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[BuddyFight] Burning Emperor, Gizai!

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Fists of iron! Heart of steel! Raise your heaven piercing swords and let us pave the path to victory! I BUDDY RIDE!! Battle Deity Robo...GIZAI Emeperor!!



Hero World


Size 0 - 8

3x Bird Deity Saibird

3x Ocean Deity Slashark

2x Battle Deity Robo Mass Soldier


Size 1 - 4

2x Beast Deity Tigerthrust

2x BDR Sky Dragon


Size 2 - 6

3x BDR Gaolion

3x BDR Azul Dragon


Size 3 - 6

4x BDR GIZAI Emperor [buddy]

2x BDR Void Fort Mumyo


Spells - 23

3x Hyper Energy

3x It's About Time I Got Serious!

4x I've Seen Through Your Moves!

3x Momentary Flash

4x Operation Restraint

3x Fall Back

3x Damage Control


Impact - 3

3x Brave Energy Full Drive!


This blade of mine burns with an fierce power! It's fiery glow tells me to defeat you! Watch as it's light will pierce the heavens and bring forth a path to my future! TAKE THIS! My love...my anger...and all of my sorrow!! GIGA...BLADE...BREEEEEAAAAAAAKK!!!



Alright so a while back...and I do mean a while back, I said I was planning to do Buddyfight but using pure Brave Machines with Kaizerion. However, my friend presented me with Battle Deity Robos and Gizai. So with that, we merged my ideas of using Brave Machines in with the BDRs. I joke with him saying that I in short have two buddies with this: Gizai in physical and Kaizerion in spirit.


The main idea of this, was to utilize the abilities and skills of the parts that made up Kaizerion: Tigerthrust, Slashark, and Saibird. By sending them into the soul of my Buddy, they would give him power:

  • Tigerthrust - Gives Gizai the Penetrate skill
  • Slashark - Gives Gizai Power and Defense +1000
  • Saibird - Gives Gizai Double Attack (But only after I have 6 life or less and after paying 1 gauge)

As you can see, the pieces of Kaizerion increase the abilities and power of Gizai from the soul. But it doesn't stop here. The Impact, Brave Energy Full Drive!, unlocks the full potential of Gizai and his soul. A total of 5 damage (two from the initial activation and three from the soul amount) will be sent to the opponent.


In short, the way this deck works is to find a way to strike hard at the opponent. Most of the abilities will require a life of 6 or less to activate, but the results won't be bad in general.



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Why the lack of "Call Brave Machine?" It literally searches Hyper Energy.


I assume you mean "Call, Super Machine!"...and there's a good reason.


The cost. The last version of this was seriously lacking both Gauge power and Draw power. This was because we had abilities requiring Gauge when I didn't have it. And with Hyper Energy, I can just add the energy in without a problem.


I understand the need to search this out with that card, but at the same time, that's why Gaolion is there for the draw power. Nevertheless, it's a nice idea and I'll pitch it to my friend and see what he thinks we should do.

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I assume you mean "Call, Super Machine!"...and there's a good reason.


The cost. The last version of this was seriously lacking both Gauge power and Draw power. This was because we had abilities requiring Gauge when I didn't have it. And with Hyper Energy, I can just add the energy in without a problem.


I understand the need to search this out with that card, but at the same time, that's why Gaolion is there for the draw power. Nevertheless, it's a nice idea and I'll pitch it to my friend and see what he thinks we should do.

I don't think there is a enough draw power if you're going just 3 lion and 3 serious especially since your deck does a lot of discarding. I would at least recommend you find some room for  Fighting for the Sake of Others.

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I don't think there is a enough draw power if you're going just 3 lion and 3 serious especially since your deck does a lot of discarding. I would at least recommend you find some room for  Fighting for the Sake of Others.


Alright, I'll see what my friend says and we'll come up with something.


He's sorta my card provider and the one who helps me with deck building ^^;

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