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Forge of the True Dracos

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If a "Dracoslayer" monster, that is not a Pendulum Monster, and a "Dracoverlord" monster are on the field: Shuffle as many cards on the field as possible into the Deck, then you can Special Summon 1 "Dracoslayer" or "Dracoverlord" monster from your Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions.


So we're getting this early. In a week. One one hand, it's amazing board break vs Monarch, mirror, and Kozmo. On the other hand, people are gonna have to really change how they play Pedra.


You can't really leave Dinoster or Ignister out. It's gonna increase felgrands power I think seeing that Raff Felgrand t1 would be the best opening to counter this in the mirror.


Or it might just not see any play like in OCG. *shrugs*


The other card isn't currently know, but it's not impossible for it to be Amophactor.


TCG is gonna realize soon hopefully that Luster to 1 was the wrong hit and that something needs to be done about clash being limited instead...but till then, enjoy mass board wipes

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The other card won't be Amorphactor unless Konami were to decrease its rarity to like a Rare in SHVI because the preview cards are either Common/Rare for the next set, I know it's not impossible but I don't see that happening.

Well you could pretty easily swap Unicorn and Amorphactor seeing TCG has a fully intact Magician Deck. The allure for Unicorn would be larger than it was in OCG


Edit: Another "undervalued" card OCG only made Rare would be Pre-Prep, so that's an option too

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Bar the 1 Crobat, yeah it's fully intact. I guess that'd be something to consider once SHVI comes out or on DN perhaps.

Right, I was thinking how OCG's Insight limit kinda killed the motivation to play Magicians as much as before. But forgot about Crobat. Do we know for sure the Adjusted list will carry over 100% though? They could just hammer Ignister/Clash/Eyes instead of Luster/Crobat

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Right, I was thinking how the OCG's Insight limit kinda killed the motivation to play Magicians as much as before. But forgot about Crobat. Do we know for sure the adjusted list will carry over 100% though. They could hammer Ignister/Clash/Eyes instead of Luster/Crobat.

To be fair, I forgot about the OCG's Insight limit. (I remembered Magicians got hit in OCG, couldn't remember which card) At this point we don't know if it will.

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To be fair, I forgot about the OCG's Insight limit. (I remembered Magicians got hit in OCG, couldn't remember which card) At this point we don't know if it will.

It might not last, seeing that insight did get a reprint in gold today. At this point the only real clues we have are OCG/TCG reprints and the eventual OCG list

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Board wipe is manageable with most things nowadays. If you have something like Ignister and a Dracoverlord, then surely you would have been able to summon things like Castel or Dweller or something applicable to the situation. Ignister already does a good job doing it, and the board wipe would mean you have to alter your play to get around it or make use of it, but it's not easy. I think I'll just stick to lolraigekitopkek for now.

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The actual issue with this card is in the mirror, you will most likely use your normal summon for vector/rector, obviously the best case is Draco-Faceoff hitting Vector but still makes it weak to rafflessia; by definition it's a 2-card board wipe makes it strictly inferior to other common wipes such as Hole/Geki.


Going on a tangent but heoretically pepe should be building with removal spells like this in mind when going first anyway, ie Beast/Felgrand/low commitment soft lock. Trends such as Quantum Monarchs rising in popularity trading a percentage of their tribute fodder/Beast outs (Edea) for spell based fodder (Etele) could suggest that Beast is the right call.

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