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[1200 Posts] Criosphinx

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EARTH - Level 6 - Rock/Effect - 1200/2400

As long as this card remains face-up on the field, when a monster is returned from the field to its owner's hand, the owner of the returned monster selects and discards 2 cards in his/her hand to the Graveyard.


So. In a FLIPRock Deck, this will help maintain the lock so long as you're not going against a Grave-happy Deck like BA, Dark World, or Lightsworns. In addition, because it discards, a Fabled match up is bad for this card. All in all, it hasn't aged well, but it's sometimes hilarious due to how unexpected it is.



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As Dyson said, the effect is wrong.


Isn't there a Spell that banishes when something goes back to the hand? 

Both that and this card have actually a bit more of a chance right now due to being able to mess with Pendulums's immortality.... Of course, they are still outdated on their own but the concept is not too bad.


Only I would have rather have it as a Level 4 back in the day, even if it meant it losing 400 to 800 DEF in the process.

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