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Pokemon Sun & Moon


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Were the types found with the data mine? Last I heard they weren't.


Though him being Fire/Dark would make sense since unless one of the unrevealed new Pokemon is Dark I don't think we have any Dark types in the new Pokemon batch.

I'd rather it be Fire/Dark (I've been clinging to the thought since Litten's reveal), but I'm not holding my breath. In any case, yeah I also thought the types weren't discovered in the data mine.

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Then how can we prove to the Kahuna's we are worthy to face them?


Also, Can the gifts from the same demo be transfered to both versions of the full game?

Well, the ORAS demo was like this: When you transfer them, they disappear from the demo. That means you'd have to transfer everything, delete the demo, redownload it, and play it again if you really wanted copies of the things you get from it for both games.


If the Sun and Moon demo does the same when you transfer the gifts from it, then you'd have to do the same to get everything in both games.


The short answer would be, you probably can't transfer the gifts from the same demo to both versions (we won't know for sure until the games are released).

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Well, the ORAS demo was like this: When you transfer them, they disappear from the demo. That means you'd have to transfer everything, delete the demo, redownload it, and play it again if you really wanted copies of the things you get from it for both games.


If the Sun and Moon demo does the same when you transfer the gifts from it, then you'd have to do the same to get everything in both games.


The short answer would be, you probably can't transfer the gifts from the same demo to both versions (we won't know for sure until the games are released).

That answers one question, but what about the other one I asked?

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The one about the lack of badges (presumably)? We don't know yet, Astro; maybe that piece of info will be revealed on Thursday.


I would assume you'd get something to mark that you've beaten the trials.

That will be good enough.


Also, there has to be a Champion, a sort of final boss for us to face in this game.


Gen 1 had Blue, 2 had Lance, 3 had Steven then Wallace, 4 had Cynthia, 5 has Alder then Iris, abnd 6 had Diantha. Who would be Alola's champion, or head Kahuna?

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[spoiler=Opinions on the above move information. Spoilers I suppose?]*ahem* well Dig is fairly useless. It's a weak move honestly and honestly I only used it on anything if I had no other option. And given how they've been with TMs and moves for each Mon these days there's always some option.


If they buff Leech Life then it could be a really good move. a physical Bug move that recovers health could be great on some mons. Especially if they buff it enough. Could use it on...Focus Sash mons whose Sash gets broken by rocks or something, for instance.

Of course still might be a bad move but it could be good.


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Hopefully they buffed it or something.


No idea. A buff would be nice, though having it around and not allowing Giga Drain or Drain Punch as TMs would be weird.


Even if it was buffed, I still think it's dumb that it'd replace Dig of all things.

Dig is just 100% out classed by EQ. It is fine in game and early on, but drops off really fast.

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According to that leak video, Ashirene is Water/Fairy, Gaogaen is Fire/Dark and Junaipa is still Grass/Flying. However, take that information with a grain of salt because it could very well be wrong, even if they forgot to erase the data and people mined the heck out of it.


That being said, the new info's supposed to come in about a hour and an half; don't know if it will be confirmation of these facts or something else entirely.



I am considering buying both versions, but before I decide to add on Moon to the pre-order, want to find out more before I decide to take this step.

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I think I should have Moon as my normal gameplay playthrough and Sun as my Anime Playthrough.


For those who don't know, an anime playthrough is when you play this game and try to emulate the English voices of characters from the anime, if they made any appearance at all. For instance, if you play through Ruby or Omega Ruby, you can try to Emulate Sandy Fox's Courtney from Pokemon Generations Episode 7 when she speaks.

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If I end up getting Moon, that one will be the female player character (for obvious reasons, I take the male character in most cases; only times I haven't are probably Gen 3 / DP emulators; latter because I like Hikari and Lucas' model is unappealing to me.) Starter will probably change, but we'll see what they're capable of doing.


Only considering buying Moon due to the playing experience, and certainly more places to put my other 'mons from PokeBank and elsewhere. And yeah, I might want a Lycanroc Night and can't be hunting for one on GTS.



As another reminder, if you all haven't cleared out your Global Link stuff, do it before midnight (GMT) on Halloween. I'd mention this in the OR/AS thread, but it's buried now.

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I'm a boring funk and choose the male character in both games, and I'll probs do the same as well.


I think I should have Moon as my normal gameplay playthrough and Sun as my Anime Playthrough.


For those who don't know, an anime playthrough is when you play this game and try to emulate the English voices of characters from the anime, if they made any appearance at all. For instance, if you play through Ruby or Omega Ruby, you can try to Emulate Sandy Fox's Courtney from Generations when she speaks.

Tbph, I'm not a fan of that kind of playthrough. I don't have a problem with people doing so, but I don't really see the point of emulating voices if you're not recording it for YT (or streaming it).


According to that leak video, Ashirene is Water/Fairy, Gaogaen is Fire/Dark and Junaipa is still Grass/Flying. However, take that information with a grain of salt because it could very well be wrong, even if they forgot to erase the data and people mined the heck out of it.

Those types make sense, though I will say this; the image I posted was accidentily posted early and the tweet corresponding to it was removed.

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