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The UK's upcoming EU referendum


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This is probably the most important political decision our generation has had the opportunity to make thus far, because one way or another it could affect not just the future of the UK for the next few decades but the whole of Europe. Hell, it could even dissolve the United Kingdom as we know it if we vote to leave given there's been polls suggesting that 6/10 Scots would vote for independence in the event of the UK leaving. 


I would strongly advise everyone here who is actually capable of voting in this to read up unbiased sources (Don't believe the spin ads you'll see) and to actually go out and Vote regardless of which side it is for. And try and convince those around you to do the same, because it really does matter. 


My view:

Not as educated on matters as I currently wish to be, but some big points I side with stay a little for the following reasons;

  • The amount of money we pay to the EU is pretty tiny relative to the amount we save due to the trade agreements. In the grand scheme of things, 55 million a day isn't that much. (Especially since we'll basically be paying that money anyway if we leave since I imagine we'll get something similar to what Norway has, in which they still contribute money to the EU). 
  • There are a lot, and I mean a lot, of employment related policies that the EU put in place that ensure pretty fair pay for people our age and the like, which won't necessarily cross over if we leave. And that is a really bad thing given the state of things.  

Which isn't actually that much, but as I said I'm nowhere near as educated as I feel I should be right now. And it's ignoring the sorts of stuff that we can't actually predict like our leaving the EU setting a precedent that breaks the EU apart. 


Still massive issue, do actually make an effort to get involved in it, and do in fact vote. 

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The amount of laws and regulations the EU has given us to protect consumer and worker rights is huge. If we leave, it's safe to assume David Cameron will be more than willing to just get rid of them or replace them with something worse. Leaving makes it more difficult for British people living/working in the EU and vice versa. Leaving would also make exporting British SMEs struggle due to the trade barriers that would be imposed. We will still trade with the EU, but it would be an increased cost for businesses who do and it will probably lead to inflation. Not sure to what extent that will happen, though.


On the flipside, despite what the EU has given us in the past,  it's become an undemocratic neoliberal machine that no longer has an interest in the people of the EU. If we stay, we'd be subject to TTIP if it gets through and TTIP is outright evil. It would mean governments have no power to regulate the activities of corporations if it harms their profits. You can work out for yourself what that'll lead to.

Also, Cameron's "renegotiations" are frankly pathetic and don't deal with the EU issues that people actually give a sheet about. He's spent his time trying to get those in his party who oppose him to join his "side". 


I honestly have no idea which way I'll be voting, it's a bit like having to choose whether to shoot yourself in your left foot or your right foot.

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