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Male who strikes less than twice with a closed fist


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Well first thing foremost, 007 and 008 are best run @1 each while it's pretty much mandatory that 005 & 006 are @3. 007 and 008 are lethal on their own that can easily be brought out by 003, 004, or the Pendulums. Multiples shouldn't be run because 1, it clogs you, and 2, you would rather have 005 and 006 in your scales instead, because they are more useful there.  005 and 006 are key in multiples because they help swarm your field, and their Pendulum floats is crucial to helping Deskbots recover their resources. It makes an opposing Wavering Eyes less bad if you use both effs to +1 a Deskbot and summon a 002 or 004 for more +.


Adding multiple 001s is pretty much digging your own grave. I understand wanting to see it more often in hand, but it's just excessive and cloggy that there's better room for it. A Foolish Burial is enough to make it relevant, and running only 1 (or 2 if you fear permanent removal) is mostly acceptable since no other players run 3. To make Foolish and 141 more relevant, play Glow-Up Bulb as well.


As much as I like trying to have Deskbots be consistent in their spam power, I do not like Inferno Reckless. A lot of people I know or have seen don't run it, because chance are, if they don't have a solitary Xyz and have other monsters, they can abuse it, which leaves you with another obstacle you set up for yourself. It's also a bit situational in that you need to SS a Deskbot. Not saying it's near impossible, but it's not as straightforward like Machine Dupe. I'd personally replace them all with Upstart Hobans and 1-2 Wavering Eyes.


Dark Holes are pretty much overkill here to be honest. Are you really deathly afraid that Deskbots can't get over most things, especially running triple Rippling? Try dimming the Ripplings to 1-2, get rid of the Dark Holes and a Strike, and invest in Speedroid Menkos (Good for Gear Giant) and Maxx "C"s instead. Other traps like Breakthrough Skill and BTH are also recommended.


For your Extra Deck lineup, it needs more diversity. I'm gonna be honest...the Xyz engine is rarely touched upon in Deskbots. Occaisonally you would probably need that extra Gear Giant search or the Castel problem-solver or the Infinity shenganigans....but that's pretty much it. In the end they are the only ideal Xyzs you need with the addition of Centaurea or Herald of Pure Light. You pretty much have a lot of pointless R4s when it is assumed you like to go double 004 too often...and it's a waste of effort and investment.


Instead, the Synchro engine is the best there is, since Deskbot 001 and Glow-Up and do a lot. I personally run Birdman to add to the mix, but you can leave it up to you. You really don't need all those Jets man. You will never ever find yourself where you need 3 Jets, and god strike me down if I am somehow mistaken and there's some turbo way. But I digress; just run 1 and you'll be fine. Here are some good staple filler Synchros:


-Black Rose

-Herald of Arc Light

-Metaphys Horus

-Odd-Eyes Meteorburst

-Scrap Dragon

-Scarlight Red Dragon


-Red Wyvern


Yeah....the Extra Deck actually matters...and I care.

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Well first thing foremost, 007 and 008 are best run @1 each while it's pretty much mandatory that 005 & 006 are @3. 007 and 008 are lethal on their own that can easily be brought out by 003, 004, or the Pendulums. Multiples shouldn't be run because 1, it clogs you, and 2, you would rather have 005 and 006 in your scales instead, because they are more useful there.  005 and 006 are key in multiples because they help swarm your field, and their Pendulum floats is crucial to helping Deskbots recover their resources. It makes an opposing Wavering Eyes less bad if you use both effs to +1 a Deskbot and summon a 002 or 004 for more +.


Adding multiple 001s is pretty much digging your own grave. I understand wanting to see it more often in hand, but it's just excessive and cloggy that there's better room for it. A Foolish Burial is enough to make it relevant, and running only 1 (or 2 if you fear permanent removal) is mostly acceptable since no other players run 3. To make Foolish and 141 more relevant, play Glow-Up Bulb as well.


As much as I like trying to have Deskbots be consistent in their spam power, I do not like Inferno Reckless. A lot of people I know or have seen don't run it, because chance are, if they don't have a solitary Xyz and have other monsters, they can abuse it, which leaves you with another obstacle you set up for yourself. It's also a bit situational in that you need to SS a Deskbot. Not saying it's near impossible, but it's not as straightforward like Machine Dupe. I'd personally replace them all with Upstart Hobans and 1-2 Wavering Eyes.


Dark Holes are pretty much overkill here to be honest. Are you really deathly afraid that Deskbots can't get over most things, especially running triple Rippling? Try dimming the Ripplings to 1-2, get rid of the Dark Holes and a Strike, and invest in Speedroid Menkos (Good for Gear Giant) and Maxx "C"s instead. Other traps like Breakthrough Skill and BTH are also recommended.


For your Extra Deck lineup, it needs more diversity. I'm gonna be honest...the Xyz engine is rarely touched upon in Deskbots. Occaisonally you would probably need that extra Gear Giant search or the Castel problem-solver or the Infinity shenganigans....but that's pretty much it. In the end they are the only ideal Xyzs you need with the addition of Centaurea or Herald of Pure Light. You pretty much have a lot of pointless R4s when it is assumed you like to go double 004 too often...and it's a waste of effort and investment.


Instead, the Synchro engine is the best there is, since Deskbot 001 and Glow-Up and do a lot. I personally run Birdman to add to the mix, but you can leave it up to you. You really don't need all those Jets man. You will never ever find yourself where you need 3 Jets, and god strike me down if I am somehow mistaken and there's some turbo way. But I digress; just run 1 and you'll be fine. Here are some good staple filler Synchros:


-Black Rose

-Herald of Arc Light

-Metaphys Horus

-Odd-Eyes Meteorburst

-Scrap Dragon

-Scarlight Red Dragon


-Red Wyvern


Yeah....the Extra Deck actually matters...and I care.


Much of the reasoning for the numbers is that I had no idea what I was doing when I made the deck so I just tried to relatively balance everything and it has worked thus far so I've not had much cause to change it. The numbers for 005/6 and 007/8 I've changed as you suggest, I hadn't initially realised that 7 and 8 had no effect off being popped so didn't think it mattered but with that being wrong, multiples were clogging and doing nothing.


Also agree with that on 001, the fact it can't be pendulum'd was something that, again, I didn't really consider or notice when initially building it, and also that it's basically the only one that can't be Machine Dupe'd in addition due to the self-boost, I'll definitely be dropping it and most likely to 1, because as you say Foolish and 141 make far more sense, and GUB is a card I had actually meant to include for potential Nat Beast access but seemingly I just never added it.


Inferno Reckless is part of the 2-card OTK with 003 so I'm really not sold on dropping it. It can get slightly cloggy but I want to see it as much as possible. What I'm considering doing is dropping about a quarter of the deck out completely and adding the Terraforming/Chicken Race/Upstart engine to get to the OTK quicker and more consistently. It's a crazy card and I've frequently looked at decks to see where I could use it, and Deskbots are absolutely perfect for it. I mean the conditions are easily met, especially with the aforementioned 003, and in fact that play is how I win mostly. I'd not consider dropping it, if anything I'm going to refine the deck around it. It does win the game. Wavering I'm not remotely sold on just because it's not primarily a pendulum archetype and there's no real searching going on elsewhere so it feels like it'd not really do anything for me.


Double Dark Hole and one Raigeki is just something I throw into decks where I've spaces to fill and no idea what to do with them. Dark Hole I'm going to be dropping because it conflicts too much with the fastest method of victory since without a board Inferno is dead. Menko is a thing I'll consider, I hadn't really thought of using it outside of Speedroids but that doesn't make much sense looking back since it's essentially level 4 Battle Fader with no drawbacks. I don't expect to resolve Rippling ever because most decks will be able to get rid of it so it's just there as bait in general or to catch people off guard, because there's much less expectation to see battle traps these days and Rippling really fucks with Kozmo too.


The Extra I have gone to once and that was for Gear Gigant X. Jet looks really shite but, as with a lot of the deck, I just saw Deskbot and threw in 3. Any time it's possible to summon it just isn't worth it. The likes of Black Rose Dragon are what I'll be adding just in case, but generally if I can get any kind of set-up I don't need to go to the extra as the Bots alone can usually kill. I was thinking to probably add in a rank 3 and 2 just in case but egh. The cards in it at the moment are relatively toolbox-y and serve their purpose if needs be.


There will be quite a few changes made, will update the OP once they're done.

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