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Vylon Cube

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LORE:If this card is sent to the Graveyard for the Synchro Summon of a LIGHT monster: You can add 1 Equip Spell Card from your Deck to your hand.


As I've tested a Vylon Deck, this card has proven to be one of the keystones of the Deck. Just use Instant Fusion, Summon Elder God Noden, Summon this, Synchro Summon for a LIGHT monster, add Re-Fusion, rinse and repeat. Regardless, the lack of "once per turn" in this card's effect can lead to potential abuse. Anyone else have ideas of how to use this card's effect?



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I saw a video of a deck that used that Noden/Cube/Re-Fusion play over and over to make 3 Omegas and just fuck with people. It's the kind of card that promotes shenanigans.


No soz not Omega, Zeta. Using it to replenish Mezukis and that. No idea where to find it but it's not a unique thing. I'm pretty sure there's an otk involving this and Ancient Sacred Wyvern and Fusion Gate as well but don't quote me on that pls.

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you use it to get the equip spell that negates spell effects and then use it with vylon element to ss all the way into one of those big scary vylon synchros, thats its only use.

i mean, that's a use, but the norden use is much better


still mediocre, but better than element loop

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