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Why are you siding Raigeki instead of maindecking it? Also, what is that card right before upstart goblin?

Feast of The Wild Level 5.




Presumably to get out Red Layer. I'd run Reasoning over it though, since all your monsters are different levels. Message in a Bottle can be pretty good too.

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Feast of The Wild Level 5.




Presumably to get out Red Layer. I'd run Reasoning over it though, since all your monsters are different levels. Message in a Bottle can be pretty good too.

For some reason, the wiki won't let me read card effects(on my phone). Although, Reasoning/Monster Gate are good to tech as well, since they deck thin and have a high chance of giving you a monster. Message in a bottle is too risky IMO.
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For some reason, the wiki won't let me read card effects(on my phone). Although, Reasoning/Monster Gate are good to tech as well, since they deck thin and have a high chance of giving you a monster. Message in a bottle is too risky IMO.

 It's "Special Summon up to 2 Level 5 Warrior-Type monsters from your hand and/or Graveyard, but their effects are negated, also, for the rest of this turn, they cannot attack".


It's decent but I feel Reasoning is more consistently useful.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Massive updatee/overhaul while taking into account reasoning, however it becomes less effective now as a blind first deck due to the popularity of Dracopals setting up their Extra using Dinoster/Ignister




Explanation to come when i have time to shitpost furiously sooooooooooooooooo probably like 3 days ggggg

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since you are using Instant Fusion as a level 5 monster to Xyz with Seraphinite/Red Layer you will never get value out of them, Panzer pop only comes up if they Twin Twister your brilliant after you resolve it and instant(which I deem incorrect since it's not hitting your field spell and can be solved by your own technical play by avoiding that situation entirely)


Flame Swirdsman gets the most value if you play Feast of the Wild


Really these are just minor interactions and since I'm playing neither of these essentially any Level 5 Instant Fusion target is a vanilla, Winda gets a small boost because you can pair Magnus with it using soul charge. Even with that interaction won't matter since most Soul Charge plays for 3k lead into Magnus anyway (so this scenario would be categorized as win moar as it would imply u used Magnaliger to pop itself to get Winda in the grave after consuming an Instant Fusion which would cap Magnus's materials at 7)

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Drawing Garnet is already awful in this deck in scenarios where I don't see Brilliant to begin with, adding a second copy would only increase the chances of seeing Garnet. The 2nd Copy of Garnet does not affect the chances of seeing Brilliant first. All it does is solve scenarios where you draw the first copy of Garnet + Brilliant, which is already a small percentage of games to begin with. Brilliant isn't crucial in making Magnus, it simply increases the material count so you can afford drawing Garnet as long as you focus on improving the rest of the deck's consistency (by focusing on this you are inherently eliminating inconsistencies in other areas) ie. ability to make Magnus/increase the chances of seeing Red or the Field Spell/increasing the deck's ceiling even further.


Small tangent but when playing the Brilliant Fusion engine you should actually be playing a second Light before playing a 2nd Garnet idk where all the stigma of 1 Garnet came from. You still need a light to resolve Brilliant and you have the same percentage of seeing the first copy of the Light as seeing the first copy of the Light which is something most people ignore, focusing too much on Garnet.


Also realize that this is a matter of Brilliant's power increase in this deck completely outweighing the risk of drawing Garnet + Brilliant

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