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Yet another set of Brawl cards.

Giga Hand

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I'll add more as I upload them to Photobucket: for some reason it's really slow.Mariocard.jpgEffect based on his FireballSoniccard.jpgSo people will still argue who's stronger: Sonic or Mario?Linkcard.jpgEffect based on his Master SwordKirbycard.jpgEffect based on his InhalePikachucard.jpgEffect based on his ThunderSamuscard-1.jpgEffect based on her Charge Shot and Zero BeamZeroSuitSamuscard.jpgEffect based on her paralyzerPowerSuitcard.jpgBased on Zero Suit Samus' Final SmashDonkeyKongcard.jpgBased on his overall brutalityDiddyKongcard.jpgEffect based on his Peanut PopgunFoxcard.jpgEffect based on his BlasterLandmastercard.jpgBecause I couldn't resist.Yoshicard.jpgEffect based on his overall Yoshi-nessSnakecard.jpgEffect based on his C4Zeldacard.jpgEffect based on her Transform and what she does in her gamesSheikcard.jpgEffect based on her TransformMetaknightcard.jpgEffect based on his overall Metaknight-nessLucascard.jpgNo basePitcard.jpgEffect based on his Palutena ArrowPopocard.jpgEffect based on his overall Popo-nessNanacard.jpgEffect based on her overall Nana-nessIceClimberscard.jpgEffect based on their BlizzardIkecard.jpgEffect based on his Aether(Can't really be used for defense, can it?)

I really like this one:Olimarcard.jpgEffect based on his overall Olimar-nessLuigicard.jpgEffect based on the fact that he's Mario's sidekick (No offense, Luigi Lovers.)

Squirtlecard.jpgEffect based on his Water gunIvysaurcard.jpgBased on her Bullet seedCharizardcard.jpgEffect based on his Rock smashPokemonTrainercard.jpgBased on his Pokemon changeKingDededecard.jpgEffect based on his InhaleWariocard.jpgBased on his overall Wario-ness

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Popo and Nana don't make sense. The fusion does' date=' but not them seperate.


Why is Mario WATER?


And Olimar has good OCG.



Thanks for your feedback on Olimar. I really like him (the card) myself.


And Mario is WATER because he's a plumber. I'll post Luigi soon.

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