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Crystal Shift


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Total Cards [40]

Tribute Monsters [4]


Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest (thanks Sartorius)

Mobius the Frost Monarch

Cyber Dragon x2


Non-Tributes [14]


CB Sapphire Pegasus x3

CB Topaz Tiger x3

CB Amber Mammoth x3

CB Amethyst Cat x3

CB Ruby Carbuncle

Rescue Cat (Very original not )



Spells [15]


Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins x3

Rare Value x2

Crystal Promise x2

Crystal Blessing x2

Crystal Beacon

Fissure x2

Snatch Steal

Premature Burial



Traps [7]


Crystal Raigeki x2

Ring of Destruction

Torrential Tribute

Generation Shift x3



I hate having to take out MST, but I like to keep my deck at exactly 40, and it's side decked, so if I ever need it, it'll at least be there.


I have 3 of each beast so the Generation Shift will always have something else to search out.


Only 2 Raigekis kinda ticks me off, if I were to have 41 cards, I would put in a third instead of MST. Actually a third would be especially useful because of how well GS fills up my ST slots.




But enough of that. I WANT YOUR OPINIONS ON THIS!!!!!!!!!!!



I've only tested it a few times, but the GS worked really well.



I just added the Green Baboon, and it works pretty well with Generation Shift. (If generation Shift will work)

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[[rystal Method - Turbo Gem Beasts


[-18] Monsters


[1] Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest

[3] [[rystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus

[3] [[rystal Beast Amber Mammoth

[2] [[rystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle

[3] [[rystal Beast Amethyst Cat

[3] [[rystal Beast Topaz Tiger

[3] Rescue Cat


[-02] Traps


[1] Mirror Force

[1] Torrential Tribute


[-21] Spells


[3] Rare Value

[1] Terraforming

[3] [[rystal Beacon

[3] [[rystal Blessing

[3] Lightning Vortex

[1] Card Destruction

[3] [[rystal Abundance

[1] Magical Stone Excavation

[3] Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins


[-15] Sideboard


[1] Jinzo

[1] CeaseFire

[3] Exiled Force

[3] Snipe Hunter

[3] Pulling The Rug

[1] Mystical Space Typhoon

[3] Mobius the Frost Monarch



That's the single best CB deck.


Props to Max Suffridge (It's his famous deck.)

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^ Thanks.



If anyone could help me with this question I would be really happy.


If you activated "Generation Shift" on "Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus"

(Sapphire is Crystallized, then a second one is added to my hand) would it be

possible, at this time, to pay the 1000 Life Point cost to Special Summon "Green

Baboon, Defender of the Forest" from my Hand or Graveyard?

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Yes you could do that' date=' seeing as green baboon is a multi trigger effect, and can be chained to a trap card.



Thanks a lot, I feel a lot better now


i like it to bad i gave all of my crystal beasts away


You didn't give away any Ultra Rares did you?

(If you did, you should've given them to me T_T)

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(Sorry for double Posting)


I'm not sure why I didn't change this from the beginning, but I switched out all of the Cobalt Eagles (Winged-beasts) with 3 Amber Mammoths (Beasts, which can be used with Green Baboon)

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You noted that you often had dead hands. Perhaps work in another rescue cat and rare value, easy +2 and deck thin.


I've yet to toy with crystal beasts but maybe cut one or two rainbow ruins? Three is excessive seeing as it has an installed "cant kill me" effect.

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