seems that the Fairy type is closely related to the moon. As such it wouldn't be much of a stretch to think Lunaala* is a (partial) Fairy-Type as well. Type effictive wise it could also make sense; Fairy is not very effective on fire types, and the moon can do little about the sun (a giant Fire ball), other than temproraily eclipse it once in a while. This also assumes Solgaleo* is (partial) Fire type.


I like this theory.

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Let's see what their base stats end up being and whatever else they do before I make any final decisions on which one I'm buying. We know for certain that they'll have 680 BST because version legend mascots have this [bar for B/W Kyurem] and same stat spread (bar for Xerneas/Yveltal, they're usually distributed differently).


I just hope the rival(s) in this generation is/are actually worth a challenge; hate to say it, but bar for Serena/Calem, the others in X/Y didn't amount to much.

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Let's see what their base stats end up being and whatever else they do before I make any final decisions on which one I'm buying. We know for certain that they'll have 680 BST because version legend mascots have this [bar for B/W Kyurem] and same stat spread (bar for Xerneas/Yveltal, they're usually distributed differently).


I just hope the rival(s) in this generation is/are actually worth a challenge; hate to say it, but bar for Serena/Calem, the others in X/Y didn't amount to much.

Gamefreak really seems to know what its doing when making Pokemon they are aiming to be good so I trust both of them will have a stat distribution that works well with what they are doing.


The final rival battle post-game is decently hard. The team is solid and its at a high level. IMO the biggest issue with the rivals in Gen 6 is they really weren't used much from what I remember.


I want character development in my rivals, I really enjoyed guys like Silver and Cheren.

Honestly, most the rivals have been good. Ironically enough its Gens 3 and 6 (the two regions we just visited) that had the weakest ones.

Blue/Green is a classic.

Silver has a lot of depth.

Barry is a constant presence and a fun character.


TBQH don't remember much about Cheren but I 100% trust your saying he was also good since that lines up with what I do remember.


May just kind of drops off which really sucks and Wally, while a cool character, isn't properly built as your rival imo. OR/AS at least gives him a VERY cool theme and one of the best rematches.


As said above, I feel like Serena/Calem really weren't around much. Which is funny because they showed up constantly in looking at bulbapedia. The other three though are criminally underused as characters to battle.


Interesting that the games with the worse rivals are the ones where they are the opposite gender character.

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Hugh was cool, even if he legitimately was yelling a bit in the game (and yes, he hated the hell out of Team Plasma). I'm only replaying it (White 2) at present to get certain Pokes [see Reshiram and other seasonal forms of Deerling/Sawsbuck).



Serena's at least worth it later on, even if I do end up creaming her in one shot nowadays (I blame that on being overleveled). Tierno, Shauna and Trevor are...just there after Route 19 and don't do much (Tierno's the only one that has some usefulness b/c he gives Heart Scales; other two do generally nothing; Shauna gives you her starter, but that's it).


But yeah, May/Brendan dropping out after the E4 in Hoenn is kinda bad to be honest (at least you get to fight their starter's final form, but Gamefreak could've given us rematches with them). I don't know if Brendan drops too, but likely does.

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TBQH don't remember much about Cheren but I 100% trust your saying he was also good since that lines up with what I do remember.


He's your friend throughout, but as the story goes along he gets pretty power hungry, butting heads with Alder for awhile too. Calms down later, but I thought it was very interesting how he was wanting to feel truly alive and prove his worth through strength.


Gary and Silver sort of started off that way, being more aggressive early on, so I liked that Cheren was different in that he wasn't like that so much in the beginning.

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What, no love for Hugh? He's amazing.


Shame Black/White 2 sucks regardless.

I honestly remember nothing about him. At least with Cheren I remember thinking it was cool. I got nothing on Hugh.


Hugh was cool, even if he legitimately was yelling a bit in the game (and yes, he hated the hell out of Team Plasma). I'm only replaying it (White 2) at present to get certain Pokes [see Reshiram and other seasonal forms of Deerling/Sawsbuck).



Serena's at least worth it later on, even if I do end up creaming her in one shot nowadays (I blame that on being overleveled). Tierno, Shauna and Trevor are...just there after Route 19 and don't do much (Tierno's the only one that has some usefulness b/c he gives Heart Scales; other two do generally nothing; Shauna gives you her starter, but that's it).


But yeah, May/Brendan dropping out after the E4 in Hoenn is kinda bad to be honest (at least you get to fight their starter's final form, but Gamefreak could've given us rematches with them). I don't know if Brendan drops too, but likely does.

Right. This does sound familiar. I likely should revisit some of the old games at some point...


I'd assume Brendan is the same. No reason for them to be treated differently.


He's your friend throughout, but as the story goes along he gets pretty power hungry, butting heads with Alder for awhile too. Calms down later, but I thought it was very interesting how he was wanting to feel truly alive and prove his worth through strength.

There we go. I do remember this. The tension between him and Alder being one of the few things I distinctly remembered from the game.


On a random note, if you want fan art, check out Junichi Masuda's twitter. He shares a lot and they are pretty great. Like this one here, here or here.

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As an actual rival I didn't care too much for Bianca, she was friendly and easy to beat, but I still enjoyed her character arc. Wanting to find a purpose, the whole stuff with her father (first instance of someone actually worrying about their kid traveling the world with deadly animals), she was great too.


I still think B/W is my favorite set in the series, wondering how S&M will hold up.

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I want a rival that's more...rival-y. Idk how to explain that. But more like Silver or Cheren yeah.

I do like also having a more friendly one as well though.

You mean more like the rivals in 1, 2, 4, and 5? Yea, I think thats a good way to describe the difference between the ones in 3 and 6, the relationship with them is far more relaxed and friendly. I think Barry strikes the best balance between the two side personally.

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I funking hate Barry.


He's annoying as sin, and he does sheet like pose in a wooden cutout when a BOMB JUST WENT OFF.


Hugh had potential and great music, but he kinda turns into Sasuke Uchiha. And bw2 had some of the best gameplay in the series and didn't suck wtf


Silver is easily the best rival, though I'd put Gen 1 behind him. Remake Wally is close, as well.

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Well, male/female rivals would be good. And they may go for a tropical theme with their teams:


If you choose Rowlet:


  • Litten
  • Vileplume/Bellossom/Exeggutor/Tropius
  • Corsola
  • Chatot
  • Garchomp
  • Heliolisk

If you choose Litten:


  • Popplio
  • Camerupt
  • Vileplume/Bellossom/Exeggutor/Tropius
  • Chatot
  • Garchomp
  • Heliolisk

If you choose Popplio:

  • Rowlet
  • Camerupt
  • Corsola
  • Chatot
  • Garchomp
  • Heliolisk

I picked it around tropical theme. The rival gets the starter that is obviously stronger than yours. Chatot is a parrot, and aren't parrots tropical? I picked Garchomp cause it's a shark, Heliolisk, not sure if Frilled Lizards are part of tropics. But Camerupt for the volcano, Corsola for coral, and one of four different grass types based on tropical theming.

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Well, Gary is the best, better than the rest, and his smile makes our panties wet.


Also, yeah, Barry could funk off, and Silver is top awesome. Suffering from daddy issues, he becomes so much better as the game progresses, which is good, considering he's the only truly villainous rival.

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Silver is definitely awesome, I did enjoy his portrayal in the Adventures manga.




However the parts of his pants around the knees and pockets are more reminiscent of team Magma. Maybe its the son of the team Aqua and Magma couple you find in the battle resort in (they give you a Sharpedo or Camerupt). The scenery fits...

That's true, though you could probs tell I was merely paying more attention ot the top half of the outfit.

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